Water filling a barrel with leakage

In summary: I think the problem you are having is trying to integrate a differential equation over an arbitrary time interval. A more mathematically inclined individual could try to solve the equation numerically, but in general this is not something you can easily do without special software.Hi lkmarcum,I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you are asking.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The flow of water into a barrel = 36.8 lb/sec.
The height of the water = h = weight of the water in the barrel/(density of water)(bottom area of barrel)

There is a "leak" at the bottom of the barrel at h = 0. Flow out of the barrel is related to the depth of the water in the barrel. The deeper the water in the barrel the faster it will flow out. For this barrel the water flow out in lb/sec is = 9.2*h.

The area of the barrel is A = 4.60 ft^2. The density of water is p = 62.4 lb/ft^3.

Develop a mathematical model to represent the height of the water in the barrel as a function of time.

Homework Equations

I'm given an equation for the theoretical height of the water:
htheo(t) = 4(1-exp(-.032t))

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm drawing a blank on this, unfortunately. I have to develop a model for h(t) to use in a Matlab script to produce a matrix for height values from t = 0 to 250 seconds.

My original thought was to set h = (36.8t - 9.2h)/(density*area) and then solve for h. But of course that resulted in a linear equation with no maximum height of the water. This is obviously incorrect since the water will eventually even out as the leak factor is equal to the incoming water, when h = 4 ft.

I simply cannot wrap my mind around how to set up an equation for this. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
Hi lkmarcum, Welcome to Physics Forums.

Is this implementation meant to be a numerical approximation (simulation), or are you meant to derive the closed form formula? The problem can be modeled by a differential equation which can either be solved symbolically or you can "integrate" it by numerical approximation (either using a built-in solver or by implementing your own numerical integrator).
  • #3
The problem is presented in three parts:

1) Find a way to approximately model the height from t = 1 to 250

2) Find height values over the same time period using the equation for the theoretical height.

3) Plot the data from parts 1 and 2 to give a comparison.

Parts 2 and 3 are no problem. It's finding a way to model the system in Matlab for part 1 that is giving me fits.
  • #4
QUOTE="lkmarcum, post: 4905241, member: 530041"]

Homework Statement

The flow of water into a barrel = 36.8 lb/sec.
The height of the water = h = weight of the water in the barrel/(density of water)(bottom area of barrel)

There is a "leak" at the bottom of the barrel at h = 0. Flow out of the barrel is related to the depth of the water in the barrel. The deeper the water in the barrel the faster it will flow out. For this barrel the water flow out in lb/sec is = 9.2*h.

The area of the barrel is A = 4.60 ft^2.[/quote]
So the volume when the water is h feet high is 4.60 h cubic feet.

The density of water is p = 62.4 lb/ft^3.
The water is coming in at 36.8 lbs/sec the volume is increasing by 36.8/62.4= 0.590 ft^3/sec.
But water is also going out at 9.2h lbs/sec= (9.2/62.4)h= 0.147h ft^3/sec.

dV/dt is the rate at which the volume of water is changing: dV/dt= 0.590- 0.147h.
Since V= 4.60 h, dV/dt= 4.60 dh/dt= 0.590- 0.147h

Develop a mathematical model to represent the height of the water in the barrel as a function of time.

Homework Equations

I'm given an equation for the theoretical height of the water:
htheo(t) = 4(1-exp(-.032t))

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm drawing a blank on this, unfortunately. I have to develop a model for h(t) to use in a Matlab script to produce a matrix for height values from t = 0 to 250 seconds.

My original thought was to set h = (36.8t - 9.2h)/(density*area) and then solve for h. But of course that resulted in a linear equation with no maximum height of the water. This is obviously incorrect since the water will eventually even out as the leak factor is equal to the incoming water, when h = 4 ft.

I simply cannot wrap my mind around how to set up an equation for this. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!
  • #5
So it looks like you want to create a numerical model, essentially a simulation of the system.

Consider a small time interval (time step) Δt at some instant t during the filling. At time t the current height of the water is h. How much water flows into the barrel during that time interval? How much (approximately) flows out during that interval? At the end of the time interval (new time = t + Δt), what's the new volume of water in the barrel, and thus the new height h?

Starting at t = 0, volume = 0, and h = 0, repeat the above saving values of h and t along the way, until your Δt's sum to 250 seconds. Play with the size of Δt to see how it affects accuracy compared to the theoretical result.
  • #6
gneill - Thank you very much for your help. This definitely got me pointed in the right direction. Now I just need to figure out how to use a "for loop" to execute this in Matlab!

Again, thank you for taking the time!

FAQ: Water filling a barrel with leakage

What causes water to leak from a barrel?

Water can leak from a barrel due to cracks or holes in the barrel, improper fitting of the lid, or damage to the spigot or tap.

How can you prevent water from leaking out of a barrel?

To prevent water from leaking out of a barrel, make sure the barrel is in good condition without any cracks or holes. Ensure that the lid is properly fitted and sealed, and regularly check and maintain the spigot or tap.

How can you measure the rate of water leakage from a barrel?

The rate of water leakage from a barrel can be measured by filling the barrel with a known amount of water, marking the water level, and then measuring the change in water level over a period of time. The difference in water level divided by the time will give you the rate of leakage.

What are the potential consequences of water leakage from a barrel?

If water leakage from a barrel is not detected and addressed, it can lead to a waste of water and potentially cause damage to the surrounding area. It can also reduce the effectiveness of water storage and potentially contaminate the water if the source of the leak is from outside contaminants.

How can you fix a leaking barrel?

The method for fixing a leaking barrel will depend on the source of the leak. If it is due to cracks or holes, they can be patched with a waterproof sealant. If the lid is not properly fitted, it can be adjusted or replaced. If the spigot or tap is damaged, it may need to be replaced. Regular maintenance and inspection can also help prevent leaks from occurring.
