Water Incompressible: The Impact on Metal Balls and Spheres

In summary, the conversation discusses the properties of water under extreme conditions, specifically in the center of a star or the Earth. It is stated that at high temperatures and pressures, water can become a supercritical fluid or plasma, but ice would not form. The conversation also considers the effect on a metal sphere filled with water, which would remain solid due to the pressure. The topic of fusion in the center of a star is also mentioned.
  • #1
A book about liquid mechanics, says that water is considered incompressible , because the amount by which it compresses is too tiny to bother with.

My question is , what would happen with a metal ball or sphere filled with water and put into extreme conditions , like in the very center of sun or earth.At the temperatures and pressures present all metals normally melt and disintegrate , but the water inside would increase its temperature and water vapour would increase the pressure so the boiling point would also increase , would this happen until the water pressure inside the sphere equal the pressure from outside the sphere ?
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  • #2
Ice will form.


However, if you put some water into the center of a star, then the oxygen and hydrogen atoms would undergo fusion.
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  • #3
thank you for the answer, I was interested in the material properties of such a sphere ,
so under such pressure and temperature the water inside the sphere would become ice , what would happen to the metal sphere when this happens ? normally we understand ice is when the temperature is low but here it would be likle hot ice?

I guess the question then becomes does steel melts in such configuration and pressure , ice from one side , plasma from the other.Kinda mind boggling.
  • #4
It is not normal ice. Normal ice at that temperature would melt. But the increased pressure form "special ice". See in the phase diagram where there are lines between blue areas? These are the boundaries of different types of ice (different crystal structures). Ice at the temperature and pressure you are looking at would be more dense than liquid water, which is something you wouldn't expect otherwise, no?

I don't know why you think the metal part of the ball would melt. It would remain solid due to the pressure (perhaps transitioning to a different crystal structure). Remember, the iron in the center of the Earth is solid due to the extreme pressure. That is a sweeping generality I've drawn, and won't claim it's true for all metals (because I don't know for sure), but it certainly goes for iron and most likely for many others.

What happens to the metal at the center of a star I don't know. Maybe it will start fusing into heavier metals, maybe it will just sit there. I leave that to someone smarter than I am.
  • #6
At the center of the Sun, the temperature is ~15 million K. The average thermal energy is is then ~kT=1.3keV. This is high enough of a thermal energy that no atoms will remain bound (binding energy of Hydrogen is only ~13.6eV, this thermal energy is 100 times higher). No atomic states are possible, and so you just have a plasma.

The molecules in water would all be destroyed and you'd just have hydrogen and oxygen nuclei and electrons freely flying around.

Related to Water Incompressible: The Impact on Metal Balls and Spheres

1. How does water being incompressible affect metal balls and spheres?

Water being incompressible means that it cannot be easily compressed or reduced in volume. When metal balls and spheres are submerged in water, they experience equal pressure from all sides. This pressure pushes on the surface of the metal, causing it to deform and possibly create cracks or other damage.

2. Can water pressure cause metal balls and spheres to collapse?

Yes, water pressure can cause metal balls and spheres to collapse if the pressure is strong enough. When the pressure of the water is greater than the strength of the metal, it can cause the metal to deform and collapse.

3. How does the depth of water affect the impact on metal balls and spheres?

The depth of water has a direct impact on the amount of pressure experienced by the metal balls and spheres. The deeper the water, the greater the pressure and therefore, the more impact on the metal. This is because the weight of the water above the metal increases with depth, creating more force.

4. Are there any metals that are not affected by incompressible water?

No, all metals will be affected by incompressible water to some degree. However, the degree of impact will vary depending on the strength and composition of the metal. Some metals, such as titanium and stainless steel, have higher strength and are less likely to collapse under water pressure.

5. How is the impact of incompressible water on metal balls and spheres measured?

The impact of incompressible water on metal balls and spheres can be measured by conducting experiments and observing the deformation or collapse of the metal under different depths and pressures of water. Scientists can also use mathematical equations to calculate the expected impact based on the properties of the metal and the depth of water.

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