Water Pressure in tank filled with water

In summary, the tank in Figure 14-24 is filled with water and has five horizontal floors and ceilings, all with the same area and located at different distances from the top of the tank. When comparing the force on these floors and ceilings due to the water, the ranking from greatest to least is e > b = d > a = c. This can be determined using the equations p = h{\rho}g and F = pA, where p is pressure, h is height, {\rho} is density, g is gravity, and A is area.
  • #1
Figure 14-24 shows a tank filled with water. Five horizontal floors and ceilings are indicated;
all have the same area and are located at distances L, 2L, or 3L below the top of the tank. Rank them according to the force on them due to the water, greatest first.

Are we just comparing the heights?
So e>b=d>a=c?

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  • #2
sparkle123 said:
Figure 14-24 shows a tank filled with water. Five horizontal floors and ceilings are indicated;
all have the same area and are located at distances L, 2L, or 3L below the top of the tank. Rank them according to the force on them due to the water, greatest first.

Are we just comparing the heights?
So e>b=d>a=c?


Yes, essentially, since they're all of the same area and in the same horizontal orientation. The answer is correct.

If you need to show working, the key points to include are the equations [itex]p = h{\rho}g[/itex] and [itex]F = pA[/itex].
  • #3
Thank you Curious3141! :)

FAQ: Water Pressure in tank filled with water

1. What is water pressure?

Water pressure refers to the force exerted by water on the walls of a container or surface it is in contact with. It is typically measured in units of pounds per square inch (psi) or kilopascals (kPa).

2. How is water pressure in a tank filled with water calculated?

The water pressure in a tank filled with water is calculated by multiplying the height of the water column by the density of water (1000 kg/m3) and the gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s2). This is known as the hydrostatic pressure formula: P = ρgh.

3. Why does water pressure increase with depth in a tank?

Water pressure increases with depth in a tank because of the weight of the water above it. As more water is added to the tank, the weight and thus the pressure on the bottom of the tank increases, causing the water pressure at the bottom to be higher than at the top.

4. How does the shape and size of a tank affect water pressure?

The shape and size of a tank can affect water pressure in various ways. A taller tank will have a higher water pressure at the bottom due to the increased height of the water column. A wider tank may have a more even distribution of water pressure throughout. The shape of the tank can also affect the flow of water, which in turn can affect the water pressure at different points.

5. What factors can cause changes in water pressure in a tank filled with water?

The water pressure in a tank can be affected by factors such as the height of the water column, the temperature of the water, the density of the water, and the shape and size of the tank. Changes in any of these factors can result in a change in water pressure within the tank.
