Water Slide Physics: Solving for Angular Momentum, Velocity, and Energy

In summary, the conversation discussed the calculation of the moment of inertia of a rod and rider, initial and final angular momentum, and conservation of energy principles to determine the final height reached by the rider. It was determined that the rider's initial kinetic energy and potential energy must be taken into account when calculating the final height, and keeping all variables symbolic is beneficial for solving the problem.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Imagine a water slide where the rider starts at a height h above the ground before sliding down the slide. After reaching the bottom of the slide, the rider grabs a pole hanging above which is pivoted about a stationary, frictionless axle. The pole and rider swing up 72 degrees and the person then lets go. The person can be modeled as a point mass. The mass of the pole is 24 kg and it is 6 meters long. The person's mass is 70 kg. What is the initial height h of the water slide?
Relevant Equations
L = Iw = mvr sin (theta)
Moment of inertia = m(person)r^2 + 1/3 m(rod)r^2
Rotational energy = 1/2 Iw^2
Kinetic energy = 1/2 mv^2
Potential energy = mgh
v = wr
First I found the moment of inertia of the rod + rider to be I = (70 kg * 62 m2+ 1/3 * 24 kg * 62 m2)= 2808

Then I found initial angular momentum of the pole and rider just as the rider grabs the pole:
L = Iw = 2808 v0/ 6 m = 468 v0
Then I found the final angular momentum of the pole and rider when the pole has rotated 72 degrees:
L = (70+24 kg)(vf)(6 m) sin 72 deg = 539.256 vf
Using conservation of momentum, you get v0 = 1.152 vf.
Since v0 = √2gh = 4.427√h, vf = 3.842√h

Then I thought to use conservation of energy:
Initial energy as the rider grabs pole = Linear kinetic + Rotational kinetic + Potential = 1/2 (M+m)v02 + 1/2 I(v/r)2 + 0
= 1/2 (70+24)(v02) + 1/2 (2808)(v0/6)2 = 86 v02 = 86*4.427√h = 380.722 √h
Final energy after pole rotates 72 degrees= Linear kinetic + Rotational kinetic + Potential = 1/2 (M+m)vf2 + 1/2 I(vf/r)2 + (M+m)g*hfinal = 1/2(70+24 kg)(3.842√h)2 + 1/2 (2808) (3.842√h/6)2 + (70+24)(9.8)(hfinal) = 693.765 h + 575.678 h + 921.2 hfinal = 1269.443 h + 921.2 hfinal

1269.443 h + 921.2 hfinal = 380.722 √h
This is where I got stuck. I thought maybe you could use geometry and the Law of Sines to find h final, but even that wouldn't give you an equation you could solve. That's why I'm convinced I've done something wrong
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  • #2
You need to break it into three stages:
  1. Descent of slide
  2. Seizing the pole
  3. Upswing
(It doesn’t say so, but you need to assume there is no remaining angular velocity at 72 degrees.)
For each stage, what conservation laws can be used?
  • #3
1. Descent of slide - Use conservation of energy to find speed at bottom of slide
mpersongh = 1/2 mpersonv2
gh = 1/2 v2
2gh = v2
v = √2gh

2. Seizing the pole - Use conservation of angular momentum
Moment of inertia of person = (70 kg) (6 m)2 = 2520
Moment of inertia of rod + person = 2808, as calculated above

w0*r = v = √2gh
w0 = (√2gh)/6 = 0.738 √h

2520 (0.738 √h) = 2808 wf
wf = 0.662 √h

3. Upswing - Conservation of energy
1/2 (70+24 kg) (0.662 √h rad/s * 6 m)2+ 1/2 (2808)( 0.662 √h)2 = (70+24)(9.8) (h final)
When I used the law of sines to find h, I got h = 7.053 sin 36 deg = 4.146 m
741.519 h + 615.295 h = 3818.972
h = 2.81
that can't be right...
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  • #4
There are many benefits in keeping everything symbolic, not plugging in any numbers until the very end.
solarcat said:
1/2 (70+24 kg) (0.662 √h rad/s * 6 m)2
That's treating the whole mass of the rod as at 6m from the axle.
Anyway, you don't need that term. The entire KE is expressed in the next term:
solarcat said:
1/2 (2808)( 0.662 √h)2

solarcat said:
(70+24)(9.8) (h final)
How far does the mass centre of the rod rise?
  • #5
haruspex said:
How far does the mass centre of the rod rise?
If you calculate the potential energy based on the mass center, you'd have to have some initial potential energy, right?

Initial Energy = 1/2 (2808)( 0.662 √h)2 + (94 kg) (9.8 m/s/s) (3 m) = 615.295 h + 2763.6

I'm having trouble calculating the final height. I drew this diagram, and I used 6 m/sin 54 degrees = x/sin 72 degrees, so x = 7.053. Then h1 = 7.053 sin 36 degrees = 4.146 and h2 = 3 cos 72 degrees = 0.927 total height = 5.072 m?


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  • #6
solarcat said:
(94 kg) (9.8 m/s/s) (3 m)
The rider does not start at a height of 3m before the upswing.
solarcat said:
= 615.295 h
Why do you have a reference to h on the right of the equation?
solarcat said:
How is this calculated? I am not saying it is wrong, but hard to follow when you just post numbers.
  • #7
haruspex said:
The rider does not start at a height of 3m before the upswing.
No, but you asked "How far does the mass centre of the rod rise?" If you consider the change in height of the mass center of the rod, instead of the end of the rod as I did previously, you have to account for the fact that the mass center is initially at height R/2 = 3 m. Anyway, the problem gives you the moment of inertia of the rod as being I = 1/3 MR^2, and there is a hint given that says to first calculate the angular speed of rotation of the rider and rod just after the rider grabs on, in terms of the final height the *rider* reaches.

The 615.295 h comes from the initial kinetic energy just after the rider grabs on:
W = 0.662 √h, as calculated in my second post
W^2 = 0.438244 h
I = 2808, as calculated in my first post
Kinetic energy = 1/2 IW^2 = 1/2 (2808) (0.438224 h ) = 615.226 h

2763.6 is equal to the initial potential energy of the rod and rider, (94 kg) (9.8 m/s/s) (3 m. However, I don't think this is correct based on what I stated above.
  • #8
solarcat said:
you have to account for the fact that the mass center is initially at height R/2 = 3 m
Sure, but you have 94kg in that term, as though the rider also starts at 3m.
solarcat said:
The 615.295 h comes from the initial kinetic energy just after the rider grabs on
I had misunderstood your equation. I thought the right hand side was intended to be the final energy, so involving the 72 degrees. If you had kept everything symbolic, as I requested, it wouid have been obvious. Please try to get into that habit; there are lots of benefits.

Related to Water Slide Physics: Solving for Angular Momentum, Velocity, and Energy

1. What is angular momentum and how does it relate to water slides?

Angular momentum is the measure of an object's rotational motion. In the context of water slides, it refers to the spinning motion of a rider as they go down the slide. The greater the angular momentum, the faster the rider will spin.

2. How is velocity calculated in water slide physics?

Velocity is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time it takes to travel that distance. In the case of a water slide, the velocity is affected by factors such as the height of the slide, the angle of the slide, and the friction between the rider and the slide.

3. What role does energy play in water slide physics?

Energy is a crucial factor in understanding the mechanics of a water slide. It is necessary to overcome the force of gravity and friction to maintain the rider's velocity throughout the slide. The potential energy at the top of the slide is converted into kinetic energy as the rider goes down, and this energy is gradually lost due to friction and air resistance.

4. How is the angle of a water slide related to its speed?

The angle of a water slide affects the speed at which the rider travels down the slide. A steeper angle will result in a faster descent due to the increased force of gravity. However, if the angle is too steep, it can also increase the risk of accidents and injuries.

5. What are some real-world applications of water slide physics?

Water slide physics has practical applications in designing and building water slides to ensure rider safety and enjoyment. It is also used in the study of fluid dynamics and motion, which has many applications in engineering and other fields. Additionally, understanding the physics of water slides can help improve the overall experience for riders by optimizing speed and safety.

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