Water Tank Modeling: Find Time Intervals and Greatest Amount

In summary: We can see that the derivative is positive for all values of t, meaning that the original function is increasing and therefore the amount of water in the tank is also increasing. Therefore, the maximum amount of water in the tank must occur at the end points of the domain, or at t=7 hours. To find the amount of water at t=7, we simply plug in 7 into the original function:f(7) = 100(7)^2 * sin( \sqrt{7}) - 250 = 3400
  • #1

Homework Statement

The amount of water in a storage tank, in gallons, is modeled by a continuous function on the time interval 0<=t<=7, where t is measured in hours. In this model, rates are give as:

(i)The rate at which water enters the tank is f(t)=100t^2*sin(sqrt(t))
(ii) The rate at which water leaves the tank is
g(t)=250 for 0<=t<3 gallons/hour
g(t)=2000 for 3<t<=7 gallons/hour

The graphs of f and g intersect at t=1.617 and 5.076. At time t=0, the amount of water in the tank is 5000 gallons.

a. For 0<=t<=7, find the time intervals during which the amount of water in the tank is decreasing.
b. For 0<=t<=7, at what time t is the amount of water in the tank greatest ? To the nearest gallon, compute the amount of water at this time.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

a. I got 2 intervals: 3<t<5.076 and 0<t<1.617 because g(t) >f(t) in these two intervals. Am I right ??
b. How should I do part b ?? I kinda get the idea in my head that g(t) should be as small as possible and f(t) has to be as big as possible. Can anyone give me a hint ??
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  • #2
Here's how I would do it:

First, make one equation. So f(t) - g(t)
Then find the derivative of that equation for both t<3 and t>3. From there you should be able to find the answer to ( a ). Derivatives describe the behavoir of the original equation. They give the slope of the tangent to the equation at a certain point.for ( b ) find the maximum amount of water in the tank. With differentiable equations continuous for the whole domain which is being tested, the maximum or minimum can be found at the ends of the domain or the points where the derivative = 0 or undefined. Find these points and compare them.
So, mathematically:

f(t)=100t^2 * sin( \sqrt{t}) - 250
f(t)=100t^2 * sin( \root{t}) - 2500

The derivative is

f'(t) = [200t * sin(\root(t))] * [100t^2 \cdot cos(\root(t))* \frac{1}{2}t^-\frac{1}{2} ]
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FAQ: Water Tank Modeling: Find Time Intervals and Greatest Amount

1. What is water tank modeling?

Water tank modeling is a mathematical approach used to analyze the behavior of a water tank as it fills and empties over time. This involves creating a model or representation of the tank and its components, and using mathematical equations and principles to predict the water level at different time intervals.

2. Why is it important to find time intervals in water tank modeling?

Finding time intervals in water tank modeling is crucial in understanding how the water level changes over time. By breaking down the process into smaller intervals, we can better analyze and predict the behavior of the tank, which is useful for managing and maintaining water systems.

3. How do you determine the greatest amount of water in a tank using modeling?

In water tank modeling, the greatest amount of water in a tank is determined by finding the maximum or peak water level. This can be done by analyzing the rate of change of the water level over time and identifying the point where it reaches its highest value.

4. What factors are considered in water tank modeling?

There are several factors that are considered in water tank modeling, including the size and shape of the tank, the rate of inflow and outflow of water, the material of the tank, and any external factors that may affect the water level, such as temperature or pressure changes.

5. How accurate are the predictions made through water tank modeling?

The accuracy of predictions made through water tank modeling depends on the complexity of the model and the accuracy of the data used to create it. With proper data and assumptions, water tank modeling can provide reasonably accurate predictions of water level behavior, but it is important to regularly update and adjust the model to reflect any changes or variations in the system.
