Wave Equation for a Progressive Wave

In summary, the wave equations y = Asin(wt-kx) and y = Asin(kx-wt) are treated as equal because they only differ by a phase shift of 180 degrees. The third equation, y = -Asin(wt-kx), is also equivalent to the second one due to the odd function property of sine. In the context of a standing wave with a reflection at a fixed end, the minus sign in the reflected wave equation comes from the negative amplitude of the wave. The direction of wave motion can be determined by looking at the phase angle at a particular moment in time.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In some places, the wave equation is y=Asin(wt-kx) and in other places they have y = Asin(kx-wt) and they treat them as if they are equal. How are they equal? They also had y=-Asin(wt-kx). What is the difference between all 3?

Homework Equations

As above

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
The third one is equal to the second one, because ##\sin(-x)=-\sin x##.
The first one is almost the same as the other two, with the only difference being a phase shift of 180 degrees (half a cycle), because ##\sin(x+180^\circ)=-\sin x##. In many calculations phase does not matter. Where it does, it would be important to pick one of the above and stick with it throughout the calculation.
  • #3
In the book I have, I was reading up on the equation of a standing wave with a reflection at a fixed end.
This is what they said: Consider a stretched rop fixed at O, and consider a point P, at a distance x from O.
Let O receive (from the right) an incident train of waves of equation: yo = A sin wt
Being a fixed end, O receives simultaneously a reflected wave (to the right) of the form: y'o= -A sin (wt)
which results in O having zero displacement at all times.
Point P receives reflected waves with a time lag. The equation of its displacement becomes: y1= - Asin(wt-kx)
Simultaneously, P receives the incident waves ahead of O. The equation is: y2= A sin(wt+kx)
The resultant displacement of P is y=y1+y2
So y=2Asin (kx) cos (wt)

In a video I saw, he was using the incoming wave as y1= A sin (kx-wt) and y2= A sin (wt+kx)
And the answer is obviously going to be the same.

What I didn't understand was in the book, they took the upside down reflection equation as - A sin(wt-kx). Does the minus sign in this case come from the negative amplitude of the upside down reflected wave? Why didn't the video take this into account?

I do know that A sin(wt-kx) is when the wave is traveling in the positive x-direction and A sin(wt+kx) is when the wave is traveling in the negative x-direction.
  • #4
Sine is an odd function : [itex]\sin (kx - \omega t) \equiv - \sin(\omega t - kx)[/itex].
  • #5
Thanks pasmith. Could you please take a look at the post#3?
  • #6
n the book I have, I was reading up on the equation of a standing wave with a reflection at a fixed end.
This is what they said: Consider a stretched rop fixed at O, and consider a point P, at a distance x from O.
Let O receive (from the right) an incident train of waves of equation: yo = A sin wt
Being a fixed end, O receives simultaneously a reflected wave (to the right) of the form: y'o= -A sin (wt)
which results in O having zero displacement at all times.
Point P receives reflected waves with a time lag. The equation of its displacement becomes: y1= - Asin(wt-kx)
Simultaneously, P receives the incident waves ahead of O. The equation is: y2= A sin(wt+kx)
The resultant displacement of P is y=y1+y2
So y=2Asin (kx) cos (wt)

In a video I saw, he was using the incoming wave as y1= A sin (kx-wt) and y2= A sin (wt+kx)
And the answer is obviously going to be the same.

What I didn't understand was in the book, they took the upside down reflection equation as - A sin(wt-kx). Does the minus sign in this case come from the negative amplitude of the upside down reflected wave? Why didn't the video take this into account?

I do know that A sin(wt-kx) is when the wave is traveling in the positive x-direction and A sin(wt+kx) is when the wave is traveling in the negative x-direction.
  • #7
I think a lot of confusion is there. I simply understand it by putting x = 0 and t = 0 as well as I think the phase decreases in the direction of wave motion. Thus

y = A sin (wt - kx) wave moving in positive x direction and initially wave displacement (y) at origin is zero and increasing in positive y direction with time.
y = A sin (wt + kx) wave moving in negative x direction and initially wave displacement (y) at origin is zero and increasing in positive y direction with time.
y = A sin (kx - wt) wave moving in negative x direction and initially wave displacement (y) at origin is zero and increasing in negative y direction with time.
  • #8
mukundpa said:
y = A sin (kx - wt) wave moving in negative x direction and initially wave displacement (y) at origin is zero and increasing in negative y direction with time.

Wrong .

Wave represented by y = A sin (kx - wt) moves in positive x direction .
  • #9
May be, but I think at a particular moment (t = constant) if we increase x the phase angle increases and as per I think with at a moment of time phase angle decrease in the direction of wave motion. Please let me now how you thinks that it is moving in positive x direction. .
  • #10
mukundpa said:
May be, but I think at a particular moment (t = constant) if we increase x the phase angle increases and as per I think with at a moment of time phase angle decrease in the direction of wave motion. Please let me now how you thinks that it is moving in positive x direction. .

Sorry I do not understand your point .

Here is some food for thought for you . If you believe y = A sin ( wt - kx ) travels in positive x-direction , then what makes you think that y = A sin (kx - wt) moves in negative x-direction .

What is the difference between y = A sin ( wt - kx ) and y = A sin (kx - wt) ?
  • #11
conscience said:
Sorry I do not understand your point .

Here is some food for thought for you . If you believe y = A sin ( wt - kx ) travels in positive x-direction , then what makes you think that y = A sin (kx - wt) moves in negative x-direction .

What is the difference between y = A sin ( wt - kx ) and y = A sin (kx - wt) ?
Thanks but where is the food? I need it. :smile: I do not believe, I try to make logic and try to understand. In first equation x is negative and with increase in x the phase angle (wt - kx) decrease while in second x is positive and with increase in x phase angle (kx - wt) increases (considering snapshot at time t)
  • #12
y=Asin (kx +wt) or A sin (wt+kx) travels in the negative directiion and
y=A sin(kx-wt) or y = A sin(wt-kx) travel in the positive x direction
  • #13
Taniaz said:
y=Asin (kx +wt) or A sin (wt+kx) travels in the negative directiion and
y=A sin(kx-wt) or y = A sin(wt-kx) travel in the positive x direction

Correct .
  • #14
mukundpa said:
I try to make logic and try to understand. In first equation x is negative and with increase in x the phase angle (wt - kx) decrease while in second x is positive and with increase in x phase angle (kx - wt) increases (considering snapshot at time t)

Your logic is flawed .

When you take a snapshot at time t , you basically fix 't' . And as soon as you do that the wave is not moving anymore . Now , you cannot determine whether the wave is moving in positive or negative direction . Both waveforms look same .
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  • #15
Thanks for your comments. I will try to learn more about it.
  • #16
"If it is cosine A(wt-kx), a crest is at wt-kx=0. This means that at t= 0 the crest is at x=0 and at a later time t, it is at x= k/w*t. This is the same equation that holds for a body moving along the x-axis with uniform velocity v=k/w in the positive direction (from left to right)."

I found this on another post by a scientific adviser on the forum. I don't understand the part where he says at a later time t, x =k/w *t
how did he get this??
  • #17
I get it he wrote v as k/w when it should be w/k then it follows because w=2pi (f) and
k =2pi/lambda so v= 2pi f / 2pi/lambda which gives v= f (lambda) so yeah.

Related to Wave Equation for a Progressive Wave

What is the wave equation for a progressive wave?

The wave equation for a progressive wave describes how a disturbance or wave travels through a medium. It is represented by the equation y = A sin(kx - ωt), where y is the displacement of the wave, A is the amplitude, k is the wave number, x is the position, ω is the angular frequency, and t is the time.

What does the wave equation tell us about a progressive wave?

The wave equation tells us about the relationship between the displacement of a wave and its position and time. It shows that as the wave travels through a medium, it oscillates with a specific amplitude, frequency, and wavelength.

How is the wave equation derived?

The wave equation is derived from the principles of wave motion, specifically the wave speed, wavelength, and frequency. It is also based on the physical properties of the medium, such as its density and elasticity.

What is the significance of the wave equation for a progressive wave?

The wave equation is significant because it allows us to mathematically describe and understand the behavior of waves. It also helps us make predictions about how a wave will behave in different mediums and under different conditions.

Can the wave equation be applied to all types of waves?

Yes, the wave equation can be applied to all types of waves, including electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and water waves. However, the specific values for the variables may differ depending on the type of wave and the medium it is traveling through.

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