Wave Equation for Circular Waves

In summary, the solution to the wave equation for circular waves on a two-dimensional membrane is to use Bessel functions.
  • #1
What's the solution to the wave equation for circular waves on a two-dimensional membrane?

The waves have a constant wavelength throughout. For spherical waves, you have to multiply the amplitude by 1/r. I tried 1/√r for circular waves but it didn't work. :blushing:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I suggest you make an ansatz regarding the phase function and insert it into thewave equation. This will give you an ordinary differential equation to solve for the amplitude.
  • #3
This seems like an easily conceivable problem, has it been solved before? I googled but I couldn't find anything that deals with circular waves.
  • #4
Of course it has been solved, I just told you one way you can do it relatively easily.
  • #5
greswd said:
I googled but I couldn't find anything that deals with circular waves.

A Google search for "vibrating circular membrane" gave me lecture notes such as these:


The radial part of the solution involves Bessel functions. I think undergraduate physics courses usually just set up the differential equation in the form of Bessel's equation and then state that the solutions are called Bessel functions. In graduate school I took a course in "intermediate differential equations" which IIRC actually derived a power-series solution for Bessel's equation. I don't remember which textbook we used. Googling for "Bessel functions" and "Bessel's equation" should find something.

The math methods book by Boas which is often referred to on PF, discusses the series solution to Bessel's equation in chapter 12.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #6
These involve drumskins. My problem has no boundary conditions, just circular waves from a point source rippling across the surface of the water.
  • #7
greswd said:
These involve drumskins. My problem has no boundary conditions, just circular waves from a point source rippling across the surface of the water.

But the waveform is the same other than the boundary conditions. It may have something of the form of a Bessel function. But you need to set up the differential equation first so that you know what needs to be solved. Asking for a "solution" without setting that up first is rather meaningless.

Mary Boas's text on the Special Functions chapter covers this.

  • #8
Perhaps you need some factor of pi in there? The three dimensional case will involve a 4 pi and the two dimensional case a 2 pi.
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Likes greswd
  • #9
jtbell said:
The radial part of the solution involves Bessel functions. I think undergraduate physics courses usually just set up the differential equation in the form of Bessel's equation and then state that the solutions are called Bessel functions. In graduate school I took a course in "intermediate differential equations" which IIRC actually derived a power-series solution for Bessel's equation. I don't remember which textbook we used. Googling for "Bessel functions" and "Bessel's equation" should find something.

The math methods book by Boas which is often referred to on PF, discusses the series solution to Bessel's equation in chapter 12.

One of my alltime favorites if it comes to classical (i.e., non-quantum) physics is the 6-volume "Lectures on Theoretical Physics" by A. Sommerfeld, and vol. 6 ("Partial differential Equations") is the best of them. Although this lecture series is written in the 1940ies-1950ies it's still quite up to date, and the mathematics is just taught in a beautiful way. I really love it for the treatmend of the standard special functions, including of course the Bessel functions. Particularly the clever use of the generalized Fourier tranformation in the complex plane to define them, is a masterpiece of its own!

FAQ: Wave Equation for Circular Waves

What is the wave equation for circular waves?

The wave equation for circular waves is a mathematical formula that describes the propagation of a disturbance or wave through a circular medium. It is represented as:
∇²ψ = (1/c²) ∂²ψ/∂t²
where ∇² represents the Laplacian operator, ψ represents the disturbance or wave, c represents the speed of the wave, and t represents time.

What are the applications of the wave equation for circular waves?

The wave equation for circular waves has a wide range of applications in physics and engineering. It is used to study the behavior of waves in circular media such as sound waves in a spherical room, electromagnetic waves in circular waveguides, and water waves in circular ponds. It is also used in medical imaging techniques such as ultrasound and in the study of seismic waves in geology.

How is the wave equation for circular waves derived?

The wave equation for circular waves is derived from the more general wave equation, which describes the propagation of a disturbance or wave through a medium. To derive the wave equation for circular waves, we make the assumption that the disturbance or wave propagates in a circular pattern, and then use mathematical techniques such as separation of variables and boundary conditions to solve for the equation.

What are the limitations of the wave equation for circular waves?

One of the limitations of the wave equation for circular waves is that it assumes a perfect circular medium with no irregularities or disturbances. In real-world situations, this is not always the case, and the presence of obstacles or variations in the medium can affect the behavior of the wave. Additionally, the wave equation for circular waves does not take into account factors such as viscosity and turbulence, which can also impact the propagation of the wave.

How is the wave equation for circular waves different from other wave equations?

The wave equation for circular waves is a specific case of the more general wave equation. It differs from other wave equations, such as the one-dimensional wave equation or the three-dimensional wave equation, in that it describes the propagation of a disturbance or wave in a circular medium. It also has different boundary conditions and solutions compared to other wave equations.
