Wave-Particle Duality: Photons, Electrons & Heisenberg's Uncertainty

In summary, particles are the appropriate term for photons and electrons, but they exhibit wave-like properties that can be explained through mathematical principles such as Fourier theory. The Heisenberg's uncertainty principle applies in these cases due to the probability structure of these quantum entities. Some people use the term "wavicle" to describe these dual properties. However, at a practical level, these entities are considered particles and not waves.
  • #1
Photons are always called 'particles'. But through many experiments (by scientists such as Geoffrey Taylor), it has been found that photons show some strange characteristics which resemble those of waves. In fact scientists also reveal that electrons also show wave-like nature(in fact they have frequencies). So what can we call them-waves or particles? Or none of them? And how is the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle applicable here?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
"Particles" is the appropriate word, but these are quantum particles, not classical particles. A classical particle can be thought of as small massive spheres, but quantum particles can't. If you're interested in how they are different, I can recommend the book "QED: The strange theory of light and matter", by Richard Feynman. It's a short book that doesn't use mathematics.
  • #3
Personally I prefer the term "warticle" ;p
  • #4
some think its particles guided by pilot waves (DeBroglie). heisenburg's uncertainty principle applies because quantum entities are expressed by probabilities, and these probabilities have standard deviations, and it is the product of the standard deviation in momentum times that of position that has a bound defined by heisenburgs principle. typically wavelike entities have better defined momentum because the DeBroglie wavelength is what shrodinger used to motivate his equation (i think).

  • #5
I sometimes used to picture them like packets, like a tiny box with a piece of wave inside, a space-limited (and time-limited) wave impulse.

If you imagine each of them like in the attached picture then each is "space-confined", but many of them together forming a beam can be seen as a continuous wave (because the envelope is a piece of squared cosine, if you put many of them one after the other in the proper position and sum them all you should get a constant envelope).


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  • #6
SpaceExplorer said:
Photons are always called 'particles'. But through many experiments (by scientists such as Geoffrey Taylor), it has been found that photons show some strange characteristics which resemble those of waves. In fact scientists also reveal that electrons also show wave-like nature(in fact they have frequencies). So what can we call them-waves or particles? Or none of them? And how is the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle applicable here?
Some people use the term wavicle.

  • #7
The uncertainty principle is, in fact, linked to Fourier theory. It is a principle of the Fourier transform of all signals (waves) that the time duration and temporal bandwidth product is limited to:

[tex] \Delta t \Delta \nu = 1 [/tex]

Further, the spatial frequency k is propotional to the momentum of the "wavicle" (with a constant 1/h-bar). So, we find that the width of the wavicle is constrained to:

[tex] \Delta x \Delta p = hbar [/tex]

So the link between the uncertainty principle and the wave property of matter is mathematical in nature. The wave property of matter, on the other hand, requires experimental evidence.

For reading, google for "bandwidth time product". The Stanford Exploration Project has nice slides.
  • #8
For the most part, electrons, photons, baryons and so on are detected as if they are particles, like very small ones. That's how the theory treats them. It is the probability structure that has wave-like properties. At a practical level, electrons and their associates are particles; not waves. Think of water molecules in surface water waves as a good and illuminating example.
Reilly Atkinson

FAQ: Wave-Particle Duality: Photons, Electrons & Heisenberg's Uncertainty

1. What is wave-particle duality?

Wave-particle duality is a concept in quantum mechanics that states that particles, such as photons and electrons, can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. This means that they can behave as both a wave and a particle depending on how they are observed and measured.

2. How does wave-particle duality apply to photons?

Photons, which are particles of light, can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. This is because they have properties of both a wave, such as frequency and wavelength, and a particle, such as energy and momentum. This duality is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics.

3. How does wave-particle duality apply to electrons?

Electrons, which are subatomic particles, also exhibit wave-particle duality. They have properties of a wave, such as diffraction and interference, and properties of a particle, such as mass and charge. This duality is essential for understanding the behavior of electrons in quantum mechanics.

4. What is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. This means that there is a limit to the precision with which we can measure the properties of a particle, and the more accurately we measure one property, the less accurately we can measure the other.

5. How does Heisenberg's uncertainty principle relate to wave-particle duality?

Wave-particle duality and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle are closely related. The uncertainty principle arises from the wave-like nature of particles, as their position and momentum are described by wave functions. This means that the more we try to measure the particle's position, the more we disturb its momentum, and vice versa. Therefore, the uncertainty principle is a consequence of the wave-particle duality of particles.

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