Wave Problem -- Total amplitude of fundamental and first three harmonics

In summary, an acoustic signal with a fundamental frequency of 463 Hz composed of the first three harmonics has a total amplitude of 0.626 at time 0.401 seconds, given the amplitude of the harmonics are 0.100, 0.300, and 0.760 and the phase angles are all set to 0. However, computing the trigonometric functions with such large angles may require more precision for accurate results.
  • #1

Homework Statement

  1. An acoustic signal is composed of the first three harmonics of a wave of fundamental frequency 463 Hz. If these harmonics are described, in order, by cosine waves with amplitudes of 0.100, 0.300, and 0.760, what is the total amplitude of the signal at time 0.401 seconds? Assume the waves have phase angles θn = 0.

Homework Equations

F(t)= Sum of Ancos(2nf1t-0n)

The Attempt at a Solution

I simply plugged in the above values into the equation and got 0.00600897, -0.29783, and -0.136345. No idea where to go from here. Any assistance is appreciated!
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  • #2
PhysicsMan999 said:

Homework Equations

F(t)= Sum of Ancos(2nf1t-0n)

The Attempt at a Solution

I simply plugged in the above values into the equation and got 0.00600897, -0.29783, and -0.136345. No idea where to go from here. Any assistance is appreciated!
Not sure how you're getting those numbers. please post full working.
  • #3
(0.300)+cos(4pi*463*0.401)= -0.29783
(0.760)*cos(6pi*463*0.401)= -0.136345
  • #4
PhysicsMan999 said:
(0.300)+cos(4pi*463*0.401)= -0.29783
(0.760)*cos(6pi*463*0.401)= -0.136345
I plugged (0.1)*cos(2*pi()*463*0.401) into OpenOffice Calc and it gives -0.052.
The trouble with computing trig functions of such large angles is that a lot of precision is needed.
I also tried (0.1)*cos(mod(2*pi()*463*0.401;2*pi())) and got the same result.
(In Excel you need to change the semicolon to a comma.)
What are you using for the calculation?
For the other two harmonics I get -0.14 and +0.76.
  • #5
PhysicsMan999 said:
(0.300)+cos(4pi*463*0.401)= -0.29783
(0.760)*cos(6pi*463*0.401)= -0.136345
Ther argument of the cosine function is in radians, not degrees.
Then your numbers will agree with haruspex's.

FAQ: Wave Problem -- Total amplitude of fundamental and first three harmonics

What is a wave problem?

A wave problem refers to a mathematical problem that involves calculating the total amplitude of a wave. This can include the fundamental frequency and its harmonics, which are multiples of the fundamental frequency.

What is the fundamental frequency?

The fundamental frequency, also known as the first harmonic, is the lowest frequency in a wave or sound. It is the main component of a wave and determines the pitch or tone of the sound.

What are harmonics?

Harmonics are frequencies that are multiples of the fundamental frequency. In a wave, they are produced when the original wave is divided into equal parts, with each part vibrating at a different frequency. In terms of sound, harmonics contribute to the overall tone or quality of the sound.

How do you calculate the total amplitude of a wave?

The total amplitude of a wave can be calculated by adding together the amplitudes of the fundamental frequency and its harmonics. This can be done by using the formula A = A1 + A2 + A3 + ... + An, where A is the total amplitude and A1, A2, A3, etc. are the amplitudes of the fundamental and harmonics.

Why is it important to calculate the total amplitude of a wave?

Calculating the total amplitude of a wave is important in understanding and analyzing the properties of a wave. It can help in determining the strength or intensity of a wave, as well as its sound or pitch. This information is crucial in various fields such as acoustics, music, and seismology.
