Wave propagation along a rubber cord.

In summary: The total length of the cord is now 2x + vt/3, but what is the amount by which the cord has stretched? (Hint: it has something to do with that "sqrt" that appears in your equation for v(t).)
  • #1

Homework Statement

You have a rubber cord of relaxed length x. It be-
haves according to Hooke's law with a "spring con-
stant" equal to k. You then stretch the cord so it has
a new length equal to 2x. a) Show that a wave will
propagate along the cord with speed


b) You then stretch the cord further so that the cord's
length increases with speed v/3. Show that the wave
will propagate during the stretching with a speed that
is not constant:


Homework Equations

strings wave propagation speed: v=[tex]\sqrt{\frac{T}{u}}[/tex]

hookes law: F=-kx

Where T is tension and u is linear mass density

The Attempt at a Solution

On part A i used hookes law to obtain the tension: T = k2x (not sure how to explain the negative sign). And u=m/x ( i don't understand why would you use the orignal length of x to obtain the linear mass density instead of the new length of 2x). Basically plug that in into the equation waves propagation speed and you get the awnser.

My train of thought for part b is that if your length is changing at a constant rate of v/3 then so is thetension. The new tension would be given by
T(t)=vtk/3=([tex]\frac{tk}{3}[/tex])[tex]\sqrt{\frac{2kx^{2}}{m}}[/tex] then i plugged that in into the waves propgation speed equation for T and keeping u=m/x. And then iam stuck...iam not sure how to procceed from there any help/hint is appreciated.

Thanks :)!
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  • #2
shameless bumb :( still can't solve it.
  • #3
Gravitino22 said:

The Attempt at a Solution

On part A i used hookes law to obtain the tension: T = k2x (not sure how to explain the negative sign).
Don't worry about the negative sign, that is because Hooke's Law gives the force exerted by the spring/cord on an attached object. The tension in the cord itself is not negative.

The big problem here is that, in Hooke's Law, "x" is the amount by which the cord has stretched, it is not the total length of the cord. Unfortunately, they are also using x to mean the cord's relaxed length, which is different. So we have to distinguish these two:

Let Δx = the amount by which the cord has stretched, so that
F = k Δx​
And let just plain x = the relaxed length of the cord, so 2x is the length after stretching the cord.

So, what is the cord tension in terms of x? (that's x, not Δx)

And u=m/x ( i don't understand why would you use the orignal length of x to obtain the linear mass density instead of the new length of 2x).
No, you're right you should use the new length 2x. But if you use the correct tension, it will work out.

Basically plug that in into the equation waves propagation speed and you get the awnser.

My train of thought for part b ...
I will have to look at part b later, but first let's get part a.
  • #4
! I understand part a completely. I just set it up like df=kdx and did the integral from x to 2x...The math makes more sense now...Thanks! Sadly iam still stuck in part b.
  • #5
You're welcome.

Without having worked it out myself, I believe you'll need to express T and u as functions of time.

Related to Wave propagation along a rubber cord.

1. What is wave propagation along a rubber cord?

Wave propagation along a rubber cord refers to the movement of energy in the form of waves through the rubber material of a cord. This can be seen in activities such as jumping rope or plucking a rubber band.

2. How do waves travel along a rubber cord?

When a force is applied to one end of the rubber cord, it creates a disturbance that travels through the material as a wave. This is known as a longitudinal wave, where the particles of the material vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave's movement.

3. What factors affect the speed of wave propagation along a rubber cord?

The speed of wave propagation along a rubber cord is affected by the tension, density, and elasticity of the material. A higher tension will result in a faster wave speed, while a higher density and lower elasticity will slow down the wave.

4. What happens when a wave reaches the end of a rubber cord?

When a wave reaches the end of a rubber cord, it reflects off the end and travels back through the material. This is known as a reflected wave and can interfere with the original wave, resulting in a standing wave pattern.

5. How does the shape of a rubber cord affect wave propagation?

The shape of a rubber cord can affect wave propagation by changing the direction and speed of the wave. A curved cord will cause the wave to bend, while a coiled cord can slow down the wave due to the increased distance it must travel. Additionally, a thicker cord will allow for a faster wave speed compared to a thinner cord.
