Why does the absorption of EM radiation vary with wavelength?

In summary, at shorter wavelengths, the penetration of electromagnetic waves increases due to the energy dependence of the deep-core photoejection cross-section of electrons, which allows the waves to pass through the body. However, absorption properties of materials can greatly vary over the frequency range, causing deviations from this general trend. Additionally, factors such as conductivity and plasma eruptions can also affect the penetration of electromagnetic waves.
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Why does penetration increase with decrease in wavelength?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
PrincePhoenix said:
Why does penetration increase with decrease in wavelength?

For a wavelength of EM radiation to be absorbed it must correspond to an energy level in an atom. Consider the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_atom#Energy_levels".

At longer wavelengths, there is no corresponding energy level for the EM radiation, thus the wave passes through the body.

There is a nice chart from www.hyperphysics.com

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  • #3
PrincePhoenix said:
Why does penetration increase with decrease in wavelength?
I presume you mean photons? In the x-ray region, x-ray penetration increases with decreasing wavelength due to the energy dependence of the deep-core photoejection cross-section of electrons from deeply bound atomic states, e.g., k-shell.

cross section =~ Const x Z4/(hν)3

The minimum cross section is very roughly between 1 and 2 MeV.

Bob S
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  • #4
adamwho said:
For a wavelength of EM radiation to be absorbed it must correspond to an energy level in an atom. Consider the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_atom#Energy_levels".

At longer wavelengths, there is no corresponding energy level for the EM radiation, thus the wave passes through the body.

This is not strictly correct. If the absorption of radiation was strictly due to atomic energy levels then the absorption would occur only at very narrow bandwidths, which is contrary to common experience (like the black body radiator for example or microwave heating). The phonons in a material will absorb radiation over a larger bandwidth than the atoms alone.

As Bob S stated, the penetration of high energy waves actually increases with shortening of wavelength. The absorption properties of a material will greatly vary over the frequency range. In general, I would only say that high energy waves will pass through most objects largely unimpeded. Below x-rays, the absorption becomes widely varying and material dependent. For example, water is transparent in the visible light region (for most purposes let's say) but it is much more highly absorptive in the infrared and microwave region. So for water, over a given bandwidth, the absorption decreases as the wavelength decreases.

However, let's say we have a material that has a constant conductivity over a given bandwidth. In this case, the absorption of the radiation will increase as the wavelength decreases. This is because the radiation's loss in the material is exponentially dependent on the penetration depth in terms of wavelengths. So, keeping the material's depth the same, the electromagnetic wave will see a depth of increasing number of wavelengths as its own wavelength decreases. So we would expect the attenuation to increase with frequency.

But again, most materials do not have a consistent effective conductivity across the spectrum. And so we can only characterize small regions of the spectrum in this manner. There is also other effects that can cause deviations, like the eruption of plasmas in metals. A good conductor will not allow radiation to pass through, but at a high enough frequency, the surface of the conductor looks similar to a plasma, and the electrons will not be able to oscillate fast enough to cancel out the incident waves. And thus, the radiation can pass through.
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FAQ: Why does the absorption of EM radiation vary with wavelength?

What is the relationship between wavelength and penetration?

The shorter the wavelength, the greater the penetration. This is because shorter wavelengths have more energy and are able to break through barriers more easily.

How does the wavelength of light affect its ability to penetrate through different materials?

The wavelength of light affects its ability to penetrate through different materials because shorter wavelengths are able to pass through materials with smaller gaps or pores. This is why X-rays, which have very short wavelengths, are able to pass through skin and soft tissues, while visible light, with longer wavelengths, cannot.

Why is it important to understand the relationship between wavelength and penetration in scientific research?

Understanding the relationship between wavelength and penetration is important in scientific research because it helps us to understand and predict how different types of energy, such as light or sound, will interact with different materials. This knowledge can be applied in various fields, such as medicine, engineering, and environmental science.

How does the wavelength of a wave affect its ability to travel through different mediums?

The wavelength of a wave affects its ability to travel through different mediums because different mediums have different densities and structures, which can either allow or impede the passage of the wave. For example, shorter wavelengths of light can travel easily through air, but are easily scattered by water droplets in the air, causing rainbows.

What are some practical applications of understanding the relationship between wavelength and penetration?

Some practical applications of understanding the relationship between wavelength and penetration include medical imaging, such as X-rays and MRI scans, which utilize the ability of shorter wavelengths to penetrate through tissues to create images. Another application is in telecommunications, where understanding the penetration of different wavelengths of light through fiber optic cables is crucial for efficient data transfer. Additionally, understanding the relationship between wavelength and penetration is important in the development of new technologies, such as energy-efficient solar panels and water filtration systems.

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