Wavelength vs. Frequency Modulation

In summary, wavelength and frequency modulation are two common methods used for transmitting information through a carrier wave in communication systems. Wavelength modulation involves varying the wavelength of the carrier wave to encode data, while frequency modulation changes the frequency of the wave. Both techniques have advantages and disadvantages, with wavelength modulation being more sensitive to noise and frequency modulation being more susceptible to interference. Ultimately, the choice between these two methods depends on the specific application and requirements of the communication system.
  • #1

I have read a paper, where they distinguish between wavelength and frequency modulation. More specifically:

"FMS (frequency modulation spectroscopy) can be broken down into two regimes: wavelength modulation (WM) and frequency modulation (FM). In the case of WM, the modulation depth is very large, generating a large number of sidebands, but the modulation frequency is low (<1 MHz); in the case of FM, the modulation depth is small but the frequency is very high (>100 MHz)."

I know the math behind phase modulation, so when they say that a large modulation depth leads to many sidebands, I agree with this. But I don't see why the two domains are labelled "WM" and "FM"?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Niles said:

I have read a paper, where they distinguish between wavelength and frequency modulation. More specifically:

This is not sufficient. You must show the complete reference to this "paper".


FAQ: Wavelength vs. Frequency Modulation

1. What is the difference between wavelength and frequency modulation?

Wavelength modulation (WM) is a method of varying the amplitude of a carrier wave in proportion to the desired data signal, while frequency modulation (FM) is a method of varying the frequency of the carrier wave. In other words, WM changes the length of the wave, while FM changes the number of waves per second.

2. Which modulation technique is more commonly used in communication systems?

Frequency modulation is more commonly used in communication systems because it is less susceptible to noise and interference compared to wavelength modulation. FM also allows for the transmission of a wider range of frequencies.

3. How do wavelength and frequency affect each other in modulation?

Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional to each other in modulation. This means that as the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases, and vice versa.

4. What are the advantages of using wavelength modulation?

One advantage of wavelength modulation is that it allows for the transmission of multiple signals simultaneously using different wavelengths. This is known as wavelength division multiplexing and is commonly used in fiber optic communication systems.

5. Can wavelength and frequency modulation be used together?

Yes, wavelength and frequency modulation can be used together in a technique called hybrid modulation. This technique combines the benefits of both modulation types and is commonly used in modern communication systems.
