Waves can cause the displacement of an object.

In summary, there is some confusion about whether waves can cause the displacement of an object or not. Some believe that waves only carry energy and not matter, while others argue that certain types of waves can indeed transport matter. However, wind, which is often mistaken for a wave, is a permanent flow and not a wave. Ultimately, the effect of waves on objects depends on the type of wave and the medium it is propagating through.
  • #1
Now it's known that waves can't cause the displacement of an object but i made a few experiments that proves it can. For example , wind can cause a wave the can move a piece of paper. However, a water wave can't cause the displacement of and object but other waves like wind can cause that waves can. So i think that it depends on the wave itself.

If there are any objections towards this post , please tell me in the comments below.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Karimspencer said:
Now it's known that waves can't cause the displacement of an object
Can you provide any references for that?

Waves can cause a displacement of objects. However, the displacement of objects is not required to have waves. Maybe this caused the misconception?

a water wave can't cause the displacement of and object
What about surfers? ;)
  • #3
mfb , surfers usually move themselves before they surf by rowing the surfboard at first. You can try it by just standing in the middle of the water in the beach and letting a water wave come by you and it will not move you. However , my objection is about wind waves that can carry matter ...
  • #4
So you are thinking sail boats don't move?

When you say waves can't move things you are speaking of a purely theoretical ocean wave in which the water moves in an elliptical path, with essentially no net horizontal motion. This in NOT related in any way to the wind nor does it address currents in the water which will cause a net horizontal motion.
  • #5
Thank you for your feedback integral but don't sail boats move because of the wind and not because of the water waves?
  • #6
Absolutly, but you are the one who broght the wind into consideration. I was not sure why you thought it had anything to do with your question.
  • #7
Karimspencer said:
Now it's known that waves can't cause the displacement of an object but i made a few experiments that proves it can. For example , wind can cause a wave the can move a piece of paper. However, a water wave can't cause the displacement of and object but other waves like wind can cause that waves can. So i think that it depends on the wave itself.

If there are any objections towards this post , please tell me in the comments below.

Wind is not a wave. It is the movement of a fluid.
  • #8
Karimspencer, Richard Feynman said "A good scientist always tries to prove himself wrong." (from my memory) There is a great lesson in that for all of us.

Now, you wrote in your opening post "a water wave can't cause the displacement of and (sic) object..." That seems to be mistaken, expecially considering this: Go over to Japan and ask some folks there if a water wave can cause the displacement of an object. You may want to revise your statement, and then try asking your questions again. All of us here are learning.

Cheers, Bobbywhy
  • #9
Now i understand the confusion everybody... Now i have learned in school that a wave only carries energy and not matter. I tried if a water wave could cause the displacement of an object and it didn't work(But maybe i was wrong about that). And then i asked my physics teacher if a wind can cause a wave and she said yes and since i have seen wind carry paper , i told myself that a wave can cause the displacement of an object. As you see , i am trying to prove that a wave can cause the displacement of an object but my physics teacher says that it's a known fact that it doesn't. So, i then made a discussion on this forum to see what you guys think.

Anyway, thank you all for your feedback.
  • #10
No, what your physics teacher actually said (or should have said, or meant) is that you can have waves without matter transport. Many types of waves propagate through a medium without any displacement of this medium (permanent change of its position). However, there are waves which transport matter, too.
A different question is whether waves in a medium can move some objects within this medium or not. And they can do this.

Another, unrelated thing, is wind, which is (on human scales) not wave-like, but a permanent flow of air in one direction.

FAQ: Waves can cause the displacement of an object.

What are waves?

Waves are disturbances that travel through a medium, such as air or water, and transfer energy from one place to another without actually moving any matter.

How can waves cause the displacement of an object?

When a wave passes through a medium, it causes the particles of the medium to vibrate or oscillate. This vibration can then cause an object in the medium to be displaced from its original position.

What types of waves can cause displacement?

Any type of wave, including electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and water waves, can cause the displacement of an object if they pass through a medium where the object is located.

How does the frequency of a wave affect the displacement of an object?

The frequency of a wave, which is the number of complete cycles it completes in one second, determines the amount of energy it carries. The higher the frequency, the more energy the wave has and the greater the displacement it can cause in an object.

Can waves cause displacement in all types of objects?

Yes, waves can cause displacement in any object that is located in the medium through which the wave is traveling. However, the amount of displacement may vary depending on factors such as the size and material of the object.

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