Waves: When do we use $e^{i(-kx + wt)}$ as opposed to $e^{i(kx - wt)}$

  • Thread starter 122520253025
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In summary, the two forms $e^{i(-kx + wt)}$ and $e^{i(kx + wt)}$ are equivalent and can be used interchangeably. However, different communities may use different conventions. The notation $e^{i(kx - wt)}$ may be more convenient in certain situations, such as finding the derivative with respect to $x$ and $t$.
  • #1
Both of these represent waves moving in the $+x$ direction. I have seen both used in Howard Georgi's book on waves and oscillations, but it has not been explained which is used in which circumstances. What is the difference between the two and when do we use which?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Is this the solution that the two are exactly equivalent?

I think i might have found the solution. That the two are exactly equivalent: Because $e^{i(-kz + wt)} = cos(-k(z- (w/k)t) = cos(k(z-vt)), and $e^{i(kz - wt)}= cos(k(z- (w/k)t) = cos(k(z-vt)).$

This is rather interesting, because in some displacement solutions, one form is easier to work with than the other as terms cancel easily. Is there a general rule as to when to use which [just for neatness and appropriateness?]
  • #3
Yes the two waves are indeed entirely equivalent because one is the complex conjugate of the other. I'm not a big fan of the statement $$e^{i(-kz + wt)} = cos(-k(z- (w/k)t) = cos(k(z-vt))$$ because the right side is just the real part of the left side. That means they are NOT equal unless the imaginary part vanishes which is not the case. I doubt very much that one of them is easier to work with in any situation. Math is totally symmetric under the replacement i --> (-i).
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  • #4
Thanks very much. When we consider the movement of peaks is fits and spurts when two waves of opposite directions are coming with some phase difference, we differentiate to find a maximum by taking the derivative with respect to x and then use implicit differentiation to find the derivative with respect to $t$. If we use the $$e^{i(-kx + wt)}$$ and $$e^{(i(kx+wt))}$ then if we take the x derivative and set it equal to zero the $$e^{iwt})$$ will get canceled out which is undesirable since you want the time derivative. If we use the other form however, the mathematics is smooth (I.e if we use $$e^{i(kx-wt)}$$ and $$e^{i(kx+wt)}$$. This is an example of a problem where one notation presents the problem neatly as compared with the other.
  • #5
Whether you use the one or the other solution, representing a "right-moving wave" is indeed just a matter of convention. They are completely equivalent. The bad thing is that different communities use the one and others the other convention. Usually, physicists use the version with [itex]\exp(-\mathrm{i} \omega t)[/itex], while in electrical engineering they write [itex]\exp(+\mathrm{j} \omega t)[/itex], using also j instead of i for the imaginary unit ;-)). This is only a problem when comparing solutions of the wave equation in different textbooks/papers using different conventions.
  • #6
122520253025 said:
Thanks very much. When we consider the movement of peaks is fits and spurts when two waves of opposite directions are coming with some phase difference, we differentiate to find a maximum by taking the derivative with respect to x and then use implicit differentiation to find the derivative with respect to $t$. If we use the $$e^{i(-kx + wt)}$$ and $$e^{(i(kx+wt))}$ then if we take the x derivative and set it equal to zero the $$e^{iwt})$$ will get canceled out which is undesirable since you want the time derivative. If we use the other form however, the mathematics is smooth (I.e if we use $$e^{i(kx-wt)}$$ and $$e^{i(kx+wt)}$$. This is an example of a problem where one notation presents the problem neatly as compared with the other.

Your latex is messed up. Try using ##e^{-i(kx+wt)}## instead of ##e^{i(kx+wt)}## and you will see what I mean.
  • #7
Sorry - corrected that: Here is the corrected version: Thanks very much. When we consider the movement of peaks is fits and spurts when two waves of opposite directions are coming with some phase difference, we differentiate to find a maximum by taking the derivative with respect to x and then use implicit differentiation to find the derivative with respect to $t$. If we use the $$e^{i(-kx + wt)}$$ and $$e^{(i(kx+wt))}$$ then if we take the x derivative and set it equal to zero the $e^{iwt})$ will get canceled out which is undesirable since you want the time derivative. If we use the other form however, the mathematics is smooth (I.e if we use $e^{i(kx-wt)}$ and $e^{i(kx+wt)}$). This is an example of a problem where one notation presents the problem neatly as compared with the other.

FAQ: Waves: When do we use $e^{i(-kx + wt)}$ as opposed to $e^{i(kx - wt)}$

1. What is the difference between $e^{i(-kx + wt)}$ and $e^{i(kx - wt)}$?

The main difference between these two expressions is the direction of the wave. The first expression, $e^{i(-kx + wt)}$, represents a wave traveling in the positive x-direction, while the second expression, $e^{i(kx - wt)}$, represents a wave traveling in the negative x-direction.

2. When do we use $e^{i(-kx + wt)}$?

We use $e^{i(-kx + wt)}$ when the wave is traveling in the positive x-direction. This is commonly used in cases such as electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and water waves.

3. When do we use $e^{i(kx - wt)}$?

We use $e^{i(kx - wt)}$ when the wave is traveling in the negative x-direction. This is commonly used in cases such as seismic waves and certain types of electromagnetic waves.

4. Is there a specific reason for the placement of the negative sign in $e^{i(-kx + wt)}$?

Yes, the negative sign is placed in order to indicate the direction of the wave. The negative sign in front of the x-term indicates that the wave is traveling in the positive x-direction.

5. Can we express a wave traveling in any direction using $e^{i(-kx + wt)}$ and $e^{i(kx - wt)}$?

Yes, we can express a wave traveling in any direction by using a combination of $e^{i(-kx + wt)}$ and $e^{i(kx - wt)}$. This is because any wave can be broken down into components traveling in different directions.

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