Ways to tell someone you love them

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In summary: What's the point?In summary, the author writes about how he is attracted to a very attractive man from Nantucket, but he doesn't feel the same way towards him.
  • #36
Edin_Dzeko said:
:cry::frown: sorry to hear that, man. I'm so sorry. :cry: you seem like you've come a long way and you're coping with the situation well enough though. :frown:

I try. Really it sort of helps to talk about her. Lately, I've actually been trying to communicate with her family; but they're a little reticent.

Anyway, it's nobody's fault. She had ovarian cancer; and the chemo was hard.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
FrancisZ said:
I try. Really it sort of helps to talk about her. Lately, I've actually been trying to communicate with her family; but they're a little reticent.

Anyway, it's nobody's fault. She had ovarian cancer; and the chemo was hard.

more motivation for me to push harder to become a doc and help make advancements in the med field.

I think you're an amazing person. You posses a personal quality that few people have. I read your physical preference post as well in the other thread and you seem to be able to see past the simplest things that are such a big deal for the average person.

If only we could see beyond looks but then again with the emphasis society places on looks, it's not easy :frown:
  • #38
Edin_Dzeko said:
more motivation for me to push harder to become a doc and help make advancements in the med field.

I think you're an amazing person. You posses a personal quality that few people have. I read your physical preference post as well in the other thread and you seem to be able to see past the simplest things that are such a big deal for the average person.

If only we could see beyond looks but then again with the emphasis society places on looks, it's not easy :frown:

That's very nice of you.:smile: And thank-you.

But the point I've been trying to make, really, is that I think anybody would feel the way that I have felt if they met that right person.

I didn't even like her when we were first introduced. She looked so pissed off (her father actually died that day), and I, naturally (idiot that I am), took it personally; and said to myself: well, I won't like you either.

But she just grew on me incredibly fast.

I remember the day I first realized how much I cared. It was around Christmas time 1997. We were part of a group that went into Manhattan to see a show. And as fate would have it, I got to walking beside her; and I suddenly felt that I liked being next to her. She got a little distracted somehow (not sure over what) but some guy walked right into her. I don't know what I said, but I think she started to feel as I started to feel at that moment.
  • #39
Ways to tell someone you love them...

* Help them paint something, and then wash their hands.

* Remember to put band-aids on them.

* Go to Church, Synagogue, Mosque, or Temple with them (if they are religiously inclined), even if it isn't your denomination or belief. Look for the similar positive, unifying message in what they're doing. If they're an atheist, be a good example of your religion by giving them the respect you would also like yourself (and keep them company on your respective day of worship).
  • #41
OTOH, William Blake advises caution ..

Never seek to tell thy love
Love that never told can be;
For the gentle wind does move
Silently, invisibly.

I told my love, I told my love,
I told her all my heart,
Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears--
Ah, she doth depart.

Soon as she was gone from me
A traveller came by
Silently, invisibly
He took her with a sigh!
  • #42
alt said:
OTOH, William Blake advises caution ..

Never seek to tell thy love
Love that never told can be;
For the gentle wind does move
Silently, invisibly.

I told my love, I told my love,
I told her all my heart,
Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears--
Ah, she doth depart.

Soon as she was gone from me
A traveller came by
Silently, invisibly
He took her with a sigh!

Wow that's really deep, man. But I mean when you think about then that's really fear. You're scared coming out with your feelings will maker her leave :P
  • #43
"I love you".
  • #44

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  • #45
The ultimate test of love...Are you willing to clip their toe nails? Blow their nose? Clean them up when their sick? Wash them even? That's love.
  • #46
FrancisZ said:
The ultimate test of love...

Are you willing to clip their toe nails? Blow their nose? Clean them up when their sick? Wash them even?

That's love.

People laugh at things like that, but I think it does prove love, and me and my man do things like that for each other all the time.. If I see he's got a boogie, I'll get it for him, and it doesn't bother me one bit, and usually stuff like that makes me sick... But it's love, and we can't deny it... =]]
  • #47
willsbabygurl said:
People laugh at things like that, but I think it does prove love, and me and my man do things like that for each other all the time.. If I see he's got a boogie, I'll get it for him, and it doesn't bother me one bit, and usually stuff like that makes me sick... But it's love, and we can't deny it... =]]

Wow. That's really deep and far.
  • #48
FrancisZ said:
The ultimate test of love...

Are you willing to clip their toe nails? Blow their nose? Clean them up when they're sick? Wash them even?

That's love.
That's a partial list of functions of a parent or one who has a pet.
  • #49
Astronuc said:
That's a partial list of functions of a parent or one who has a pet.

True, normally you don't do those sorts of things for your spouse. But you might eventually be asked to, when they get old. You are, in essence, also a parent to one another.
  • #50
FrancisZ said:
True, normally you don't do those sorts of things for your spouse. But you might eventually be asked to, when they get old. You are, in essence, also a parent to one another.
Yeah - I know of people who've had to do that for bed-ridden parents. One does what one has to do.

Caregiver/caretaker are other terms.
  • #51

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  • #52
Love can be communicated in many ways:


Most people will prefer one or more of the above over the others. My wife values touch and words. Simply putting my hand on her thigh, letting her know that I'm there and thinking about her, helps keep her "love-tank" full.

I try to tell her how I feel often. There's a lot that goes on in my head and it doesn't always make its way out of my mouth. I often think fondly about her but never speak it out loud. I'm getting better at vocalizing my appreciation and affection, rather than just assuming since she "knows" then she shouldn't need to hear it again. In other words, I'm not saying "I love you" because I think that she's forgotten or doesn't believe that I do, I say it because it's just a nice thing to hear. It means, "I'm thinking of you; I appreciate you; I'm happy being with you; I enjoy you; You're special to me; etc."

Show someone you love them by planning something. It doesn't really matter what, but plan something that incorporates things they value. It makes someone feel special and noticed when you've considered the things they like, and have spent time to set something up for them. Listen to what they say in conversations and take action on things they mention wanting to do. Combine their desires into an event/trip. Take care in your planning to make sure that everything is taken care of so they don't have to worry about anything. Things as simple as making sure the gas tank is full before you leave for a trip can create a great deal of comfort for your friend. Be attentive to their needs and make sure that you've considered them in each step along the way.

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