Weak form of Navier Stokes Equation

Gamma_1} wu_0u + wv_0u ds - \int_{\Gamma_2} w\nu(u_xn_x + u_yn_y)ds + \int_{\Gamma_2} w \frac{1}{\rho} Pn_x ds = 0##6. Rearrange the terms to get the weak form:##\displaystyle \int_{\Omega} w_tu + w_xu^2 + w_yuv + w\nu(u_{xx} + u_{yy}) dxdy = \int_{\Gamma_1} wu_0u + wv_0u ds - \int_{
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Homework Statement

Folks, determine the weak form given Navier Stokes eqns for 2d flow of viscous incompressible fluids

##\displaystyle uu_x+vu_y=-\frac{1}{\rho} P_x+\nu(u_{xx}+u_{yy})## (1)
##\displaystyle uv_x+vv_y=-\frac{1}{\rho} P_y+\nu(v_{xx}+v_{yy})##
##\displaystyle u_x+v_y=0##

all defining the domain ##\Omega##

with boundary conditions

##u=u_0##, ##v=v_0## on ##\Gamma_1##
##\displaystyle \nu(u_xn_x+u_y*n_y)-\frac{1}{\rho} Pn_x= \hat t_x##
##\displaystyle \nu(v_xn_x+v_y*n_y)-\frac{1}{\rho} Pn_y= \hat t_y## both on ##\Gamma_2## where

##n_x## and ##n_y## are the direction cosines.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Just focusing on (1). If we set (1)=0, multiply by weight function ##w_1## and set it up as an integral over the domain we have something

##\displaystyle 0=\int_\Omega w_1[uu_x+vu_y+\frac{1}{\rho} P_x-\nu(u_{xx}+u_{yy}]dxdy##

Using the definition of gradient theorems ##\int_\Omega w G_x dxdy=-\int_\Omega w_x G dxdy+ \int_\Gamma n_x wGds## for the third last term ie

##-\nu\int_\Omega u_{xx} dxdy## and letting ##G=u_x## we get

## \displaystyle \int_\Omega w_{1x} u_x dxdy - \int_{\Gamma_2} w_1 u_x n_x ds##
and similarly

## \displaystyle \int_\Omega w_{1y} u_y dxdy - \int_{\Gamma_2} w_1 u_y n_y ds##

but the boundary term answer is given as

##\displaystyle -\int_{\Gamma_2} w_1 \hat t_x ds##

The ##t_x## is similar to what I calculate but contains the additional term ##-\frac{1}{\rho} Pn_x##. Where does that come out of?
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Thank you for your question. The weak form of the Navier-Stokes equations for 2D flow of viscous incompressible fluids can be determined by following a similar approach to what you have already done. However, there are a few important points to keep in mind.

Firstly, it is important to note that the Navier-Stokes equations are a system of partial differential equations, meaning that they have both a spatial and temporal dependence. Therefore, when determining the weak form, we must take into account both the spatial and temporal derivatives.

Secondly, the weak form is typically derived by multiplying the equations by a test function, rather than a weight function as you have done. The test function should satisfy certain regularity conditions and should also be zero on the boundary where Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied.

With these points in mind, the weak form for the Navier-Stokes equations can be determined as follows:

1. Multiply the first equation by a test function ##w## and integrate over the domain:

##\displaystyle \int_\Omega w \left(u_t + uu_x + vu_y + \frac{1}{\rho}P_x - \nu(u_{xx} + u_{yy})\right) dxdy = 0##

2. Use the product rule for differentiation to expand the convective term:

##\displaystyle \int_\Omega w \left(u_t + u_xu + v_yu + \frac{1}{\rho}P_x - \nu(u_{xx} + u_{yy})\right) dxdy = 0##

3. Use the definition of the divergence to expand the pressure gradient term:

##\displaystyle \int_\Omega w \left(u_t + u_xu + v_yu - \frac{1}{\rho}\nabla \cdot P - \nu(u_{xx} + u_{yy})\right) dxdy = 0##

4. Integrate by parts to move the spatial derivatives onto the test function:

##\displaystyle \int_\Omega w_tu + wu_xu + wv_yu - w\nu(u_{xx} + u_{yy}) dxdy + \int_{\Gamma_2} w \frac{1}{\rho} Pn_x ds = 0##

5. Use the boundary conditions to eliminate the first three terms on the left-hand side

FAQ: Weak form of Navier Stokes Equation

1. What is the weak form of Navier Stokes Equation?

The weak form of Navier Stokes Equation is an alternative formulation of the classical Navier Stokes Equation, which is a set of partial differential equations that describe the motion of fluids. The weak form is written in terms of a variational principle, which allows for more efficient numerical solution methods.

2. How is the weak form different from the classical form of Navier Stokes Equation?

The main difference between the weak form and the classical form of Navier Stokes Equation is that the weak form is written in terms of a variational principle, whereas the classical form is written in terms of partial differential equations. This allows for a more efficient numerical solution and also allows for more flexibility in choosing boundary conditions.

3. What are the advantages of using the weak form of Navier Stokes Equation?

There are several advantages to using the weak form of Navier Stokes Equation. First, it allows for a more efficient numerical solution, as mentioned before. Additionally, it allows for more flexibility in choosing boundary conditions, making it easier to model complex situations. It also provides a more general framework for solving fluid flow problems, as it can be easily extended to include other physical phenomena such as heat transfer and chemical reactions.

4. Are there any limitations to using the weak form of Navier Stokes Equation?

One limitation of the weak form is that it requires the use of variational methods, which may be more complex and difficult to implement compared to traditional finite difference or finite element methods. Additionally, it may not be suitable for all types of fluid flow problems, as some situations may require a more specialized approach.

5. How is the weak form of Navier Stokes Equation used in practical applications?

The weak form of Navier Stokes Equation is used extensively in practical applications, particularly in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). It is used to simulate and analyze fluid flow in various engineering and scientific fields, such as aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and weather forecasting. It has also been applied in the design of aircraft, automobiles, and other complex systems that involve fluid flow.
