Webassign - Dropping a Package From a Helicopter

  • Thread starter berenmacbowma
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In summary: But if you don't think the upward motion is important, then you can just disregard it and only focus on the downward motion. So the answer would be the time it takes for the package to fall from 160m to the ground, which can be calculated using the kinematic equations and taking into account the acceleration due to gravity.
  • #1
Q: A helicopter is ascending vertically with a speed of 2.00 m/s. At a height of 160 m above the Earth, a package is dropped from a window. How much time does it take for the package to reach the ground?

[how long it takes to reach the height]
v=delta d/time
time=80 seconds

[how long it takes to fall]
v=delta d/time


96.3 s (which is wrong.)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
berenmacbowma said:
[how long it takes to reach the height]
v=delta d/time
time=80 seconds
The time it takes for the helicopter to reach the given height is irrelevant. They just want the time it takes for the package to fall to the ground, starting from the moment it is dropped.

[how long it takes to fall]
v=delta d/time
9.8 m/s^2 is the acceleration of the falling package, not the speed.

How can you express the position of the package as a function of time? It is uniformly accelerated motion. (You'll need to review your kinematic equations. Here's a list: Basic Equations of 1-D Kinematics)
  • #3
berenmacbowma said:
Q: A helicopter is ascending vertically with a speed of 2.00 m/s. At a height of 160 m above the Earth, a package is dropped from a window. How much time does it take for the package to reach the ground?

[how long it takes to reach the height]
v=delta d/time
time=80 seconds

Read the question again. When the package is released at 160m it is traveling upwards at same speed as the helicopter. It will carry on upwards for a bit. You need to work out how much higher it goes and add that to the 160m. Also calculate the time that phase takes.

Hint: Use one of the equations of motion to account the deceleration due to gravity.

[how long it takes to fall]
v=delta d/time


96.3 s (which is wrong.)

Having worked out the height it reaches in part one you can then work out how long it takes to fall.

Then add the time for each phase together.

Hint: use one of the equations of motion to take into account the acceleration due to gravity.
  • #4
the upward motion the package will have will be rather insignificant because the 2m/s speed isn't fast enough to make a difference in the problem, keep in mind this is a basic physics homework, the person that made the exercise wasn't probably thinking of the upward motion, since this is probably a high school exercise.
  • #5
The difference is about 7%.
  • #6
Nogueira said:
keep in mind this is a basic physics homework, the person that made the exercise wasn't probably thinking of the upward motion, since this is probably a high school exercise.
I suspect that the author of the problem was well aware of the upward motion--that's part of the point of the exercise. Such problems are standard fare.

FAQ: Webassign - Dropping a Package From a Helicopter

1. How does dropping a package from a helicopter affect its velocity?

When a package is dropped from a helicopter, it experiences an initial velocity of zero. As it falls, it gains velocity due to the force of gravity. The exact velocity at any given time can be calculated using the equations of motion.

2. Does air resistance affect the speed of the package as it falls?

Yes, air resistance does affect the speed of the package as it falls. As the package falls, it encounters air resistance, which acts in the opposite direction of its motion and slows it down. This means that the package will not continue to accelerate at a constant rate, but instead will reach a terminal velocity where the force of air resistance is equal to the force of gravity.

3. How does the mass of the package affect its acceleration?

The mass of the package does not affect its acceleration due to gravity. According to Newton's Second Law, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. Since the only force acting on the package is gravity, its acceleration will be the same regardless of its mass.

4. Can the height from which the package is dropped affect its final velocity?

Yes, the height from which the package is dropped can affect its final velocity. As the package falls, it gains velocity due to the force of gravity. The higher it is dropped from, the more time it has to accelerate and the higher its final velocity will be.

5. What other factors besides gravity affect the motion of the package as it falls?

Apart from gravity, air resistance is the main factor that affects the motion of the package as it falls. Other factors that may have a minor impact include wind, air density, and the shape and weight distribution of the package itself.
