Weight Change at Mount Everest Summit

In summary, the mountaineer at the summit of Mt. Everest would weigh 1.62*10^-22 more than she would at sea level, due to the gravitational force of the Earth.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Gravitational Fields question

Homework Statement

1. Mount Everest is approximately 10 km high. how much less would a mountaineer of mass 100kg (including backpack) weigh at its summit, compared to her weight at sea level? Would this difference be measureable with bathroom scales?

Mass of Earth = 6.0 * 10^24
Radius (km) = 6400

Homework Equations

g = GM/r²

where G = 6.67 * 10^-11

The Attempt at a Solution

Every time I try, I either get numbers far too big or far too small so I think I'm having difficulty reading what the question is actually asking me to do.

g = 9.8

(9.8 * r²) / G = M

(9.8 * 10,000²) / 6.67 * 10^-11 = M

M = 1.5 * 10^19 which is far too large.

So I think I'm just doing something completely wrong.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You have a units problem here. Carry your units throughout, including physical constants such as G.
  • #3
thanks for the reply. But actually, I think you've lost me even more :)
  • #4
You're looking for the weight of the mountaineer at 2 different heights. Since weight is:

[tex]W = mg[/tex]

where m is the mass of the mountaineer and you already have the equation for g, can you solve it now?
  • #5
There are several things wrong here.

First, you are using the wrong units. What are the units of G? (Hint: G is not 6.67*10-11. It has a numerical value of 6.67*10-11 in one particular system of units. What are those units?) You must use consistent units when solving a problem. If you don't you will get the wrong answer.

Second, you are using the wrong r. You are using the height of Mount Everest. Newton's law of gravity pertains to the distance from the center of the Earth. How far is the peak of Mount Everest from the center of the Earth?

And third, you are looking for weight, not mass. The mass is given as 100 kg.
  • #6
Ok, so at sea level, the lady weighs 100*9.8 = 980N

so I need to find the value for g at the summit of the mountain.

I'm still confused with this constant business though, on wikipedia, it says the units of G are N(m/kg)². So do i need to square the mass?

g = GM/r²

g = 6.67*10^-11 * 100² / (6400,000 + 10,000)²

g = 1.6*10^-20

g = 1.62*10^-22 (if the mass isn't squared).

W = 100 * 1.62*10^-20 = 1.62*10^-18

another incredibly small number :(
  • #7
You don't square the mass.

What is the gravitational force exerted on the backpacker by the Earth at sea level and at the top of Mt. Everest?
  • #8
g = GM/r²

gr²/M = G

9.8 * 6400,000² / 100 = G

G = 4.01408*10^12

gr² / G = M

9.8 * (6400,000 + 10,000)² / 4.01408*10^12 = M

M = 100.313

Weight = Mg

983.06 - 980 = 3.06N

So the difference in weight is 3.06N?

The only problem is that she gained weight at the summit, she didn't lose it. So what did I do wrong there?
  • #9
You're trying to find g. You know what G is since its a constant. Also M is the mass of the Earth not the mountaineer's. The mountaineer has a mass of m.
  • #10
god damn it. Ok.

Weight at sea level = 980N

weight at summit = mg

g = 6.67*10^-11 * 6.0 * 10^24 / 6410,000²

g = 9.74

100 * 9.74 = 974

980 - 974 = 6N

so the difference in weight is 6N?

Is that correct?

Can't believe my entire mistake was using the wrong mass.
  • #11
Yeah that's the correct method. I'd calculate the sea level one using the radius of the Earth you've been given, then you should be fine.
  • #12
ah cool, ok, thanks for the help everyone.

FAQ: Weight Change at Mount Everest Summit

1. What is a gravitational field?

A gravitational field is a region in space where an object with mass experiences a force due to the presence of another object with mass. The strength of the gravitational field is determined by the mass and distance between the two objects.

2. How does the strength of a gravitational field vary?

The strength of a gravitational field decreases as the distance between two objects increases. It also increases as the mass of either object increases.

3. What is the relationship between gravitational fields and gravity?

Gravitational fields are created by objects with mass, and they determine the force of gravity between two objects. The stronger the gravitational field, the greater the force of gravity between the two objects.

4. How is the strength of a gravitational field measured?

The strength of a gravitational field is measured in units of newtons per kilogram (N/kg). This unit is used to measure the amount of force experienced by a mass of 1 kilogram in the gravitational field.

5. What is the significance of gravitational fields in the universe?

Gravitational fields play a crucial role in the formation and movement of celestial bodies, such as planets, stars, and galaxies. They also influence the motion of objects on Earth and are essential in understanding the behavior of the universe on a large scale.
