Weight of pulley with mass attached to it.

In summary, the system of a pulley with two equal masses attached to each end of a string, attached to a spring balance, will result in a reading that is not zero but rather the sum of the weights suspended at the two ends of the string passing through the pulley."
  • #1
Suppose there is a pulley(of negligible mass) and a string(of negligible mass) passes through the groove and two equal masses are attached to each end of the string. Now, if the whole arrangement is attached on a spring balance what will be the reading of the spring balance. Will it be zero?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
donaldparida said:
Suppose there is a pulley(of negligible mass) and a string(of negligible mass) passes through the groove and two equal masses are attached to each end of the string. Now, if the whole arrangement is attached on a spring balance what will be the reading of the spring balance. Will it be zero?
This spring balance is supporting the pulley and the pulley is supporting the string supporting the masses? What do you think?
  • #3
donaldparida said:
Will it be zero?
If it is zero, you can as well take away the connection attaching it to the spring balance, right :smile: ?
  • Like
Likes jbriggs444
  • #4
I think that the reading will be zero since the weights are equal and will thus neutralize each other but then it can also be argued that the spring balance measures the weight of the object attached to it and so it will show the sum of the two weights(since the pulley and the string have negligible mass).
  • #5
donaldparida said:
I think that the reading will be zero since the weights are equal and will thus neutralize each other but then it can also be argued that the spring balance measures the weight of the object attached to it and so it will show the sum of the two weights(since the pulley and the string have negligible mass).
You may want to draw some free body diagrams. What is the net force on the pulley due to the two masses hanging from it?
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Likes Dale
  • #6
Suppose you stand on a scale and it reads 98 kg (mine does). Someone hands you two full shopping bags of 6 kg each. One in each hand or both in one hand: would it make a difference ? What would the scale read ?
  • #7
BvU said:
If it is zero, you can as well take away the connection attaching it to the spring balance
@BvU what do you mean by this?
  • #8
If the spring balance shows zero, it does not exert any force and can therefore be taken away without influencing the remainder: the pulley would remain in place ??!
  • #9
So in conclusion the weight shown by the spring balance will not be zero but the sum of the weights suspended at the two ends of the string passing through the pulley.Right?
  • #10
Any other possibilities ?
Convinced ?

Now the same question but with two different masses, ##m## and ##3m## ?
  • Like
Likes jbriggs444
  • #11
Please don't be so rhetorical. Just answer my question.
  • #12
Of course

FAQ: Weight of pulley with mass attached to it.

What is a pulley?

A pulley is a simple machine that consists of a wheel with a groove along its edge and a rope or cable that runs along the groove. It is used to change the direction of a force, making it easier to lift heavy objects.

What is the weight of a pulley with mass attached to it?

The weight of a pulley with mass attached to it depends on the mass of the pulley itself and the mass of the object attached to it. The weight can be calculated using the formula W = mg, where W is the weight, m is the mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²).

How does the weight of the pulley affect its performance?

The weight of the pulley does not affect its performance as long as the weight is evenly distributed and within the weight-bearing capacity of the pulley. However, a heavier pulley may require more force to move it, and a lighter pulley may not be strong enough to lift heavier objects.

Can the weight of the pulley be reduced?

Yes, the weight of the pulley can be reduced by using lightweight materials such as plastic or aluminum. This can make the pulley easier to move and more efficient to use.

How does the mass attached to the pulley affect its weight?

The mass attached to the pulley affects its weight by adding to the total weight of the pulley system. As the mass attached increases, the weight of the pulley also increases. This can affect the force needed to move the pulley and the overall performance of the system.
