Weighting Function: Proving Intuition of Probabilistic Insurance

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  • Thread starter dollyprane
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In summary: Your name]In summary, Guillaume is working on a master's thesis in probabilistic insurance using prospect theory. He is trying to prove a result but has been struggling with it for a whole day. He has an intuition, but has not been able to prove it. His question is about a specific inequality related to the probability weighting function he is using. He has tried to use different criteria, but is still stuck. Guillaume is seeking help to confirm or invalidate his intuition and is open to any suggestions.
  • #1
Hi everybody,

I am currently writing a master's thesis in probabilistic insurance, for which i am using prospect theory (derived by Kahneman and Tversky in 1979). .
Just as a preamble: this is not a probability problem, rather the study of a function.
I have an intuition but I cannot prove the result, and i have been working the whole day on it!

Let me explain simply:

Let [TEX]\pi[/TEX] be a probabililty weighting function such that, for all [TEX]p \in [0,1][/TEX] we have:

[TEX]\pi(0) = 0[/TEX] and [TEX]\pi(1)=1[/TEX]

***** Overestimation of small probabilities and underestimation of large probabilities
[TEX]p <\bar{p} \ , \quad \pi(p) > p[/TEX]
[TEX]p >\bar{p} \ , \quad \pi(p) < p[/TEX]

where [TEX]\bar{p}[/TEX] is a fix point of the function [TEX]\pi[/TEX]***** Subadditivity of small probabilities
[TEX]p < \bar{p}, \ \pi(rp) > r \pi(p)[/TEX] for any [TEX]0<r<1[/TEX]***** Subcertainty
[TEX]\pi(p) + \pi(1-p) < 1[/TEX] for all [TEX]0<p<1[/TEX]***** Subproportionality
[TEX]\frac{\pi(pq)}{\pi(p)}\leq\frac{\pi(pqr)}{\pi(pr)}[/TEX] for all [TEX]0<p,q,r \leq 1[/TEX]A generic graphical representation of this function is to be found below:View attachment 3272My question:

Thanks to functions plotting softwares i have the impression that:
for all [TEX]p_1, p_2 < \bar{p}[/TEX] :

[TEX]\pi(p_1) \pi(p_2) < \pi(p_1 p_2) \left[ \pi(p_1) \pi(p_2) + \pi(p_1) \pi(1-p_2) + \pi(1-p_1) \right][/TEX]

But i cannot manage to prove it...
We have clearly: [TEX]\pi(p_1) \ \pi(p_2)< \pi(p_1 \ p_2)[/TEX] thanks to the subproportionality criterium, and we have that [TEX] \left[ \pi(p_1) \pi(p_2) + \pi(p_1) \pi(1-p_2) + \pi(1-p_1) \right] < 1 [/TEX]. But even when I try to group terms or use any criteria above, I am stuck...
I know this result is not valid on [0,1], but i think it is the case for small values of p ([tex] p < \bar{p} [/tex]).

I would be so grateful if you could help me out to confirm or invalidate my intuition. any help is appreciated!
thanks in advance.


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  • #2

Dear Guillaume,

Thank you for sharing your interesting research topic with us. From what you have described, it seems like you are working on a very complex and challenging problem. I am not familiar with prospect theory myself, but I will do my best to offer some insights and suggestions.

First of all, it is important to note that proving mathematical results can be a difficult and time-consuming process. It often requires a combination of logical reasoning, creativity, and persistence. Therefore, it is completely normal to spend a whole day or even longer on a single problem.

In order to prove your intuition, it would be helpful to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. For example, you can start by looking at specific values of p_1 and p_2, and try to prove the inequality for those values. Then, you can try to generalize your proof to a larger range of values. It may also be helpful to consider special cases, such as p_1 = 0 or p_2 = 1, and see if the inequality holds in those cases.

Another approach could be to use mathematical induction, where you prove the inequality for a base case (e.g. p_1 = 0 or p_2 = 1) and then show that if it holds for a certain value, it also holds for the next value. This can help you to prove the inequality for a larger range of values.

Additionally, you can try to use the criteria you have mentioned, such as subadditivity and subproportionality, to your advantage. For example, you can try to manipulate the terms in the inequality using these criteria and see if it leads you to a proof.

Lastly, it may also be helpful to consult with other researchers or experts in the field of prospect theory. They may have insights or suggestions that can guide you in your proof.

Overall, I would encourage you to continue your efforts and not get discouraged by any setbacks. With persistence and a systematic approach, I am sure you will be able to prove your intuition. I wish you all the best in your research.

FAQ: Weighting Function: Proving Intuition of Probabilistic Insurance

1. What is a weighting function?

A weighting function is a mathematical function that assigns a weight or importance to different values or events within a system. In the context of probabilistic insurance, weighting functions are used to determine the likelihood or probability of a certain event occurring.

2. How does a weighting function work in probabilistic insurance?

In probabilistic insurance, a weighting function is used to assign a weight to each possible outcome of an insured event. This weight is then multiplied by the corresponding monetary value of the outcome to determine the expected value of the insurance policy. The higher the weight, the more likely the outcome is to occur and the higher the expected value of the policy.

3. Can weighting functions be used for all types of insurance?

Weighting functions are most commonly used in probabilistic insurance, which is a type of insurance that covers uncertain or hard-to-predict events. They are not typically used in traditional insurance, which covers more predictable risks.

4. How do weighting functions prove intuition in probabilistic insurance?

Weighting functions can be used to compare different insurance policies and their corresponding weights, which can provide insight into the intuition behind the pricing of these policies. Additionally, weighting functions can be adjusted to reflect changes in risk or uncertainty, providing a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between risk and insurance premiums.

5. Are there any limitations to using weighting functions in probabilistic insurance?

While weighting functions can provide valuable insights in probabilistic insurance, they are based on assumptions and simplifications of complex real-world scenarios. This can lead to potential biases and limitations in accurately predicting the likelihood of certain events. Additionally, weighting functions may not account for all types of risk, such as systemic or catastrophic events, which can impact the accuracy of insurance pricing.
