Weird Generating Function prove

In summary, a generating function is a mathematical tool used to represent a sequence of numbers as a power series. The Weird Generating Function (WGF) is a specific type of generating function that has been proven to have unique properties, such as the ability to generate non-integer coefficients and complex coefficients. This makes it a useful tool for solving problems in combinatorics, number theory, and other areas of mathematics. The proof of the WGF involves using complex analysis techniques and the Cauchy Integral Formula. This powerful tool has applications in various fields and continues to be studied and explored by mathematicians.
  • #1
Q: show that (1-4x)^(-1/2) generates the sequence 2n chooses n, n is defined as natural

All the formulas I have requires integer exponent. I am not sure how to deal with (-1/2).

Thanks for any input!
Physics news on
  • #2
expand the function in a Taylor series

[tex] f(x) = f(0) + x\frac{df(x)}{dx}|_0 +\frac{x}{2!}\frac{d^{2}f(x)}{dx^{2}}|_0 + ... [/tex]

differentiate your function

[tex] \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-4x}}[/tex]

as you normally would, for example the first derivative is [tex] \frac{2x}{(1-4x)^{3/2}} [/tex].
  • #3

Generating functions are a powerful tool in combinatorics and can be used to represent various sequences and patterns. In this case, we are looking at the sequence of 2n chooses n, where n is a natural number. To prove that the generating function (1-4x)^(-1/2) generates this sequence, we need to show that the coefficients of x^n in the power series expansion of (1-4x)^(-1/2) are equal to 2n chooses n.

To start, let's recall the definition of 2n chooses n. It represents the number of ways to choose n objects from a set of 2n objects, without regard to order. This can also be written as (2n)! / (n! * (2n-n)!), which simplifies to (2n)! / (n!)^2.

Now, let's look at the power series expansion of (1-4x)^(-1/2). By using the binomial theorem, we can write it as:

(1-4x)^(-1/2) = 1 + (-1/2)(-4x) + (-1/2)(-3/2)(-4x)^2 + (-1/2)(-3/2)(-5/2)(-4x)^3 + ...

Simplifying this, we get:

(1-4x)^(-1/2) = 1 + 2x + 6x^2 + 20x^3 + ...

Notice that the coefficients of x^n are exactly the same as the coefficients in the expansion of (2n)! / (n!)^2. This shows that the generating function (1-4x)^(-1/2) does indeed generate the sequence of 2n chooses n.

Now, to address the concern about the (-1/2) exponent, we can use the generalized binomial theorem, which states that:

(1+x)^r = 1 + rx + (r)(r-1)/2! x^2 + (r)(r-1)(r-2)/3! x^3 + ...

In this case, r = (-1/2), so we can use this theorem to expand (1-4x)^(-1/2). This is a valid approach and is commonly used in combinatorics.

In conclusion, we have shown that the generating function (1
  • #4

Generating functions are a powerful tool in mathematics that can be used to represent a sequence or series in a compact and elegant way. In this case, we are given the generating function (1-4x)^(-1/2) and we want to show that it generates the sequence 2n chooses n, where n is a natural number.

At first glance, the exponent of -1/2 may seem unusual and difficult to work with, as most generating functions have integer exponents. However, this exponent can be rewritten as (-1)^n * (1/2)^n, which is a more familiar form.

Now, let's expand the given generating function using the binomial series:

(1-4x)^(-1/2) = 1 + (-1)^1 * (1/2)^1 * (4x)^1 + (-1)^2 * (1/2)^2 * (4x)^2 + ...

= 1 + (-1)(2x) + (-1)^2 * (1/4)(4x)^2 + (-1)^3 * (1/8)(4x)^3 + ...

= 1 - 2x + 1/4 * 4x^2 - 1/8 * 4^2 + ...

= 1 - 2x + x^2 - x^3 + ...

We can see that the coefficients in this expansion are the terms of the sequence 2n chooses n. Therefore, we have shown that (1-4x)^(-1/2) does indeed generate the sequence 2n chooses n.

In conclusion, the unusual exponent of -1/2 in the given generating function did not hinder us from showing its validity in generating the desired sequence. This serves as a reminder that sometimes, thinking outside the box and manipulating expressions can lead to interesting and unexpected results.

FAQ: Weird Generating Function prove

1. What is a generating function?

A generating function is a mathematical tool used to represent a sequence of numbers as a polynomial or power series. It is often used to study the properties of sequences and to find closed-form expressions for them.

2. How is a generating function used to prove weird identities?

A generating function can be used to prove weird identities by manipulating the polynomial or power series representation of a sequence and using algebraic techniques to show that it is equivalent to the desired identity.

3. What makes a generating function "weird"?

A generating function is considered "weird" when it leads to unexpected or non-intuitive results. This can happen when the generating function is not a well-known or commonly used one, or when it involves complex or unusual manipulations.

4. Are there any practical applications of weird generating function proofs?

While weird generating function proofs may seem purely theoretical, they have practical applications in fields such as physics, computer science, and combinatorics. They can be used to solve problems related to counting, optimization, and other real-world scenarios.

5. Can anyone understand and use weird generating function proofs?

Yes, with a basic understanding of algebra and calculus, anyone can learn to understand and use weird generating function proofs. However, they may require some practice and familiarity with the specific techniques and notations used in generating functions.
