Weird results when measuring water evaporation

In summary, the conversation discusses the results of a senior design project on water hydration and the evaporation rate of water in different sized plastic containers. While the initial assumption was that evaporation would be proportional to the surface area of the water to air boundary, the data showed a faster rate of evaporation in a smaller diameter tube. This could be due to factors such as the meniscus, capillary action, and the ratio of surface area to water volume. Further testing may be needed to determine the exact cause of this difference in evaporation rates.
  • #1
I am doing a senior design project regarding water hydration and did some tests to get a general evaporation rate. I assumed that evaporation is proportional to the surface area of the water to air boundary so I thought that the water level of water in any constant cross section container should fall at the same rate. However, upon testing different sized plastic containers all next to each other, I found that the water level fell much faster in my 7 mm diameter plastic tube than in the 33 mm or 50 mm diameter tubes over several days. All the containers started filled to the brim and had a box covering them to stop light and any air currents.

My question is that why would the water level drop much faster in the smaller diameter tube?

Could it have something to do with the volume of water, the surface area of the container to the volume of water, the meniscus, or capillary action?

Here's a graph of the data.

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  • #2
I can think of two possibilities.

1. As you say, the meniscus would make the surface area of the water in the narrow tube larger than merely the cross sectional area. That increase the ratio of surface area to water volume.

You could maybe test this by standing narrow tubes inside a wider one.

2. The narrow tube also has a larger surface area (around) in proportion to its volume. That makes for more heat flowing in through the sides of the tube per unit of water surface area.
  • #3
The evaporated water has to diffuse away from the surface, or it will hinder further evaportation. This will go much easier from a smaller surface. Stopping air currents will make this much harder.
with a large container of water, you might fill the entire box with saturated water vapour, and evaporation will only depend on how fast the water vapour can diffuse out of the box through leaks/pores (or you opening it for measurements)
The vapour pressure of water is 2.3 kPa at 20C, so only 0.023 * 18/22.4 = 1.8 g/liter of water will make it 100% saturated, and the air might very well have been 50% saturated before you started, so you don't need all that much water to fill the entire box with saturated water vapour.

Related to Weird results when measuring water evaporation

1. Why am I getting inconsistent results when measuring water evaporation?

There are several factors that can contribute to inconsistent results when measuring water evaporation. These include variations in temperature, humidity, air movement, and the surface area of the water being measured. It is important to control these variables as much as possible and to repeat the experiment multiple times to get a more accurate result.

2. Can different types of containers affect water evaporation rates?

Yes, the type of container can have an impact on water evaporation rates. Containers with a larger surface area and more exposure to air will typically result in faster evaporation rates compared to smaller, more enclosed containers. Additionally, the material of the container can also play a role, as some materials may retain heat and moisture more than others.

3. How does the initial water temperature affect evaporation rates?

The initial water temperature can have a significant impact on evaporation rates. Warmer water molecules have more energy and are more likely to escape into the air, resulting in a faster evaporation rate. In contrast, colder water will have a slower evaporation rate as the molecules have less energy and are less likely to escape into the air.

4. Are there any external factors that can affect water evaporation rates?

Yes, there are external factors that can affect water evaporation rates. These include changes in atmospheric pressure, wind speed, and humidity levels. These factors can all impact the movement of air and the rate at which water molecules can escape into the air, ultimately affecting the overall evaporation rate.

5. How can I accurately measure water evaporation?

To accurately measure water evaporation, it is important to control all variables as much as possible. This includes using the same type and size of container, measuring the same volume of water, and conducting the experiment in a controlled environment. It is also helpful to take multiple measurements and calculate an average to account for any inconsistencies.

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