Weird Stories: Strange Happenings & Bizarre Experiences

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: The next morning when the family went to milk the cow, they found the cow inside the neighbor's house but the book her mother was reading from was gone.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Do we have many stories of weird things happening? I don't neccesarily mean ghostly occurences or strange lights in the sky, rather I am thinking of more mundane but still bizarre perceptions and observations. I would really love to hear your stories. Here are a couple of examples of mine.

When I was very young, one Christmas I was given a rolling, talking, flashing, miniature toy robot like the old Lost in Space TV series bot. After I went to sleep, my dad, or maybe my grandfather, turned the robot on and came in and put it on my bed. I woke to a robot attacking me! Being half asleep I couldn't figure out what in the heck I was seeing. I got up really, really quickly. :biggrin:

Okay, this is a really strange one. I swear that to the best of my knowledge every word is true. I have no explanations. I could swear that I lost half of a large cup of coffee to the aether. This was so weird... I was attending a physics lecture at the UofO and picked up a friend who was interested. This was part of a guest lecturer series for the public so the event was held at night. It was going to be a long evening and I had taken a really tall cup [travel cup but no lid] filled to about 75% with coffee. When we parked , I looked at my cup, and being about half full I carefully place the cup on the floor. We went on into the lecture.

When we returned to the car it was dark and I forgot all about the cup. I drove Bill home and as we pulled into his driveway, I remembered the coffee. Crud! Now I have about 12 oz of coffee on the floor. I asked bill to get a flashlight and some rags so I could clean up the mess. When we looked, there was no mess. The coffee cup was lying under the seat but no moisture was found anywhere. I must assume that Bill was playing games, but honestly, I don't see how he could have been. He really didn't have the opportunity. In fact he didn't even see where I put the cup. He couldn't have seen it in the dark. :confused:

As if this isn't weird enough...I almost hate to tell you...the lecturer was Paul Davies. Less one other experience that Tsu and I both had, this was the strangest thing I have ever experienced. I'm not making any claims but I have no idea what happened.
Physics news on
  • #2
okay, I'll give you my one real unexplainable experience, other than the fact that I haven't been beaten up recently.
When my daughter was little she would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and try to come out of her room into the computer room, where I usually was. She sometimes had trouble getting the door open. I always left it cracked open, but she sometimes pushed it closed while trying to open it.
One night I was sitting at the computer and I SAW out of the corner of my eye, my daughter's hand coming around the door, then the door was pushed shut. I got up to open the door for my daughter and saw that she was sound asleep in her bed. I have NO doubt about what I saw. a little girl (or boy) tried opening that door. it was not my daughter. It was a ghost. there is no other conclusion.
  • #3
One night I was lying in bed about to go to sleep when I looked over and clearly saw my daughter walking past my bed heading into my bathroom. (I have a night light so I don't kill myself getting up at night, I'm a klutz). She suddenly hesitated and couldn't seem to move anymore, she seemed like she was leaning forward, but not moving. My first thought was she must be sick. I asked her what was wrong and she didn't answer, so I leaned over and turned on the light and nothing was there.

I went to her room and she was sound asleep.
  • #4
So Evo, Tribdog feels certain about what he saw. How would you estimate your certainty in all of this? What do you think happened?

Don't we have any more stories? I know these sorts of things are common. One of the most common stories heard is that of the disappeaing keys e.g. "I put the keys on the cabinet. When I went back later they weren't there. After looking for them for the next twenty minutes, I saw them right where I had looked in the first place."

My mother has a similar story from her childhood about a disappearing book. Sixty years later it still bugs her.
  • #5
I'm still working on the case of the disappearing socks.

I had a weird clock thing happen a few days after I moved into my house. I was about an hour off for at least a full day and have never figured out what happened. I was pretty sure I had just moved into a haunted house. Basically, I finally got things unpacked and had a TV set up, so turned it on to watch some show, and found the show that was supposed to be on before it was just clocks were an hour fast. You can't imagine how disorienting this is when in a new house. At first I thought, okay, TV programs are just on at a different time here than where I previously lived, so I had the TV listings and checked...nope...the time for the show was supposed to be the same. Checked my wristwatch, the clock on my cellphone and the travel alarm clock I had, all had the same time. I had assorted digital clocks, but couldn't recall which of those I had set by my watch or when, so wasn't sure if those matched my watch because I set them to my watch or because they too mysteriously wound up an hour off. See, I first thought it could have been a power outage at night or something that left all the plugged-in clocks with the wrong time (even though the clock on the microwave wasn't blinking...but at that time, I didn't know that's what it does when the power goes out), but it was ALL the clocks, wristwatch, battery operated, etc. Needless to say, my best friend got a phone call that night from one very freaked-out new homeowner! Nothing like that has ever happened since then, and I'm chalking it up to perhaps being so sleep-deprived that I reset clocks to one that had been accidentally changed and didn't remember it. I mean, I know I drive fast, but I certainly wasn't approaching the speed of light with my moving truck to account for this :biggrin: Unless one of the people who helped me move was a practical joker and felt too bad to admit it once they found out how freaked-out I was (then again, I don't know if I ever admitted to them that this the time, I felt like a nut calling my best friend about it and certainly wasn't up to telling all that many people what happened).
  • #6
Ivan Seeking said:
So Evo, Tribdog feels certain about what he saw. How would you estimate your certainty in all of this? What do you think happened?
Since I was going to sleep, it's very possible it was just a waking dream. I could've started dreaming, but started to wake up. That's the only reasonable explanation. I think there is just so much about how the brain works that we don't understand. Obviously it wasn't a ghost since my daughter is very much alive. :rolleyes:

Don't we have any more stories? I know these sorts of things are common. One of the most common stories heard is that of the disappeaing keys e.g. "I put the keys on the cabinet. When I went back later they weren't there. After looking for them for the next twenty minutes, I saw them right where I had looked in the first place."
That is the most aggravating.

Of course I live near high power lines and a huge outdoor electrical facility. Remember the ultra low frequency thread?
  • #7
Evo said:
Of course I live near high power lines and a huge outdoor electrical facility. Remember the ultra low frequency thread?
why yes i do, it is the most frustrating thing
  • #8
A strange alien dream

Ivan might like this one:
I dreamed one night that I had been taken on board a space ship. Actually I didn't know where I was, but when I "woke up" this woman came over and explained this to me. She looked like an ordinary human woman - I remember she had blonde hair and blue eyes, and I believe we communicated telepathically. I asked her who she was and she explained that she was extraterrestrial. I was suddenly very scared and started thinking about grey space aliens all that, but she seemed amused and reassured me that she was not like them, and meant me no harm.
She went and got this strange thin metallic square orange plate with a bunch of strange symbol-like writing etched into it. She said she'd brought me here to translate the writing for her, which seemed absurd, but somehow when she handed it to me I knew exactly what it meant and I read it to her. I don't remember anything else about the dream - not even what was written on the plate!
  • #9
Just recently I spent a couple nights in a hotel with my girlfriend. I wanted to wake up early, and I was in a different time zone than my normal one, so I set the alarm for 7am, which would be like waking at 8am my normal time. I went to bed without adjusting the actual time on the alarm. The alarm went off, and I when I turned it off I noticed that the time was 8am according to the clock. I checked the alarm and it still said 7am. i checked the clock on my phone and it said 8am. Somehow, the alarm changed itself to eastern time and went off when I wanted it to, not when it was programmed!

As far as sleeping weirdness, I get night terrors (or something else like that, not exactly sure) more often than usual I imagine. What happens is I will wake up, open my eyes, and I am completely paralyzed for a few seconds. I want to move, I try to move, but I cannot move. It happens a lot if I oversleep, and really starts my day off strange.
  • #10
aeroegnr said:
What happens is I will wake up, open my eyes, and I am completely paralyzed for a few seconds. I want to move, I try to move, but I cannot move. It happens a lot if I oversleep, and really starts my day off strange.

You're not alone. See this thread:
  • #11
Here's the funny part.

I'm one of those guys who messes with everything. I'll change the clocks, especially at work. I'll move the keys in a subtle fashion. I'll do anything to get someone in that what-the-**** mood.

It's hilarious! I have so much fun.

For weird experiences in my life, anything that involves intuition. For some reason, I'll just know something, and it kind of freaks me out, but I love the feeling. I always practice picking things up with intuition.

The craziest was when I was thinking about the square root of a negative, and I came to a rough conclusion that it must somehow take the shape of a circle on the co-ordinate system, without really knowing why. Later on, reading about Gauss, I found that something in Complex Numbers, which involves the square root of a negative, involves a pattern of circles. I did not investigate this, but I think it's really cool that I thought about this.

I highly recommend anyone to use intuition. You just know what someone will say, or what will happen using some analytical thought. At first you can get fooled by what you want to happen or simliar feelings, and get a lot of things wrong, but with practice you get better.

No, I'm not saying I am psychic. Simple things. I give you two examples. In grade 9, a friend of mine stole my book(in class of course), and slipped his finger in the book. He told me that if I guess the page right, I'll get it back. I got it! Page 216 and I will never forget that. At orientation week, we were playing a game with words, and there were suppose to pick a letter. I was the actor, and I had to know words starting with that letter, so intuition picked it up, and I had a head start. It happens very often. I can sometimes predict the exact time that I will finish reading at. I'm talking to the exact minute, like 1:53pm. How CRAZY is that!

Intuition is very subtle and you usually miss it or you don't realize the importance of it. You can walk around, and the number 4 enters your head. You forget about it, than later at night your buddy says pick a number 1-10, and if you get it, he'll buy you a beer. It turns out to be 4! Now that you recall that 4 entered your head, you start to realize how subtle it really is.

Also, intuition helps at playing mind games with people. :)
  • #12
Math Is Hard said:
Ivan might like this one:
I dreamed one night that I had been taken on board a space ship. Actually I didn't know where I was, but when I "woke up" this woman came over and explained this to me. She looked like an ordinary human woman - I remember she had blonde hair and blue eyes, and I believe we communicated telepathically. I asked her who she was and she explained that she was extraterrestrial. I was suddenly very scared and started thinking about grey space aliens all that, but she seemed amused and reassured me that she was not like them, and meant me no harm.
She went and got this strange thin metallic square orange plate with a bunch of strange symbol-like writing etched into it. She said she'd brought me here to translate the writing for her, which seemed absurd, but somehow when she handed it to me I knew exactly what it meant and I read it to her. I don't remember anything else about the dream - not even what was written on the plate!

Any more alien dreams? :biggrin:
  • #13
The cloest of came to anything like this that i can remember was a dream that old the future which i bet many of you ahve had. It was sumple too. I had a dream my younger brothers bike lock was cut and his bike was stolen from his school. I woke up and at about 3 o clock that day my brother had discovered his bike was stolen and the chain that was cut was left behind.
  • #14
For me, it's the ominous mystery of the passenger side sun visor.

It seems that every time I go back to my car from a store or appointment, the passenger side sun visor is inexplicably in the down position.

Although I use both visors while driving, why would I only put the driver's side visor back up when I park? Were they both down or up when I left the car? I can't ever remember. It just always seems that the passenger side visor is down when I come back.
  • #15
Moonbear said:
I had a weird clock thing happen a few days after I moved into my house. I was about an hour off for at least a full day and have never figured out what happened.

Err, you didn't cross a time zone when you moved did you?
  • #16
JasonRox said:
Intuition is very subtle and you usually miss it or you don't realize the importance of it. You can walk around, and the number 4 enters your head. You forget about it, than later at night your buddy says pick a number 1-10, and if you get it, he'll buy you a beer. It turns out to be 4! Now that you recall that 4 entered your head, you start to realize how subtle it really is.
The other examples you gave could be ascribed to intuition, but this one seems totally psychic to me. How could the number four have entered your head several hours before he even asked the question? Was this is favorite number? What's the "normal" dynamic at work in this example?
  • #17
When i was a kid my perants used to do the usuall thing at x-mas of leaving sooty footprints coming out of the openfire, leaving half eaten minces pies, letters from Rudolph etc. to highten the fun.

Now, me and my sister used to share a room, one easter my sister awoke in the middle of the night shouting, not scared but still it was loud enough to wake the whole family. My parent concerned as to what was happening came rushing into the room. My sister explained that she had seen the easter bunny, now i have to admit i was as sleep and can`t account for the reality of what she saw but on the wall was the perfect outline of a rabbit, made of dust! My Mum, Dad, Sister and myself can all clearly remember this and my folks so this day swear that they never made the print!

THE EASTER BUNNY EXISTS! :bugeye: :rolleyes:
  • #18
I bought a halloween thing on Firday. Its a man about 3 ft tall, who holds a treat dish. Hes motion activated, and when you stand in front of him, his eyes move and he says things like "Don't ask where it came from, you really don't want to know".
A few nights ago, he started talking in the middle of the night, so I sleepily thought the cats had set him off, until I discovered all the animals were in the bed with me. So I encourage the dog to have a look, all is quiet, then the dog starts crying and runs back into the room. With all her hair standing up! For the rest of the night she she stood on the edge of the bed, giving her warning mini-barks.
The thing has been moved to the shed.
  • #19
hypatia said:
I bought a halloween thing on Firday. Its a man about 3 ft tall, who holds a treat dish. Hes motion activated, and when you stand in front of him, his eyes move and he says things like "Don't ask where it came from, you really don't want to know".
A few nights ago, he started talking in the middle of the night, so I sleepily thought the cats had set him off, until I discovered all the animals were in the bed with me. So I encourage the dog to have a look, all is quiet, then the dog starts crying and runs back into the room. With all her hair standing up! For the rest of the night she she stood on the edge of the bed, giving her warning mini-barks.
The thing has been moved to the shed.
Ah geeze hypatia, now you've frightened me. :bugeye:
  • #20
I know dogs have good hearing and eye sight, some times benji will jump up
from his snooze and stare in one direction intently, normally i only have to
tap my leg and he will come to me, on these occasions he will ignore every thing, I have searched the area he was staring at and found nothing, he will
do this for two three minutes , mostly in the living room or my bed room, some
times his ears will prick up, like when he knows one of us is coming home,
but on most occasions we are all home.

  • #21
I read in a book once that if you place your head behind your dog's head and look forward just above the top of his head (between his ears), you will see whatever he sees. It's true. Scary, huh? :bugeye:
  • #22
ive heard that dogs see ghosts!:bugeye:
  • #23
Evo said:
I read in a book once that if you place your head behind your dog's head and look forward just above the top of his head (between his ears), you will see whatever he sees. It's true. Scary, huh? :bugeye:

Im not sure he sees any thing, but i will give it a go, you do read some strange
books, but I am not surprised :smile:
  • #24
Evo said:
I read in a book once that if you place your head behind your dog's head and look forward just above the top of his head (between his ears), you will see whatever he sees. It's true. Scary, huh?
You couldn't say it's true unless you've tried it. What did you see?
  • #25
zoobyshoe said:
You couldn't say it's true unless you've tried it. What did you see?
Exactly what the dog saw. :biggrin: Get it?

And I really did read that in a book about ghosts. :-p
  • #26
MIH said:
She said she'd brought me here to translate the writing for her, which seemed absurd, but somehow when she handed it to me I knew exactly what it meant and I read it to her. I don't remember anything else about the dream - not even what was written on the plate!
I have done something similar in a dream before. I read alien looking script and was able to understand it. From what I have heard this is due to the portion of your brain responsable for decifering written language is not functioning when you are dreaming so you can not literally "read" anything in a dream. So I figure that when you do read anything in a dream it must be just taken as granted in your mind that the words were really there and you really read them unless for some reason you make yourself concentrate on the letters or words in which case you would have something happen similar to what happened to us. You see the letters and they don't look familiar but you somehow know what they mean.

I've had a number of odd experiences. One that I don't think I have shared here before is an unnerving tendency for information to change on me. I remember a long time ago I told my mom that I don't drink my grandfathers coffee because it's decaf and I want coffee with caffiene in it. She told me that my grandfather drank regular coffee. I said that I had thought that he drank deca because he was diabetic or some such thing. She told me that he wasn't diabetic. I looked at the coffee and sure enough it was regular coffee. A couple years later my mother said something about my grandfather being diabetic. I was thrown for a loop. I told her that I thought she had said he wasn't diabetic. She had no recollection what so ever of telling me that my grandfather wasn't diabetic.
I have had other things happen similar to that but that one was the one that impressed me the most because I had a very clear memory of the prior discussion.
Last edited:
  • #27
Evo said:
Exactly what the dog saw. :biggrin: Get it?
Yup. That's what I thought. :)
  • #28
zoobyshoe said:
The other examples you gave could be ascribed to intuition, but this one seems totally psychic to me. How could the number four have entered your head several hours before he even asked the question? Was this is favorite number? What's the "normal" dynamic at work in this example?
Why, tachyons, naturally.
  • #29
EnumaElish said:
Why, tachyons, naturally.
His post is really old, so I wonder if he knows I asked something about it. Still, his "intuition" should have told him.
  • #30
hypatia said:
The thing has been moved to the shed.
Would have been scarier still if the thing has moved to the shed.

Excess moisture set the thing off. You sent the dog to check, and the dog either saw it talk or worse, set it off again. Dog thought "ghost in the machine."
  • #31
Evo said:
I read in a book once that if you place your head behind your dog's head and look forward just above the top of his head (between his ears), you will see whatever he sees. It's true. Scary, huh? :bugeye:
Even scarier is if you hug the dog you'll feel fuzzy, just like the dog!
  • #32
I was very interested to hear that TSA had the same dream experience as me, but somewhat disheartened to know that the aliens are now abducting him for translation. That means I must have been fired as their interpreter!


Hypatia's story scared the jeepers outta me! :bugeye: I wish she would post a picture of the "thing". It's a great Halloween story!
  • #33
Math Is Hard said:
I was very interested to hear that TSA had the same dream experience as me, but somewhat disheartened to know that the aliens are now abducting him for translation. That means I must have been fired as their interpreter!
No, I sent those aliens all over the place looking for people who could properly fathom a stupid quetion. You haven't been fired. It's just "the more, the merrier."
  • #34
Math Is Hard said:
Hypatia's story scared the jeepers outta me! :bugeye: I wish she would post a picture of the "thing". It's a great Halloween story!
Yes, it's really the perfect opening chapter of a Stephen King book: exactly the sort of crossover from mundane, everyday stuff into supernatural horror that he would use. The next thing that will happen is that when hypatia goes out to the shed again, it won't be where she set it, but on the other side of the shed instead.
  • #35
Realistic details
Eyes move
Head turns and his chest heaves
Says butler phrases and laughs
AC adapter included
Motion activated

I now plan to never enter the shed again thanks zoob

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