Welcome All: Unravelling the Mysteries of Photons

In summary, we discussed the possibility of calculating the number of photons in the universe and clarified that a photon has no rest mass and will always travel at the speed of light. We also addressed the misconception that a ship made of matter can reach the speed of light and explained that as it approaches c, its mass will approach infinity.
  • #1
welcome all

I'd like to know if there is a way to calculate how manny photons are in this universe. We can calculate the mass of the universe so is there a way to claculate the number of photons? I also would like to clear some things i don't understand. I read that if people build a ship that will be able to reach the speed of light then the moment it reaches the speed of light it will have infinite mass, energy, gravity, force and magnetism. Does a photon have all these?

All answers are welcome.
Thank you!
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  • #2
A photon has no rest mass so it ALWAYS travels at the speed of light (in vacuum), in materials, light travels slower than c.

Yes, one can, we can evaulate the photon energy/number density fairly easy to a certain accuracy.
  • #3
A photon's energy is just proportional to its frequency f. Since it is massless, it has no kinetic energy, or gravity for that matter. It will always travel at the speed of light.
  • #4
BAnders1 said:
A photon's energy is just proportional to its frequency f. Since it is massless, it has no kinetic energy, or gravity for that matter. It will always travel at the speed of light.

so why do we have a kinetic term in the QED Lagrangian for the electromagnetic field, and why is light affected by gravity? Gravity is proportional to the energy-momentum tensor.
  • #5
Nios said:
I'd like to know if there is a way to calculate how manny photons are in this universe. We can calculate the mass of the universe so is there a way to claculate the number of photons?

We don't know the mass of the universe with much accuracy, nor do we know how much matter, dark matter, or dark energy there is with much accuracy. But that isn't necessary because you can measure photon spectrum (its a black-body spectrum at about 2.7 degrees K) and flux directly and its fairly even from all directions, and we have a fair* estimate of the volume of the universe (although the concept of universe volume in this context is a little complicated because we need to compensate for the fact that we see the past at great distances because of the finite speed of light). So you could calculate how many photons there are from that direct measurement. *Its actually the surface area of a hypersphere (probably), and this assumes we have a fair estimate of its shape. Maybe we don't.

Nios said:
I also would like to clear some things i don't understand. I read that if people build a ship that will be able to reach the speed of light then the moment it reaches the speed of light it will have infinite mass, energy, gravity, force and magnetism. Does a photon have all these?

A photon has no rest mass. That's why it can be "accelerated" to c without infinities rearing their ugly heads. -- at least that's the simplistic way to look at it. its debatable whether a photon's existence in transit has much meaning.
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  • #6
Nios said:
I read that if people build a ship that will be able to reach the speed of light then the moment it reaches the speed of light it will have infinite mass, energy, gravity, force and magnetism.
No one else quite addressed this misconception.

No ship made of matter will ever be able to reach the speed of light. Matter cannot travel at c.

As it approaches (though never reaches) c, its mass will approach infinity. (Its length will also approach zero.)

FAQ: Welcome All: Unravelling the Mysteries of Photons

What is "Welcome All: Unravelling the Mysteries of Photons"?

"Welcome All: Unravelling the Mysteries of Photons" is a book that explores the fascinating world of photons, the particles of light that make up the electromagnetic spectrum. It covers the history of photon research, their properties and behaviors, and their many applications in technology and everyday life.

Who is the target audience for this book?

The target audience for this book is anyone with a curious mind and an interest in science. It is suitable for readers of all ages and backgrounds, from students to professionals in the field.

What makes this book stand out from others on the subject?

This book stands out from others on the subject because it combines scientific accuracy with an engaging and accessible writing style. It also includes stunning visuals and real-world examples to help readers understand the concepts and ideas presented.

Can this book be used as a reference for scientific studies?

Yes, this book can be used as a reference for scientific studies. It includes extensive references and further reading suggestions for readers who want to delve deeper into specific topics.

Are there any online resources or supplemental materials available for this book?

Yes, there are online resources and supplemental materials available for this book. These include interactive simulations, videos, and downloadable materials for further exploration and learning.
