Welcome! Exploring Science with Friends

In summary: This forum is really great for helping out with classwork and homework. I've been coming here for a while now and I think its going to help me a lot.In summary, the forum is great for getting help with classwork and homework, and learning more about science in general.
  • #1
Hi, I'm new to this forum. I came here because I was told by a friend that the forums are great for getting help on classwork/homework.

Aside from that, I came here to learn more about science. I always thought that science was about experiments and wearing white lab coats and growing long, bushy beards that you can stroke while pondering about things (of course if you can't grow a beard you could always buy one and stroke that). I quickly came to realize that this is not true, and that I can't do science. So instead of giving up, I have decided to broaden my understanding of science in general.

I hope to learn and grow on this forum, and make friends with lots of e-strangers along the way!

TD;LR - I'm new, nice to meet you.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to PF, ShakeSpee :smile:!
  • #3
There's plenty that can be learned here. Welcome to PF.
  • #4
Welcome to PF!

What's your favorite fish, by the way? :smile:
  • #5
You're not, by any chance the poster formerly/currently known as "NoodleDurh", are you? The only reason I'm asking is because your username seems oddly coincidental after one of Noodle's recent posts:

NoodleDurh said:
How do I get thise "Hall Pass", Must I become shakespear? :3
  • #6
Hi. Sorry its been a while.

lisab - Thanks its nice to meet you!

dlgoff - I look forward to learning a lot!

jtbell - Thank you! My favorite fish to look at is a tie between Angelfish and Pufferfish, and my favorite fish to eat is Salmon.

Curious - No, I'm not NoodleDurh, but he (or she!) has a great taste in usernames!
  • #7
YAY...ooohh...pufferfish, haven't initiated anyone with one of those yet.



Welcome to PF! :approve:
  • #8
  • #9
Evo said:
YAY...ooohh...pufferfish, haven't initiated anyone with one of those yet.



Welcome to PF! :approve:

Its like a big balloon that could go POOF!
  • #10
jtbell said:
You can pretend this is a pufferfish:

IhJQp-q1Y1s[/youtube][/QUOTE] I see this in the fish market A LOT.
  • #11
Welcome to the forum ShakeSpee. :)
  • #12
Gad said:
Welcome to the forum ShakeSpee. :)

Thank you Gad!

FAQ: Welcome! Exploring Science with Friends

What is "Welcome! Exploring Science with Friends"?

"Welcome! Exploring Science with Friends" is an interactive science program designed for children to learn about various scientific topics through hands-on activities and experiments. It is a fun and engaging way for children to explore and develop an interest in science.

What age group is this program suitable for?

This program is suitable for children between the ages of 6-12 years old. However, younger children can also participate with the help of an adult.

What topics are covered in "Welcome! Exploring Science with Friends"?

This program covers a wide range of scientific topics such as biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and more. Each session focuses on a specific topic and includes fun and educational activities related to that topic.

Do I need any special equipment or materials to participate in this program?

Most of the materials needed for the activities are commonly found in households or can be easily purchased at a local store. A list of materials and equipment needed for each session will be provided beforehand so that participants can gather them beforehand.

How can I sign up for "Welcome! Exploring Science with Friends"?

To sign up for this program, please visit our website and fill out the registration form. Spaces are limited, so we recommend signing up early to secure a spot. Once registered, you will receive further information and updates about the program via email.

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