Welcome! Let's Discuss: Block on Water Surface

In summary, the water level rises as the block falls because it transfers energy from the block to the water.
  • #1
Hello all,

Its my first thread here!
I'll start things off with a (simple?) question.
Suppose a block is suspended on a surface of water. It comprises potential energy quite obviously. As the block desends down the water level, it loses PE. According to the rules of conservation of energy, if the block is losing PE, surely the water is gaining PE. My question is how? It's not like the water level has changed! Or is it gaining PE in terms of internal energy?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The water level is not rising?

Then why does when I imerse my spoon in my fully loaded bol of soup, it spils everywhere?
  • #3
um what? I don't get you...could you pls, kindly, clarify your question?
  • #4
Cryptic89 said:
Hello all,
Its my first thread here!
I'll start things off with a (simple?) question.
Suppose a block is suspended on a surface of water. It comprises potential energy quite obviously. As the block desends down the water level, it loses PE. According to the rules of conservation of energy, if the block is losing PE, surely the water is gaining PE. My question is how? It's not like the water level has changed! Or is it gaining PE in terms of internal energy?

Let me first describe the situation I'm picturing to see if it corresponds to what you had in mind. So you have a block of something (say, lead) and it's being suspended (by say, a rope) right above the surface of some body of water. Then, we cut the rope and the block begins to sink. The first point is that it will only sink if its density is greater than that of water. Otherwise, it will float on the surface, partially submerged (see Archimedes' principle).

Quasar's point is that, as soon as it enters the water, it will be displacing some of the liquid and the water level will rise. This is true and it will lead to a rise in the water's potential energy, but it will only be a small change and will only occur until the block is completely submerged. After that, the water level will remain constant as the block falls.

Now, what happens during the fall? Well, if there were no water, the block would fall freely, losing potential energy and gaining kinetic energy (energy of motion). In the limit of a very dense mass, this is what will happen in the water as well -- there would be effectively no energy transfer between the block and the water. However, for most objects, there would be a non-negligible amount of drag as they fell through the water. This means that the water molecules would push back on the block, a force opposite to gravity. This force would do negative work (i.e. the block would do work on the water) and there would be a transfer of energy from block to water.

What form does the energy take when it's passed to the water? Well, it depends. Some of it might be transferred to thermal energy; that is, it might heat the water. An increase in temperature means that the water molecules would be moving more quickly on average, so thermal energy can be thought of as a form of kinetic energy. Another thing that can happen is that the water can gain turbulent motion. This means that, instead of an increase in the average motion of the molecules, it can produce a bulk motion of the molecules. The exact details of the energy transfer can become complicated and it will depend on other things, like the temperature of the water and the shape of the block. Hopefully you get the idea, though.
  • #5
I couldn't explain any better than Space Tiger already has. However I fear you may question this phenonema in theory and go away discontent. So to avert such feelings from taking you over, may I please suggest you to collect a measuring container (I feel confident you possesses any type of liquid container with measurable readings etched or embedded on the side) and a considerably big (so long it fits well in the container) and heavy object. Fill the container up to a preferable reading (may I suggest a middle mark reading) and slowly emerge your chosen object on the container and wait until it hits the bottom.

Is the water level the same or has it changed with the object present? Record readings before and after if it helps
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  • #6
Thank you all for the responses! :)

FAQ: Welcome! Let's Discuss: Block on Water Surface

What is a "Block on Water Surface"?

A "Block on Water Surface" is a phenomenon where a solid object, such as a block, is able to float on the surface of water due to the surface tension of the water molecules.

Why does a block float on the water surface?

A block floats on the water surface because of the surface tension of water. This is the result of the cohesive forces between water molecules that create a strong surface film, allowing the block to sit on top of the water rather than sinking.

What factors affect the ability of a block to float on water?

The ability of a block to float on water is affected by several factors, including the density and shape of the block, the surface tension of the water, and the gravitational force acting on the block. Other factors such as temperature and the presence of impurities in the water can also play a role.

How does the block's shape affect its ability to float on water?

The shape of the block can greatly impact its ability to float on water. A block with a larger surface area will have more contact with the water and therefore experience more surface tension, making it easier for it to float. A block with a more streamlined shape may also be more likely to float due to reduced drag and resistance from the water.

Can a block ever sink on water?

In most cases, a block will float on the surface of water due to the surface tension. However, if the block is too dense or heavy, or if there is not enough surface tension, it may sink. Additionally, if the block's shape or size is not conducive to floating, it may also sink. Other factors such as force or pressure applied to the block can also cause it to sink.
