Well-ordered subsets of real numbers

In summary: So in other words, the intervals (x,s(x)) and (y,s(y)) do not intersect.That's not rigorous and not well-thought out, I know but is that close to what you're thinking or just way off?I'm not sure how uncountability proves that. The hint I'm trying to give you is that if you have a collection of disjoint intervals in R, then that collection is countable. Can you prove that? Can you show the collection (x,s(x)) is disjoint?Sure. The proof that they're disjoint seems simple enough.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that any well-ordered subset (under the natural order) of the real numbers is countable.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

My attempt thus far has been to prove by contradiction. I didn't see a very clear way to get from well-ordered subset to countable so I decided to assume that I have a set A which is uncountable. The best I've been able to come up with is this:

Since the set is uncountable and contained in R, it must contain at least one irrational number, and in fact, uncountably many irrationals. I recall another result, that is that the real line can only be covered by countably many disjoint intervals, meaning that at least one of these intervals contains uncountably many elements from my set A. Now, my intuition tells me that there is a way to essentially "shrink" this interval down to a very tiny neighborhood so that I can find my subset of A that is not well-ordered by the natural order as it behaves something like (0,1) or the like. I'm not sure how well this idea works, if at all, and was wondering if anyone thinks this idea is at all in the right direction or if there's another way to view the problem that might work better.
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  • #2
That's pretty vague. You are just making the interval smaller. That's not making it easier to solve. Think about this. Let the uncountable set be S. For every x in S there is a unique successor (the smallest element of S greater than x), unless, of course, x is the largest element of S. Call the successor s(x). Try thinking about that for a while.
  • #3
Dick said:
That's pretty vague. You are just making the interval smaller.
Sure. But then he can do it again... I expect this line of reasoning can be made into a perfectly good argument, but I don't see the detail yet.

The main obstacle to it, I think, is that there can be infinite increasing sequences in the set, which have limits.
  • #4
Dick, all I can get from that right off the bat is perhaps a contradiction with the fact that S is uncountable. Because if S is well ordered, it certainly has a smallest element a. So now I pick the immediate successor to a, s(a). As a result any subset of S, which does not include a, has s(a) as its least element. Now I do it again for s(a) taking s(s(a)) and have the same line of logic. But then that is a countable sequence of numbers in S which accounts for all of S somehow.Then again, this argument doesn't seem to account for the reason why this is peculiar to only the natural order on R, so I'm still way off I assume.
  • #5
factor said:
Dick, all I can get from that right off the bat is perhaps a contradiction with the fact that S is uncountable. Because if S is well ordered, it certainly has a smallest element a. So now I pick the immediate successor to a, s(a). As a result any subset of S, which does not include a, has s(a) as its least element. Now I do it again for s(a) taking s(s(a)) and have the same line of logic. But then that is a countable sequence of numbers in S which accounts for all of S somehow.

Not rigorous and not well-thought out, I know but is that close to what you're thinking or just way off?

The problem is proving that your countable set of successors of a is ALL of S. It isn't necessarily. Think about the set of open intervals (x,s(x)) for all x in S. You'll have to deal somehow with a possible largest element. But it's not very important how you do that.
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  • #6
Those intervals should have empty intersections with S by the definition of the function s(.).

But it seems like at least one of them should have a non-empty intersection by the uncountability of the set S.
  • #7
factor said:
Those intervals should have empty intersections with S by the definition of the function s(.).

But it seems like at least one of them should have a non-empty intersection by the uncountability of the set S.

I'm not sure how uncountability proves that. The hint I'm trying to give you is that if you have a collection of disjoint intervals in R, then that collection is countable. Can you prove that? Can you show the collection (x,s(x)) is disjoint?
  • #8
The proof that they're disjoint seems simple enough.

Pick any x and y, where x =/= y, in S and then look at the intervals (x,s(x)) and (y,s(y)), and suppose the contrary. We can assume without loss of generality that x < y. Then there exists some a which belongs to both intervals. But since this is a singleton in two open sets on the real line, it must be the case that y is also in (x,s(x)). But y is in S and as a result y < s(x) which implies that s(x) is not the immediate successor to x as we defined it to be, a contradiction.
  • #9
factor said:
The proof that they're disjoint seems simple enough.

Pick any x and y, where x =/= y, in S and then look at the intervals (x,s(x)) and (y,s(y)), and suppose the contrary. We can assume without loss of generality that x < y. Then there exists some a which belongs to both intervals. But since this is a singleton in two open sets on the real line, it must be the case that y is also in (x,s(x)). But y is in S and as a result y < s(x) which implies that s(x) is not the immediate successor to x as we defined it to be, a contradiction.

Sure, if they overlap and x<y, then y is in (x,s(x)). That looks good. Can you finish it now?
  • #10
This has to do with defining an equivalence relation on the set right? Defining two elements to be equivalent if and only if there is some open interval in your set that they share?

The relation partitions the points of the set into open intervals which must contain rational points by their density in R, which are certainly countable.
  • #11
factor said:
This has to do with defining an equivalence relation on the set right? Defining two elements to be equivalent if and only if there is some open interval in your set that they share?

The relation partitions the points of the set into open intervals which must contain rational points by their density in R, which are certainly countable.

The idea is that you now have a 1-1 mapping from the points x in S to the disjoint open intervals (x,s(x)). Except for that pesky possible largest element. If you can show the intervals are countable that means S is countable, right? Show me that the collection of intervals must be countable. Hint: as you said, every interval contains a rational point.
  • #12
Well if they all contain rational points, then by the fact that they're all disjoint we can choose one from each (by the axiom of choice) and this rational uniquely identifies the set because it's only in that single set. So this list of points in S is at worst countably infinite.
  • #13
factor said:
Well if they all contain rational points, then by the fact that they're all disjoint we can choose one from each (by the axiom of choice) and this rational uniquely identifies the set because it's only in that single set. So this list of points in S is at worst countably infinite.

That's it. BTW you can also prove any set of disjoint open intervals in R is countable without using the axiom of choice by using a measure argument. But that's fine with me.
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FAQ: Well-ordered subsets of real numbers

1. What is a well-ordered subset of real numbers?

A well-ordered subset of real numbers is a subset of real numbers that is ordered in such a way that every non-empty subset has a least element. In other words, every element in the subset has a unique predecessor and there is no infinite decreasing sequence within the subset.

2. How is a well-ordered subset different from a totally ordered subset?

A well-ordered subset is a specific type of totally ordered subset where the ordering follows a strict rule that there always exists a least element in every non-empty subset. In a totally ordered subset, there may be infinite decreasing sequences and not every subset has a least element.

3. What is the significance of well-ordered subsets in mathematics?

Well-ordered subsets are important in mathematics because they have properties that can be used to prove theorems and make mathematical arguments. For example, the well-ordering principle states that every non-empty subset of natural numbers has a least element, which is often used in proofs by mathematical induction.

4. Can you give an example of a well-ordered subset of real numbers?

One example of a well-ordered subset of real numbers is the set of positive integers. This set has a strict ordering where every element has a unique predecessor and there is no infinite decreasing sequence. Another example is the set of non-negative rational numbers, where every element has a unique predecessor and there is no infinite decreasing sequence.

5. How are well-ordered subsets related to the concept of completeness in real numbers?

A well-ordered subset is a special case of a complete subset, where every non-empty subset has a supremum (least upper bound). In fact, the well-ordering theorem states that every set can be well-ordered if and only if it can be mapped onto a subset of the real numbers. This shows the close relationship between well-ordered subsets and completeness in real numbers.
