What Affects Bicycle Stability More: Velocity or Weight?

In summary, a bicycle with a low center of mass is more stable at high speeds, but a higher speed also results in a longer time of stability.
  • #1
I'm doing a big physics lab for my extended essay (IB diploma).
I'm exploring two things, where my question is
what affects the stability of a bicycle more, velocity or the weight on the bicycle?
So for the first variable velocity,
i pushed the bicycle in different strengths to alter velocity and observe how long they go.
For the second variable, i tried to keep the velocity the same as possible and added weight to observe the stability.

So here is my first question:
For both of these variables, what should my hypothesis (expected outcomes) to be?
for velocity, as velocity increases stability would increase too (my prediction),
but for weight, I'm not so sure since it could be also directly proportional due to gravity but also it could be the opposite due to the increase in torque to fall down sideways.
What do you predictwill happen?

here is my second question:
what are the calculations i can use for these to support / analyse the results?
i can see that i can use torque to see how the bicycle falls,
but i need more calculations to do.. some ppl suggested angular momentum, law of conservation etc.. could anyone explain this a bit more specifically please?

i know I'm asking a lot of things, but it would be really, really helpful if you could spend some time helping me, this is really important for me.
I promise i'll give ur help back sometime later when you need it:-)
thank you very much again and have a nice day!
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  • #2
Have you thought on modifying the angle of the fork?
  • #3
what do you mean exactly?
if your'e talking about investigating another variable, i can't do that now.. its too late :-(
  • #4
Well, as far as I know, the angle of the fork (I mean, it is not a vertical fork but has a forward angel) is what makes cycling easy enough. When the running bicycle tends to fall, the steering turns into the falling direction, creating a centrifugal force (that of the curve the cycle is following) that will push the bicycle upwards.
As you pointed, more speed makes the cycle more stable as it is needed less curve to create enough centrifugal force.

I was pointing you to the angle as more weight will favour the steering to turn, but at the same time you will need more speed to increase the centrifugal force needed to keep more weigth on track. I don't know the answer, but the fork angle is something to take into account (mountain bikes are more unstable that road bikes, for example).
  • #5
The steering geometry of a bicycle is setup so that if the line of the pivot axis were extended to the pavement, this intercept point would be in front of the contact patch of the front tire, and the distance from the pivot axis intercept point back to the center of the contact patch is called trail. When a stationary bicycle is leaned, gravity pulls down on the bicycle, and the pavement pushes up at the contact patch, and because the contact patch is "behind" the pivot axis, it cause the front wheel to steer in the direction of lean.

The amount of trail determines the minimum speed that the bicycle requires to be vertically stable.

The amount of weight doesn't matter, but a low center of mass will increase the time of recovery, and may also require a higher minimum speed.

At higher speeds, gyroscopic forces resist changes in lean angle, and there will be a transition from vertical stability to lean angle stability.

FAQ: What Affects Bicycle Stability More: Velocity or Weight?

1. What is the center of gravity on a bicycle?

The center of gravity on a bicycle is the point at which the weight of the entire bicycle and rider is evenly distributed. This point is typically located around the bottom bracket area, where the pedals and crank arms are attached.

2. How does the weight distribution affect the stability of a bicycle?

The weight distribution on a bicycle plays a crucial role in its stability. If the weight is evenly distributed, the bicycle will be more stable and easier to control. If the weight is not evenly distributed, it can cause the bicycle to become unbalanced and increase the risk of accidents.

3. What factors contribute to the stability of a bicycle?

The stability of a bicycle is affected by several factors such as the geometry of the frame, the size and shape of the wheels, the weight distribution, and the speed of the bicycle. These factors work together to determine the overall stability of the bicycle.

4. How does the design of the frame affect the stability of a bicycle?

The design of the frame is a crucial factor in the stability of a bicycle. A longer wheelbase and lower center of gravity can increase stability, while a shorter wheelbase and higher center of gravity can decrease stability. The frame also plays a role in how the weight is distributed on the bicycle.

5. What are some tips for maintaining the stability of a bicycle?

To maintain the stability of a bicycle, it is important to regularly check and adjust tire pressure, ensure that the wheels are properly aligned, and keep the bicycle clean and well-maintained. Additionally, practicing proper riding techniques and avoiding sudden movements can also help to maintain stability while riding a bicycle.
