What Angle Should a Curve Be Banked to Allow Safe Travel Without Friction?

  • Thread starter mikefitz
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In summary: The summary for this conversation is: In summary, the car's maximum speed for safely navigating an unbanked curve is determined by the coefficient of static friction between the tires and the ground. To safely navigate the same curve at the same speed without relying on friction, the curve must be banked at a certain angle. This can be calculated using equations for horizontal and vertical forces and the maximum speed without sliding. The first equation for finding the bank angle requires the speed and radius of the curve, while the second equation requires the speed and mass of the car.
  • #1
A car can negotiate an unbanked curve safely at a certain maximum speed when the coefficient of static friction between the tires and the ground is 0.84. at what angle should the same curve be banked for the car to negotiate the curve safely at the same maximum speed without relying on friction ?

Honestly, I have no idea where to begin. I can't calculate speed, I don't know the mass of the car, the radius of the curve, anything.

How do I compare the turning angle and speed with a banked curve as opposed to an unbanked curve?
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  • #2
Ok, still trying to figure this one out...

I know I need to use Newton's second law F=ma; but how do I analyze the unbanked curve in x and y directions with only the coefficient of static friction?

Also - does centripetal acceleration change for a banked curve?

  • #3
mikefitz said:
A car can negotiate an unbanked curve safely at a certain maximum speed when the coefficient of static friction between the tires and the ground is 0.84. at what angle should the same curve be banked for the car to negotiate the curve safely at the same maximum speed without relying on friction ?

Honestly, I have no idea where to begin. I can't calculate speed, I don't know the mass of the car, the radius of the curve, anything.

How do I compare the turning angle and speed with a banked curve as opposed to an unbanked curve?
Can you work out the (maximum) speed from the first part? All you have to know is the expression for the horizontal force (think circular motion). Since the horizontal force is supplied entirely by friction, you will be able to work out the speed.

Establish the equations for the vertical and horizontal forces on the banked curve (no friction) and that will give you the expression for angle in terms of the car's speed.

[Hint: Do a free body diagram of the car. What is the vertical acceleration (does it accelerate vertically?). What are the forces (as vectors) acting on the car vertically? What is the horizontal acceleration as the car is rounding the curve? What are the forces acting on the car horizontally? ]

  • #4
looking through my notes, I don't have any equations relating to circular motion that include coefficient of static friction in them; this is why I'm having trouble coming up with speed for example. The only equations I have to find the bank angles require speed and radius of the curve...
  • #5
If any of you have additional tips you can pass my way I will check this topic in the morning; again, thanks for your time.
  • #6
mikefitz said:
If any of you have additional tips you can pass my way I will check this topic in the morning; again, thanks for your time.
The horizontal force is supplied by friction. The maximum speed without sliding is determined by the maximum centripetal force that can be supplied by friction:

[tex]F_c = \mu_s N = \mu_s mg[/tex]

That gives you the speed, v (when you used the correct expression for centripetal force).

For the second part, I'll get you started:

[tex]\vec N\sin\theta + m\vec g = ?[/tex] (vertical acceleration)

[tex]\vec N\cos\theta = ?[/tex] (horizontal acceleration)

Solve that for [itex]\theta[/itex] in terms of v and plug in the value of v from the first part.

  • #7
So, the vertical acceleration will have to be zero (since the car isn't actually accelerating upward, just horizontally).

What about the first equation http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/5912/10944360ce2.png - how do you get v from this equation when the variable v isn't part of the equation? also - how am I supposed to substitute a value for m if m isn't given?

sorry for the elementary questions !
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  • #8
mikefitz said:
So, the vertical acceleration will have to be zero (since the car isn't actually accelerating upward, just horizontally).

What about the first equation http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/5912/10944360ce2.png - how do you get v from this equation when the variable v isn't part of the equation? also - how am I supposed to substitute a value for m if m isn't given.
I said you can work out v from the correct expression for centripetal force. You are supposed to know what that is. What is the centripetal acceleration when an object moves in a curved path or radius R with tangential speed v?

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FAQ: What Angle Should a Curve Be Banked to Allow Safe Travel Without Friction?

What is the difference between unbanked and banked curves?

Unbanked curves are curves on a road or track that have no slope or tilt, while banked curves are curves that have a slope or tilt towards the inside of the curve.

Why are banked curves used in roads and tracks?

Banked curves are used to provide a greater level of safety and stability for vehicles traveling at high speeds. The slope or tilt of the curve helps to counteract the centrifugal force that pushes the vehicle towards the outside of the curve, reducing the risk of the vehicle sliding or rolling over.

How are banked curves designed and constructed?

Banked curves are designed and constructed using mathematical formulas and calculations that take into account the speed and radius of the curve, as well as the type of vehicle that will be traveling on it. The slope or tilt of the curve is then built into the road or track using specialized equipment and techniques.

What are the potential dangers of unbanked curves?

Unbanked curves can be dangerous for vehicles traveling at high speeds because they do not have the slope or tilt to counteract the centrifugal force. This can lead to vehicles sliding or rolling over, especially in wet or slippery conditions.

What are the benefits of using banked curves in transportation design?

Using banked curves in transportation design can increase the safety and efficiency of roads and tracks, allowing for higher speeds and reducing the risk of accidents. It can also help to reduce wear and tear on vehicles, as they do not have to fight against the centrifugal force in unbanked curves.

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