What Angle Should a Fireman Aim the Hose to Reach the Same Height?

  • Thread starter comerjames97
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses a fireman standing on a 20m high building who needs to aim a hose at a burning wall at the same level above the ground as he is standing. The horizontal velocity is given as 12m/s and the question is at what angle must he aim the hose relative to the horizontal. The conversation also mentions the guidelines of the forum and suggests using a template for homework questions. Lastly, it suggests correcting the title to trajectory instead of projectory.
  • #1
A fireman is standing on top of a building 20m high, he wants the water from the hose to reach the burning wall at the same level above the ground as he is standing. Horizontal velocity is 12m/s. At what angle must he aim the hose relative to the horizontal?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Please take a moment to read the guidelines of PF. This looks like a homework assignment. We have a template or homework questions where you describe the problem, show relevant formulas and show your work. We can't do your homework and we can't help until you show us some work.

Lastly, I think your title should be trajectory not projectory. It helps to have descriptive titles.

FAQ: What Angle Should a Fireman Aim the Hose to Reach the Same Height?

1. What is a two dimensional projectory?

A two dimensional projectory is a path or trajectory that an object follows in two dimensions, usually represented on a flat surface such as a computer screen or a sheet of paper. It is a representation of the motion of an object in two dimensions, typically with an x-axis and a y-axis.

2. How is a two dimensional projectory different from a one dimensional projectory?

A one dimensional projectory only shows the motion of an object in one dimension, usually represented on a single line or axis. A two dimensional projectory takes into account the motion of an object in two dimensions, typically represented on a two-dimensional graph with an x-axis and a y-axis.

3. What factors affect the shape of a two dimensional projectory?

The shape of a two dimensional projectory is affected by several factors, including the initial velocity, the angle of launch, the force of gravity, and any external forces acting on the object. These factors determine the path of the object and can result in different types of projectories, such as a parabolic or elliptical shape.

4. How is a two dimensional projectory calculated or predicted?

A two dimensional projectory can be calculated or predicted using mathematical equations and principles such as Newton's laws of motion. These equations take into account the initial conditions and forces acting on the object to determine its path. There are also computer programs and simulations that can accurately predict two dimensional projectories.

5. What real-life applications use two dimensional projectories?

Two dimensional projectories have many real-life applications, including in the fields of physics, engineering, and sports. Examples include the motion of projectiles such as a baseball or a cannonball, the trajectory of a spacecraft, and the path of a golf ball on a course. Understanding and predicting two dimensional projectories is essential in designing and optimizing many real-world systems and processes.
