What Angle Should the Rifle Be Aimed to Hit a Target 800m Away?

In summary, 2D movement in physics refers to the motion of an object in two dimensions, involving both horizontal and vertical displacement. The main difference between 2D and 3D movement is the number of dimensions, with 3D adding a z-axis. 2D movement is calculated using equations of motion and can be seen in projectile motion, such as a ball being thrown. Real-life examples of 2D movement include a ball rolling down a ramp and a projectile being launched from a slingshot.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A rifle, in which the initial velocity of the bullet is 460m/s, is aimed at a small target 800 metres away at the same height as the rifle. At what angle above the ground must the rifle be pointed so that it hits the target?

x = horizontal distance
t = time
Vx = horizontal velocity
g = gravitational acceleration
y = vertical distance
Vyi = initial vertical velocity
Vyf = final vertical velocity

so far I know:
x is 800m (given)
g = -9.81m/s2, since the bullet is being pulled down by gravity
y = 0, because the bullet does not travel any vertical distance because it lands at the same height that it is shot at.


Homework Equations

y = Vyit + .5gt2
y = Vyft - .5gt2
g = (Vyf - Vyi)/t
Vyf2 = Vyi2 + 2gy

Vx = xt

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm almost clueless on how to approach this one. I can't even see how there is enough info given to be able to solve it. all I have so far is a diagram


Thanks in advance!

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  • #2

Very nicely laid out, a real treat to see a problem presented so legibly. Just for the sake of argument, suppose the bullet is fired horizontally, the time taken would be 800/460=1.74sec. The bullet would drop in that same time as you suggest .5*9.8*1.74^2=14.82m. In other words its a small angle indeed.
Hint: know any approximations using small angles.

If not, look at the first half of the flight to apex:
we can solve for t in both the x any y axes. Knowing that Vy at apex = 0,
then 460*sin (theta)=g*t Set that equal to the t for 400m along the x axis,

should end up with an expression along lines of sin(theta)*cos(theta)=a
where a is small. There is a trig identity that says:

sin(2*theta)=2*sin(theta)*cos(theta). Again this is just one way to solve it, but there are others, esp if using small angle approxamitions like

  • #3
Thanks for the reply denverdoc. would you be able to clarify a few things?

1.74s cannot be used for the time, since the bullet is being fired at an angle, right? Also I'm not familiar with small angle approximations, so maybe the first method is not the best way to go about.

denverdoc said:
should end up with an expression along lines of sin(theta)*cos(theta)=a
where a is small.

I understood "460*sin (theta)=g*t Set that equal to the t for 400m along the x axis", but you lost me on this part. Please explain how you got to sin(theta)*cos(theta)=a, and what did you mean by a?

  • #4
OK, two things happen simultaneously at apex. You hit the 1/2 way point on the x axis--this is 400m. You know the initial velocity and appreciate that not all of it is along the x axis. Also, You hit the condition of zero velocity along the Y. This leads to a separate eqn for t. Equate the two. a is just an arbitrary small number less than 1 which represents the constants all lumped together.
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  • #5
You can find the solution with the rules that you already know. You just need to include a few more equations, more specifically the quadratic formula and the pythagorean theorem.
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  • #6
Figured it out... I appreciate the help!


  • #7
glad to hear it. a good problem, well posted, and soluble thru a variety of methods.

FAQ: What Angle Should the Rifle Be Aimed to Hit a Target 800m Away?

What is 2D movement in physics?

2D movement in physics refers to the motion of an object in two dimensions, typically represented on a coordinate plane with an x-axis and y-axis. This type of movement involves both horizontal and vertical displacement.

What is the difference between 2D and 3D movement?

The main difference between 2D and 3D movement is the number of dimensions in which the object is moving. 2D movement occurs in two dimensions, while 3D movement occurs in three dimensions, adding a z-axis to the coordinate plane. This allows for more complex movements and trajectories.

How is 2D movement calculated in physics?

In physics, 2D movement is calculated using the equations of motion, which take into account the object's initial velocity, acceleration, and displacement in both the x and y directions. These equations can be used to determine the object's position and velocity at any given time.

What is projectile motion in 2D movement?

Projectile motion in 2D movement refers to the motion of an object that is launched or thrown and moves through the air under the influence of gravity. This type of movement is a combination of horizontal and vertical motion and follows a parabolic path.

What are some real-life examples of 2D movement?

Some real-life examples of 2D movement include a ball rolling down a ramp, a car driving on a flat road, and a projectile being launched from a slingshot. These movements can also be seen in sports such as basketball, where a ball is thrown and travels in a parabolic path before landing in the hoop.
