What Are Characteristic Scale Arguments in Physics?

In summary, the concept of a characteristic scale, such as the Compton wavelength, is often used in physics to ignore quantum phenomena and calculate classically. This idea is based on the complementarity principle, which states that particles can behave as both waves and particles. The best way to understand this concept is through a historical perspective, such as reading the Nobel Lecture of de Broglie or textbooks like Eisberg&Resnick's Quantum Physics. Even everyday observations, like measuring the temperature of a water droplet, can demonstrate the principles of quantum physics.
  • #1
center o bass
In physics one often invokes arguments about a characteristic scale. For example at distances much larger than the Compton wavelength (a characteristic length scale) one might ignore quantum phenomena and calculate classically.

I would like to read up some more on the thinking behind such arguments, their validity etc. Does anyone know of some good literature on this topic?
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  • #2

First of all, my mother language is not English, so I'll be glad if you correct any mistake.

The Compton wavelength is a particular case of the "de Broglie length wave" for electrons. The great idea behind this concept is the complementarity principle.


The complementarity in quantum physics could be summarized as "propagating as a wave; interacting with matter as a particle".

When you detect a quanta, you will measure its properties as a particle. When you don't detect a quanta, but its interference with itself, you will measure its properties as a wave, and among other things, its "de Broglie's wavelength".

It's a tricky point, and I think the best introduction is a historical view. I would recommend you The Nobel Lecture of de Broglie. http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1929/broglie-lecture.pdf. The textbook Eisberg&Resnick, Quantum Physics, which is often used for the first year of quantum physics classes at university, has a nice historical introduction.

And an even deeper text is "The Feynman Lectures on Physics". Vol. 3-4, p. 221-222, 412.

PD: Quantum phenomena are not only related to small sizes; a very graphical example is when you try to measure the temperature of a water droplet with a mercury-in-glass thermometer: this is also quantum physics :)

FAQ: What Are Characteristic Scale Arguments in Physics?

What is a characteristic scale argument?

A characteristic scale argument is a mathematical concept used in scientific research to describe the relationship between different physical quantities. It involves identifying a specific scale at which a particular phenomenon or behavior is most prominent or relevant.

Why are characteristic scale arguments important in scientific research?

Characteristic scale arguments help scientists to understand and explain complex systems and phenomena. By identifying the relevant scales and relationships between them, scientists can make accurate predictions and develop theories about how the system works.

How do you determine the characteristic scale of a system?

The characteristic scale of a system is determined by analyzing the underlying physical principles and identifying the dominant behaviors or processes at different scales. This can involve using mathematical models, experiments, and observations to gather data and make predictions.

What types of systems can be analyzed using characteristic scale arguments?

Characteristic scale arguments can be applied to a wide range of systems, from the microscopic scale of atoms and molecules to the macroscopic scale of galaxies and the universe. They are particularly useful in studying complex systems such as weather patterns, biological systems, and social systems.

Can characteristic scale arguments be used to accurately predict the behavior of a system?

Characteristic scale arguments are not meant to provide exact predictions, but rather to help scientists understand the overall behavior and patterns of a system. While they can be a useful tool in making predictions, other factors such as randomness and uncertainty must also be taken into account.
