What Are Common Misconceptions About the Big Bang?

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary: He only provides a summary of the content. Do not output anything before the summary.In summary, the article discusses 6 misconceptions about the big bang. Some of these misconceptions are: that the big bang was an explosion, that galaxies recede faster than light, that we can see galaxies receding faster than light, that the universe is expanding, and that objects inside the universe expand.The article also discusses how we can see galaxies receding faster than light. Special relativity does not apply to recession velocity, so we never see these galaxies recede faster than light. However, the expansion rate changes over time, so over time we do see these galaxies
  • #1
I just read the newest Scientific American. there is an article in it about 6 misconceptions about the big bang. let's see how you do? Can you answer the following 7 questions?
1)What kind of explosion was the big bang?
a. The big bang was like a bomb going off at a certain location in previously empty space.
b. it was an explosion of space itself

2)Can galaxies recede faster than light?
a. Sure they can special relativity does not apply to recession velocity.
b. of course not, special relativity forbids that.

3)Can we see galaxies receding faster than light?
a. no the light from those galaxies never reaches us
b. yes because the expansion rate changes over time

4)Why is there a cosmic redshift?
a.because space stretches all light waves as they propagate.
b. because receding galaxies are moving and exhibit a Doppler shift.

5)how large is the observable universe
a.the universe is 14 billion years old so has a radius of 14 billion light years
b. because space is expanding the observable universe has a radius about 3 times larger than 14 billion light years.

6)Do objects inside the universe expand too?
a. yes
b. no, the universe grows but coherent objects inside it do not.

7) Why won't Moonbear give me the time of day?
a. she doesn't have a watch
b. she has something called good taste

I'll post the answers in a few minutes unless I forget, in which case someone come find me in General discussion and remind me.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
my guesses:
1. b
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. a
6. b
7. a who's Moonbear?
  • #3
you need to spend more time in biology and General Discussion, Moonbear is a goddess who loves me but won't admit it.
the correct answers are:
7.c trick question, she will give me the time of day as soon as I wear her down enough with dumb little flirtatious things like this one.
  • #4
3 out of 6 (not including the trick question). I could have randomly guessed and done as well! I guess Scientific American proved their point about misconceptions.
  • #5
Got them all, yay! But then you'd hope an astro/physics major would...
  • #6
All of them, really? Even #7? :biggrin:

I got 5 out of the first 6 (woo hoo, I must be learning something around here), but I don't agree with the answer given for #7. My watch works just fine. :devil: (sorry tony, you still got that one wrong, but I don't think it was really in the Sci Am quiz :wink:)
  • #7
Its strange, not only did Lineweaver not consider tribdog's question 7, he also didn't consider:

8) If a galaxy is receding from us at twice the speed of light and a jet is ejected from the galaxy in our direction at 0.99c wrt the galaxy, will we see the jet as redshifted or blueshifted.

and maybe the answer to Q7 is that Moonbear doesn't agree with the time coordinate in tribdog's coordinate system - just as I don't agree with Lineweaver's.
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  • #8
Thank you for this thread.

It seems like the Doppler Shift is constantly inserted as a pedagogical tool, but it turns out it really only served to confuse me. I suppose the confusion was good if it lead me to investigate, though. :)
  • #9
6 out of 7...lol I chose A for 7
  • #10
I did ok myself, for not knowing squat about the universe. :smile:

Andromeda, should hope you would get them all...:grumbles: fate of the world in astro/physics people...should hope you know what your doing...:biggrin: Just Kidding!
  • #11
Yep I often have fond hopes that we know what we're doing as well. :biggrin:
Now if only we can get this miles to kilometers thing down on our Mars rovers...
  • #12
I hope your Mars rovers aren't a mix of standard and metric parts...

:grumbles: we're doomed...good luck finding people to volunteer to go live on Mars...hehehe...jk:biggrin:
  • #13
[...] just as I don't agree with Lineweaver's
Why not? Mayhap you don't like GR?
  • #14
tribdog said:
I just read the newest Scientific American. there is an article in it about 6 misconceptions about the big bang.

Too bad, I can't take the test! I've read the article before.
Here it is if you're interested: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa006&colID=1&articleID=0009F0CA-C523-1213-852383414B7F0147
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  • #15
i got them all *Fibonacci gets blood rush to his head as it fills with ego* two minutes later Fibonacci misses simple math question, ego goes away. Fibonacci, filled with sadness because of his mistake, kills small insects.

Just Kidding, please don't call the EPA on me


FAQ: What Are Common Misconceptions About the Big Bang?

1. What is the purpose of the "Time to take a little test" experiment?

The purpose of this experiment is to test the participant's cognitive abilities and performance under pressure.

2. How long does the test take to complete?

The test takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

3. Is there a time limit for each question?

Yes, there is a time limit of 60 seconds for each question.

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The test includes a variety of questions such as math problems, logic puzzles, and memory tasks.

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The results of the test will be used for research purposes to better understand human cognition and performance under pressure. The individual results will remain confidential.

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