What Are Effective Research Topics for a Mathematics Major?

In summary, if you are a mathematics major looking for a topic for a major research assignment, some potential ideas could include exploring the role of technology in teaching and learning mathematics, analyzing the effectiveness of different teaching methods, or investigating the impact of online courses on student learning. Just be sure to select a topic that is related to your field and that you can develop into a feasible research design.
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Pascal's Pal
My college requires all students to take an English course in their junior or senior year that that forces the students to do the kind of reading and writing that is used in their majors. So my major is mathematics, and I'm in the science section of this class. Anyway, we have a major research assignment in the class that requires us to utilize recently published papers and whatnot in our field--but I kind of have no idea where to begin.

For those of you who have studied mathematics, are you aware of any topics that would be ideal for this sort of project?

Here's the teacher's guidelines:

You may develop a project on any scientific topic in your field that interests you; however, you need to select a topic for which you can generate an interesting research question and that you can develop into a feasible research design. Topics in the areas of ethics, procedure, administration, policy, legislation, and other non-scientific issues related to science are not appropriate for this assignment. Learning goals for this assignment, as they relate to university learning goals for the course, are listed at the end of this assignment sheet.

The final version of this project will be a full paper of 10-15 pages (not counting the bibliography pages), double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman. Your bibliography must include at least 12 scholarly sources, and 9 of these must be recently published peer-reviewed articles).

I don't really feel that I have the knowledge to wade through current mathematical papers (or even old ones) and the requirement is that it must have to do with my field. Any ideas you math majors could share?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Some potential topics you could consider researching include: 1. The influence of machine learning algorithms on mathematics education 2. Exploring the impact of graphing calculators on student learning in mathematics 3. Investigating the use of computer-aided problem solving in mathematics 4. The role of technology in teaching and learning calculus 5. Exploring the influence of online mathematics courses on student learning 6. Investigating the use of games in teaching mathematics 7. Analyzing the effectiveness of different methods for teaching mathematics 8. Examining the impact of video lectures on student performance in mathematics 9. Investigating the effect of different types of textbooks on student learning in mathematics 10. Examining the role of visual aids in teaching mathematics 11. Investigating the impact of technology on student engagement in mathematics classes 12. Analyzing the effectiveness of different types of mathematics curricula

FAQ: What Are Effective Research Topics for a Mathematics Major?

1. What is a research problem?

A research problem is a specific issue or question that a researcher wants to address through their study. It is the main focus of the research and guides the entire research process.

2. How do I come up with research problem ideas?

Research problem ideas can come from a variety of sources such as current events, personal experiences, literature reviews, and gaps in existing research. It is important to choose a problem that interests you and has the potential to contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your field.

3. How do I make sure my research problem is significant?

A significant research problem is one that has implications for the real world, contributes to the existing body of knowledge, and has the potential to make a positive impact. To ensure this, you can consult with experts in your field, conduct a thorough literature review, and discuss your ideas with others in your research community.

4. Can I change my research problem during the study?

It is possible to make changes to your research problem during the study, especially if new information or findings arise that require a shift in focus. However, it is important to consult with your advisor or research team before making any major changes to ensure that the new problem is still relevant and feasible within the given time and resources.

5. How do I narrow down my research problem?

To narrow down your research problem, you can start by identifying the broad topic or area of interest that you want to study. Then, conduct a literature review to identify gaps or areas that have not been extensively researched. From there, you can refine your research problem by focusing on a specific aspect or issue within your topic that you want to explore in depth.
