What Are Good Theorem Names for Letters K, U, W, X, Y in a Calculus ABC Book?

  • Thread starter miyuki9
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See, I can't even get the words straight...Originally posted by miyuki9 In summary, the conversation is about creating a children's book about math or calculus. The book could be fictional or an ABC book. The person is having trouble coming up with ideas for certain letters of the alphabet and is asking for suggestions. Some suggestions include: Kronecker delta for K, union for U, Wallis for W, x-axis and y-axis for X and Y, and zeros for Z. There are also suggestions for other math concepts and famous mathematicians to include in the book, such as Beta function, Conic Section, Hermite Polynomial, and Kepler. However, there is some debate on whether these concepts are
  • #1
Need help w/ Calc project!

I have to create a Children's book about math or calculus. It could be fictional or it could be an ABC book.
So, I think that I'm going to do and ABC book, I'm going to put a Theorem name that is matched w/ an Alphabet letter and then, I'll put the equation/ formula that is belong to the theorem. I don't know wat to put for letter K, U, W, X, Y...Can someone please give me some suggestions? thanks a lot. Below are The things that I came up with...
A- Anti deriv.
B- Browne, Marjorie Lee (a mathmatican)
C- Continuity/ Chain Rule
D- Deriv or Differential
E- Extreme Value Theorem
F- Fundamental Theorem of Calc
G- Global Extreme Value
H- Half like
I- Implicit Differentiation
J- Jerk (s"')
K- not sure, need some help
L- Limit/ L'Ho^pital' Rule
M- Mean Value Theorem
N- Newton's Method
0- Optimization
P- Population density
Q- Quadratic Formula
R- RAM/ Related Rate
S- Sandwich Theorem/ Simpson's Rule
T- Trapezoidal Rule
U- undefined (not sure exactly wat to put for U)
V- Volume (integral)
Z- Zeros
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi miyuki9,
I'd like to help you but can you please tell what age those children are?
  • #3
K Kronecker delta (K was a famous 19th cent mathematician)
U union (from set theory)
W Weierstrauss (famous 19th cent mathematician)
X x-axis (independent variable)
Y y-axis (dependent variable)
  • #4
Originally posted by arcnets
Hi miyuki9,
I'd like to help you but can you please tell what age those children are?
I don't think its for children..I would guess its one of those projects that teachers give when they get bored
  • #5
Originally posted by dav2008
I don't think its for children..I would guess its one of those projects that teachers give when they get bored

I think it just said a Children's book about math or calculus. OK, I agree at first glance this may sound ridiculous. But there sure are some concepts in calc which can be understood by children. You could e.g. talk about some wizard who has a box full of pieces of string where the 1st is 1 ft long, the second is 1/2 ft, then 1/4 ft, and so on, and ask what is the total length of all the strings.

I asked about the children's age because one has to take into account what they might already know.
  • #6
It's a CHILDREN BOOK (LIKE an ABC BOOK) about Math or Calculus. Plz help me out w/ suggestions.
  • #7
Or you could use W - Wallis (as in Wallis formulas for Integrals)

J - Jacobians or Jump discontinuity
U - U Substitution

A Calculus book for little kids? Where were you 15 years ago? :wink:
  • #8
Oh, if it's also math (not necessarily Calculus), you could have

A - aleph
B - Banach Space, Basis
C - Constant of Integration (okay okay, so this is Calculus)
D - Differential Equation (okay, you got me again)
E - Euler's number
H - Homogeneous Equation
I - Inner Product Space
K - Kernel
L - Linear Independence, Linear Combinations
R - Range
S - Span
T - Transitional Matrix, Tensor
V - Vector Space
  • #9

I would go with things with which you can associate a picture.

Originally posted by miyuki9
B- Browne, Marjorie Lee (a mathmatican)

That one is kind of obscure. A more famous one would be Bernoulli (you have quite a selection of them!). But all you can really show is a portrait. If you want a mathematical concept, you could try Beta function

C- Continuity/ Chain Rule

Another good visual one would be Conic Section

E- Extreme Value Theorem

I assume you are talking about the first- and second-derivative tests, but I've never heard of it by that name. Since you already have Global Extreme Value, how about something different, such as Eccentricity? That lends itself well to pictures.

H- Half like

Say what?

How about Hermite Polynomial?

K- not sure, need some help


OK, no that will blow their little minds. Go with mathman: Kronecker Delta.


This, along with Extreme Value Theorem and Global Extreme Value is your third one on the same concept. How about Oblique?

U- undefined (not sure exactly wat to put for U)

Someone said U-substitution. I like it.


Wedge Product

And the axes for X, Y, and Z wraps it up in one shot.
  • #10
Originally posted by miyuki9
It's a CHILDREN BOOK (LIKE an ABC BOOK) about Math or Calculus. Plz help me out w/ suggestions.

Sorry, I don't understand what's going on here. I don't think the ABC idea is good, but even Tom made some suggestions . Do you really think it's useful to confront children with (say) Hermite Polynomials? OK, I'll make one more suggestion on how to make calc interesting for children, and then I'll leave this topic.

Once upon a time, there was this very fast runner called Achill. Look at the picture! Feathered helmet, big muscles, he's a really cool guy. One day, a small turtle walked up to Achill, and said: "Achill, let's have a race. You're 10 times faster than I am, so you got to give me some advantage. 10 metres will do."
Achill said "OK", and here you see them both getting set for the race. BTW, the guy with the pistol is called Zeno, and here you see how he fires into the air. BANG! Achill crosses the 10 metres in almost no time, but has he caught up with the turtle? No. As you can see in the next picture, the turtle has gone 1 meter and is still ahead of him.
"Wait", thinks Achill, I'll catch you. He runs another 1 meter. But look at the next pic! The turtle is no more there. It has moved another 10cm, and is clear ahead of Achill...blah..blah...
  • #11

Originally posted by Tom

OK, no that will blow their little minds. Go with mathman: Kronecker Delta.
Into smithereens, no doubt.
But really, I myself don't know most of these "famous" mathematicians (granted I am not the lodestone of all knowledge... but...) Do we expect these children to identify with them?

How about Kepler, for being the sort of stimulus for Newton's formalisation of celestial mechanics?
  • #12
k- constant, like dy/dt=yk for exponetial growth and decay

p- pi!

w- washer method (volume of region enclosed between two functions, when revolved around an axis or a line)
  • #13
ABC Book- I need to have everything related to Calculus ...if it's mathmetician, then he/she has to have some work related to Calc...Right now...I still need help w/ K, B, Q, X, Y...Plz help
  • #14
OKay, with some brainstorming...

How about:

Brachistochrone problem
Boundary Point

Kovalevsky, Sonya
Kappa Curve

Quotient Rule
Quadric Surface


the only things I could come up with are x axis, y axis, x coordinate, y coordinate, x-axis symmetry, y-axis symmetry, x intercept, y intercept, xy place, xz plane, yz plane.

Hope this helps.

FAQ: What Are Good Theorem Names for Letters K, U, W, X, Y in a Calculus ABC Book?

1. What is the purpose of the Calc project?

The purpose of the Calc project is to demonstrate your understanding and application of various calculus concepts, such as derivatives, integrals, and related rates.

2. How can I get help with my Calc project?

You can get help with your Calc project by reaching out to your teacher or professor, attending tutoring sessions, or seeking assistance from classmates or online resources.

3. What should I include in my Calc project?

Your Calc project should include a clear explanation of the problem, your thought process and approach to solving it, and a thorough and accurate solution with supporting calculations and diagrams.

4. When is the deadline for the Calc project?

The deadline for the Calc project will be determined by your teacher or professor. It is important to keep track of deadlines and plan your time accordingly to ensure you have enough time to complete the project.

5. How can I improve my understanding of calculus to complete the Calc project?

You can improve your understanding of calculus by actively participating in class, practicing problems, seeking help when needed, and reviewing concepts and techniques regularly. It may also be helpful to seek additional resources, such as textbooks or online tutorials.

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