What are P03 procedures or guidelines?

  • I
  • Thread starter Old Person
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  • #1
Old Person
TL;DR Summary
A paper refers to P03 as if it is a well known set of procedures or guidelines. It gives no reference to any literature for P03. What is it?

I'm not sure if this should be in Cosmology or Astronomy - a moderator can feel free to move it if required. Also the prefix (study level) may be an I or an A, you can change that, just thought I'd get a bigger audience with an I. I'm trying to read this paper:

"The Inner Structure ofΛCDM Halos III: Universality andAsymptotic Slopes", by Navarro et.al. , 2018
Available on Arxiv here:

Background: It's about determining a profile (a distribution) for the Dark Matter halo in galaxies.

In section 2 they write:

The numerical set up of our simulations follows closely the procedure described by P03, where the interested reader may find a thorough discussion of our initial conditions generating scheme, the choice of N-body codes and integrators,as well as the criteria adopted to optimize the choice of the numerical parameters of the simulations. For completeness, we include here a brief discussion of the main numerical issues, but refer the reader to P03 for a more detailed discussion.

They refer to PO3 in a few other places. I've looked through the references at the end, PO3 doesn't seem to be mentioned. Does anyone know what PO3 is? Can I get a reference to some literature about PO3?

Minor note: P03 seems to have a zero not a letter O: (letter P) - (number zero) - (number three).
One guess is that P03 was some marker they were going to update with a reference in a final version of the paper but it hasn't happened in the Arxiv version. However, maybe someone working in the area might know what P03 is.

Thank you for your time and attention.
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  • #2
Old Person said:
Does anyone know what PO3 is?
Look in the paragraph just after equation (2) in section 1 (it's in the left column of page 2, just opposite the paragraph you mention that references P03).
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Likes Old Person
  • #3
Found it, thanks. I'm an idiot.
  • #4
Old Person said:
Found it, thanks. I'm an idiot.
Technically, that is a code ID.10.T.

You're welcome.

FAQ: What are P03 procedures or guidelines?

What are P03 procedures or guidelines?

P03 procedures or guidelines refer to standardized protocols and practices that are designed to ensure consistency, quality, and compliance in specific processes or operations. These guidelines are often used in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and technology, to improve efficiency and safety.

Why are P03 procedures important?

P03 procedures are important because they help organizations maintain high standards of quality and safety. By following these guidelines, companies can minimize errors, reduce risks, and ensure that their products or services meet regulatory requirements. Additionally, standardized procedures can improve operational efficiency and facilitate training for new employees.

Who develops P03 procedures or guidelines?

P03 procedures or guidelines are typically developed by industry experts, regulatory bodies, and standard-setting organizations. These entities collaborate to create comprehensive and practical guidelines that address the specific needs and challenges of an industry. In some cases, companies may also develop their own P03 procedures tailored to their unique operations.

How can an organization implement P03 procedures effectively?

To implement P03 procedures effectively, an organization should start by thoroughly understanding the guidelines and their relevance to its operations. Training programs should be established to educate employees about the procedures. Additionally, the organization should regularly review and update the guidelines to ensure they remain current and effective. Monitoring and auditing compliance with the procedures can also help identify areas for improvement.

What are some common challenges in adhering to P03 procedures?

Common challenges in adhering to P03 procedures include resistance to change from employees, lack of training or understanding of the guidelines, and inadequate resources to fully implement the procedures. Additionally, keeping the procedures up-to-date with changing regulations and industry standards can be difficult. Overcoming these challenges requires strong leadership, ongoing education, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

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