What Are SG Units? Oil & Gas Industry Explained

In summary, the conversation revolved around understanding a paper that presents a model for sand production and wellbore collapse in the oil&gas industry. The paper uses "s.g." as a unit for stress and pressure, which stands for specific gravity and compares the values to the density of water. The speaker suggests reaching out to the authors for clarification on the conversion factor or any other questions about the units.
  • #1
Hi all,

I am currently trying to understand a paper which presents a model for sand production and wellbore collapse in the oil&gas industry.

The paper refers to stresses and pressure in "s.g." instead of Pa or other pressure/stress units... values tend to range from 0.4 s.g. for cohesive rock strength to 1.88 s.g. overburden stress at 1.2km depth.

Anybody knows what those units are ? I seem to get correct values when inputting my own data in Pa. But I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out a conversion factor.

Thank you
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  • #3
Hi there,

From my understanding, "s.g." stands for specific gravity, which is a unitless measurement that compares the density of a substance to the density of water. In this case, it seems like the paper is using specific gravity as a way to compare the stress and pressure values to the density of water.

If you are inputting your own data in Pa and getting correct values, then it is likely that the paper is using a conversion factor to convert the specific gravity values to Pa. However, it is always a good idea to double check and make sure that you are using the correct units in your calculations. I would recommend reaching out to the authors of the paper for clarification on the conversion factor or any other questions you may have.

Hope this helps!

Related to What Are SG Units? Oil & Gas Industry Explained

1. What do SG units stand for?

SG units stands for specific gravity units. It is a measurement unit used in the oil and gas industry to compare the density of a substance to the density of water.

2. How are SG units calculated?

SG units are calculated by dividing the density of a substance by the density of water. The density of water is considered to be 1 g/mL, so if a substance has a density of 0.8 g/mL, its SG units would be 0.8/1 = 0.8.

3. Why are SG units important in the oil and gas industry?

SG units are important in the oil and gas industry because they are used to determine the quality and characteristics of different substances. This information is crucial in making decisions about drilling, production, and transportation of oil and gas.

4. How do SG units affect the value of oil and gas?

SG units can affect the value of oil and gas because they can indicate the purity and quality of the substance. Higher SG units may mean the substance has a higher concentration of valuable components, while lower SG units may indicate impurities or lower quality.

5. Are SG units the same as API gravity?

No, SG units and API gravity are not the same. SG units measure the density of a substance compared to water, while API gravity measures the density of a substance compared to air. However, both units are commonly used in the oil and gas industry to measure the density and quality of substances.

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