What are some computer programs for studying chaotic systems?

In summary, the conversation is about the need for a computer program to study chaotic systems, specifically for drawing bifurcation diagrams and other computations in an introductory chaos and non-linear dynamics class. The text being used is "Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers" by Robert C. Hilborn. The person is considering using Matlab or Mathematica, but is open to alternative programs. The book covers chapters 1-7, and also includes discussions on fractals, differential equations, bifurcations, and state reconstruction from data. A link to a website with a simple HTML5 program for solving Chua's circuit equations is also mentioned.
  • #1
I need a computer program I can use for studying chaotic systems. I should be more particular. I need something for drawing bifurcation diagrams or whatever one does in an introductory chaos and non-linear dynamics class. Here is a link to the text being used :


I suppose I'll be covering chapters 1-7 or something along those lines.

I know of two programs - Matlab and Mathematica. Having never worked with either of this seriously before, (I've tinkered around with Mathematica) I was wondering how I'd go about doing the computations required by me.

I checked the previous threads on these topics, but they were 'old'. At the rate at which computer software is growing, a thread from a year back is history. There might have been a billion changes to both programs.

I also see that both programs are phenomenally expensive. If you guys have suggestions for any alternative programs that might do the trick, please recommend.
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  • #2
Here are the contents of the book:

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1. One-Dimensional Maps
1.1 One-dimensional maps
1.2 Cobweb plot: Graphical representation of an orbit
1.3 Stability of fixed points
1.4 Periodic points
1.5 The family of logistic maps
1.6 The logistic map G(x)=4x(1-x)
1.7 Sensitive dependence on initial conditions
1.8 Itineraries
Challenge 1: Period three implies chaos
Lab Visit 1: Boom, bust, and chaos in the beetle censusCHAPTER 2. Two-Dimensional Maps
2.1 Mathematical models
2.2 Sinks, sources, and saddles
2.3 Linear maps
2.4 Coordinate changes
2.5 Nonlinear maps and the Jacobian matrix
2.6 Stable and unstable manifolds
2.7 Matrix times circle equals ellipse
Challenge 2: Counting the periodic orbits of linear maps on a torus
Lab Visit 2: Is the solar system stable?CHAPTER 3. Chaos
3.1 Lyapunov Exponents
3.2 Chaotic orbits
3.3 Conjugacy and the logistic map
3.4 Transition graphs and fixed points
3.5 Basins of attraction
Challenge 3: Sharkovsky's Theorem
Lab Visit 3: Periodicity and chaos in a chemical reactionCHAPTER 4. Fractals
4.1 Cantor sets
4.2 Probabilistic constructions of fractals
4.3 Fractals from deterministic systems
4.4 Fractal basin boundaries
4.5 Fractal dimension
4.6 Computing the box-counting dimension
4.7 Correlation dimension
Challenge 4: Fractal basin boundaries and the uncertainty exponent
Lab Visit 4: Fractal dimension in experimentsCHAPTER 5. Chaos in Two-Dimensional Maps
5.1 Lyapunov exponents
5.2 Numerical calculation of Lyapunov exponents
5.3 Lyapunov dimension
5.4 A two-dimensional fixed-point theorem
5.5 Markov partitions
5.6 The horseshoe map
Challenge 5: Computer calculations and shadowing
Lab Visit 5: Chaos in simple mechanical devicesCHAPTER 6. Chaotic Attractors
6.1 Forward limit sets
6.2 Chaotic attractors
6.3 Chaotic attractors of expanding interval maps
6.4 Measure
6.5 Natural measure
6.6 Invariant measure for one-dimensional maps
Challenge 6: Invariant measure for the logistic map
Lab Visit 6: Fractal scumCHAPTER 7. Differential Equations
7.1 One-dimensional linear differential equations
7.2 One-dimensional nonlinear differential equations
7.3 Linear differential equations in more than one dimension
7.4 Nonlinear systems
7.5 Motion in a potential field
7.6 Lyapunov functions
7.7 Lotka-Volterra models
Challenge 7: A limit cycle in the Van der Pol system
Lab Visit 7: Fly vs. flyCHAPTER 8. Periodic Orbits and Limit Sets
8.1 Limit sets for planar differential equations
8.2 Properties of omega-limit sets
8.3 Proof of the Poincare-Bendixson Theorem
Challenge 8: Two incommensurate frequencies form a torus
Lab Visit 8: Steady states and periodicity in a squid neuronCHAPTER 9. Chaos in Differential Equations
9.1 The Lorenz attractor
9.2 Stability in the large, instability in the small
9.3 The Rossler attractor
9.4 Chua's circuit
9.5 Forced oscillators
9.6 Lyapunov exponents in flows
Challenge 9: Synchronization of chaotic orbits
Lab Visit 9: Lasers in synchronizationCHAPTER 10. Stable Manifolds and Crises
10.1 The Stable Manifold Theorem
10.2 Homoclinic and heteroclinic points
10.3 Crises
10.4 Proof of the Stable Manifold Theorem
10.5 Stable and unstable manifolds for higher dimensional maps
Challenge 10: The lakes of Wada
Lab Visit 10: The leaky faucet: minor irritation or crisis?CHAPTER 11. Bifurcations
11.1 Saddle-node and period-doubling bifurcations
11.2 Bifurcation diagrams
11.3 Continuability
11.4 Bifurcations of one-dimensional maps
11.5 Bifurcations in plane maps: Area-contracting case
11.6 Bifurcations in plane maps: Area-preserving case
11.7 Bifurcations in differential equations
11.8 Hopf bifurcations
Challenge 11: Hamiltonian systems and the Lyapunov Center Theorem
Lab Visit 11: Iron + sulfuric acid = Hopf bifurcationCHAPTER 12. Cascades
12.1 Cascades and 4.66920169...
12.2 Schematic bifurcation diagrams
12.3 Generic bifurcations
12.4 The cascade theorem
Challenge 12: Universality in bifurcation diagrams
Lab Visit 12: Experimental cascadesCHAPTER 13. State reconstruction from data
13.1 Delay plots and time series
13.2 Delay coordinates
13.3 Embedology
Challenge 13: Box-counting dimension and intersection

APPENDIX A. Matrix Algebra
A.1 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
A.2 Coordinate changes
A.3 Matrix times circle equals ellipse

APPENDIX B. Computer Solution of ODEs
B.1 ODE solvers
B.2 Error in numerical integration
B.3 Adaptive step-size methods


  • #3
here is a simple HTML5 program (javascript) used for solving Chua's circuit equations:

you have to view the source code and the attached file www.chuacircuits.com/canvas3DGraph.js

But the page itself is great an introductory look at the strange attractor/double scroll.
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FAQ: What are some computer programs for studying chaotic systems?

1. What is the purpose of this program?

The purpose of this program is to provide suggestions for various tasks or problems, based on scientific research and data analysis. It aims to help individuals make informed decisions and improve their overall productivity and efficiency.

2. How do you come up with the suggestions?

The suggestions provided by this program are based on extensive research and analysis, using scientific methods and data. The program takes into account various factors such as user preferences, current trends, and relevant data to generate the most accurate and relevant suggestions.

3. Can I trust the suggestions provided by this program?

Yes, the suggestions provided by this program are backed by scientific research and data analysis. However, it is always important to use your own judgment and discretion when making decisions based on these suggestions.

4. Is this program suitable for all types of tasks or problems?

This program is designed to provide suggestions for a wide range of tasks and problems. However, it may not be suitable for every situation or individual. It is important to consider the context and use your own judgment when utilizing these suggestions.

5. Can I customize the suggestions based on my specific needs?

Yes, this program allows for customization of suggestions based on user preferences and specific needs. You can input your own data or adjust the settings to generate more personalized suggestions. However, the accuracy of the suggestions may vary depending on the quality and relevance of the input data.
