What are some cool and secret Google Earth images?

In summary, the conversation between the speaker and their girlfriend involved watching videos of comets and meteorites, and then exploring links related to the topic. This led them to discover "secret" Google Earth images, including crop circles, rock formations, and even some naked people. The speaker recommends searching for "secret images google earth" to easily find these interesting photos. They also mention a website with a list of fun Google Earth photos, with the speaker's favorite being a flipped car.
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I was sitting with my girlfriend yesterday and we were looking at videos of comets and meteorites because I wanted to show her the schumacher levy 9 impacts, that she had never heard of! :bugeye: :cry:

Then we kind of did some link following which went a little like this: Comets, meteorites, UFOs, crop circles and then "secret" google Earth images.

This is where it got pretty cool. Eveyone knows you can use google Earth to check out the pentagon and area 51 and all that, but these videos show you the stuff you would not necessarily be searching for. They show some pretty cool crop circles (one of them was the firefox crop cirlce... advertising, damn!), an awesome rock formation in the shape of a head (looks like a red indian actually), other strange formations, some airplanes in the air, huge ground graffiti and of course a couple of naked people (although these are really hard to justify as naked people, the res is pretty low).

Just thought I would let you know about it before I forgot. Unfotunately I am at work now and can't access youtube and the like, so I don't have the link, but if you search for "secret images google earth", you should find them pretty easily.

Thought it would be an interesting friday activity for some people. My gf and I really enjoyed the idea. Have a look and let me know what you think. Add the links to the vids as well if you'd like.

I was going to search for the co-ords and then check them out myself on google Earth tonight or on the weekend.

ciao for now...
Earth sciences news on Phys.org

FAQ: What are some cool and secret Google Earth images?

1. What are the most interesting features captured in Google Earth images?

Some of the most interesting features captured in Google Earth images include natural wonders such as mountains, rivers, and lakes, as well as man-made structures like cities, buildings, and monuments.

2. How often are the images on Google Earth updated?

The frequency of image updates on Google Earth varies depending on the location. Some areas are updated every few months, while others may only be updated every few years. Generally, more populated and frequently changing areas are updated more often.

3. Can I use Google Earth images for my own purposes?

Google Earth images are copyrighted and cannot be used without permission for commercial purposes. However, you can use them for personal or educational purposes as long as you credit Google as the source.

4. How does Google capture and process these images?

Google uses a combination of satellite and aerial imagery to capture images for Google Earth. The images are then processed and stitched together to create a seamless view of the Earth's surface.

5. Are there any privacy concerns with Google Earth images?

Google has a strict privacy policy in place and takes measures to protect individual's privacy. Sensitive locations, such as military bases and private residences, are blurred or censored in the images to protect privacy.
