What are some helpful tips for mastering vector spaces in quantum mechanics?

In summary, the person is struggling with vector spaces in their advanced QM class that uses Shankar's textbook. They are looking for advice on a book or material to review before falling behind in the course. They mention having taken QM before using a different textbook and not having as much trouble. The suggestion is to practice with mathematical approaches or review undergrad linear algebra. Additionally, working together with classmates to go over class notes and problems is recommended.
  • #1

I'm taking an advanced QM class that uses shankar. I am having a hard time even doing the first couple problems dealing with vector spaces. I obviously seem to be missing something as I do not even know how to begin some of these problems. I have taken QM before using zettili and did not have much problems. Does anyone have any advice on a book or material I should quickly review before I get left behind in this course? The vector space material I've been looking at doesn't seem very applicable. I have all the prereqs for this course and usually do not perform this poorly.

Thanks for your time
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Shankar Principles of Quantum Mechanics is a year-1 post-grad text, this what you mean?
Everyone has trouble at post-grad - most people find it something of a shock after undergrad work - and Shankar goes over the undergrad stuff in somewhat fine detail. The trick, more than ever before, is to make the maths into a language.

Trouble with vector spaces suggests you need some practice either with mathematical approaches or just a review of undergrad linear algebra. Your college's undergrad maths texts should work there. However, it is difficult to advise you in detail since we cannot see what sort of trouble you are having.

The best practice for 1st year post-grads is to work together - meet regularly in the same place to work over class notes and problems, and homework. This is much better than trying to work alone from a text and the exercize of explaining tricky things to each other deepens your understanding.

Meantime - try posting some of the problems you have had trouble with in another thread.

FAQ: What are some helpful tips for mastering vector spaces in quantum mechanics?

What is quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy at a very small scale, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It explains how these particles interact and how they can exist in multiple states at the same time.

What are the prerequisites for learning quantum mechanics?

The main prerequisites for learning quantum mechanics are a strong foundation in mathematics, particularly calculus and linear algebra, and a good understanding of classical mechanics and electromagnetism. A basic knowledge of quantum physics and atomic theory is also helpful.

What is the significance of quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is essential for understanding the behavior of matter and energy at a microscopic level. It has led to groundbreaking discoveries in fields such as electronics, chemistry, and materials science and has also contributed to the development of technologies such as lasers, transistors, and MRI machines.

Can quantum mechanics be understood intuitively?

Quantum mechanics is a highly complex and abstract theory, so it is difficult to understand intuitively. It often goes against our everyday experiences and perceptions of the world. However, there are various visualizations and analogies that can help in understanding some of its concepts.

What are some common misconceptions about quantum mechanics?

Some common misconceptions about quantum mechanics include the idea that it only applies to extremely small objects, that it violates the laws of classical physics, and that it allows for instantaneous communication or teleportation. In reality, quantum mechanics is a well-established theory that is consistent with classical physics and has its own set of principles and limitations.

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