What are some potential research questions for an IB Physics extended essay?

In summary, the IB student is looking for ideas for a suitable experiment to do in their physics Extended Essay. The student is wondering if the experiment is the same as the results and analysis of the experiment. The student also mentions that they need to come up with a good research question.
  • #1
I'm supposed to write an extended essay in physics (I'm currently studying in the last year of IB diploma program). I haven't chosen any research question or a topic for my essay. I would appreciate if you could give me some ideas. The areas of physics in which I like to do my EE are waves, Kinematic, atomic and nuclear physics and thermodynamic. I want to get an A so I need to have a new and nice idea. And something in which I can preform an experiment, and then write about the result and analyze them in about 4000 words. Pleas please and please ... help me with your brilliant ideas.

P.s: I’m new in this site and I had no idea where to post this. So, I hope I’m in the right place :D
P.s2: IB is a pre University program. I just mentioned it in my question so if there are any other IB students having the same question they can use this post as well. Otherwise it has nothing to do with physics itself! :)
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  • #2
Is the extended essay the same thing as the results and analysis of the experiment ? Or are they two different things you need to do ? Because If they are the same, then I guess the important part is coming up with a suitable experiment.
  • #3
That's a part of it. I have to come up with a good research question and then a suitable experiment in which I can investigate a proper answer for my research question. And the, I have to present the data, errors and uncertainties and conclusion + the method by which the experiment was preformed.
But I'm still looking for a good research question.
  • #4
I have usually found that the experiment is the part which takes up most of my energy/time. So I would advise choosing a research question which is good for making a suitable experiment. You've said that you need to present data, errors and uncertainties, so I would keep these in mind when you're thinking of an experiment. I'm not saying that you should try to choose an experiment which will have the smallest experimental error. I'm saying that it will be helpful to keep in mind how you will do the measurements, estimate error, and how many trials you do, etc.

To get ideas for what experiment to do... um, maybe just look through your syllabus, and start thinking of ways in which you can demonstrate the physical principles.
  • #5
I was actually thinking to do an experiment about super conductivity (Maybe!)
But I need to narrow it down a bit to a specific research question.
  • #6
wow, that would be cool. What kind of equipment do you have access to? I would have thought that would be above the budget of most IB students?
  • #7
I have access to the university physics lab (Because I'm pretty sure that our high school lab doesn't have the equipments needed) but we are allowed to use the nearby universities. (Like Chalmers in Gothenburg. I think they have the equipments I need. But first, I should clarify my research question)

Related to What are some potential research questions for an IB Physics extended essay?

1. What is the purpose of a Physics extended essay in the IB program?

The Physics extended essay is an independent research project that allows students to explore a topic of interest in depth. It is a requirement for the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma and is designed to develop students' research and writing skills, as well as their understanding of physics concepts.

2. How long should a Physics extended essay be?

The recommended length for a Physics extended essay is between 3,000 and 4,000 words. This includes all text, tables, graphs, and diagrams, but does not include the abstract, acknowledgements, or any appendices.

3. What are some examples of suitable topics for a Physics extended essay?

Some examples of suitable topics for a Physics extended essay include investigating the efficiency of different types of renewable energy sources, analyzing the physics behind sports equipment, or exploring the effects of temperature on the behavior of gases.

4. How is the Physics extended essay assessed?

The Physics extended essay is assessed against a set of criteria, including the quality of the research, the depth of analysis and understanding, the organization and structure of the essay, and the overall presentation and use of language. It is graded on a scale of A-E, with A being the highest score.

5. Can I collaborate with others on my Physics extended essay?

No, the Physics extended essay is an individual piece of work and must be the student's own original research and writing. However, students are allowed to seek advice and guidance from their supervisor and can use resources such as books and articles for their research.

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