What are some real-life applications of general vector spaces?

In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty of introducing general vector spaces to students familiar with Euclidean space. The speaker suggests using real-life examples, such as a riddle, to demonstrate the basic properties of vector spaces. They also emphasize the importance of understanding inner product spaces and how they can be applied to solve higher order problems. The conversation ends with the speaker mentioning the excitement that can come from seeing the bigger picture of general inner product spaces.
  • #1
Students familiar with Euclidean space find the introduction of general vectors spaces pretty boring and abstract particularly when describing vector spaces such as set of polynomials or set of continuous functions. Is there a tangible way to introduce this? Are there examples which will have a real impact? I would like to introduce this in an engaging manner to introductory students. Are there any real life applications of general vector spaces?
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  • #2
I try to give my students a "dynamic" definition. Basically, a vector space is an abelian Lie group. Of course I don't say that out loud but I start with arrows in Euclidean space as "displacement vectors", then a position vector is def'ed i.t.o. displacements of an origin point. Addition becomes composition of action.

I use the riddle "I walk South 1 mile, East one mile, and then North one mile and am back where I started. Where am I?" to show that we must be careful to confirm the basic properties (and hint at more general constructs).

Then when I jump to more abstract vectors we look to the actions involved in the algebra methods, e.g. solving systems of equations evokes the act of adding functions. I try to convince them that viewing appropriate abstract constructs as vectors gives them a set of "power tools" for attacking higher order problems. I show for example the connection between solving a linear ODE, solving a linear system and solving a simple Lin. eqn. Ax=b.
  • #3
matqkks said:
Students familiar with Euclidean space find the introduction of general vectors spaces pretty boring and abstract particularly when describing vector spaces such as set of polynomials or set of continuous functions. Is there a tangible way to introduce this? Are there examples which will have a real impact? I would like to introduce this in an engaging manner to introductory students. Are there any real life applications of general vector spaces?

Are you talking about teaching inner product spaces?

If this is the case, it was mind boggling to me when I first learned that Gram-Schmidt Process and orthogonal projection can be be applied on vector spaces such as the underlying space of Fourier series, the set of polynomials, etc. Of course, understanding inner product itself is important.

I think only those who can see the big picture of how general inner product space is, can really get the excitement.

P.S.: I'm just a student.

FAQ: What are some real-life applications of general vector spaces?

1. What is a vector space?

A vector space is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of objects called vectors, along with operations such as addition and scalar multiplication that satisfy certain properties. These properties include closure (the result of an operation on two vectors is also a vector in the space), associativity, commutativity, and distributivity.

2. What are the basic properties of vector spaces?

The basic properties of vector spaces include the existence of a zero vector (a vector that when added to any other vector gives the same vector), the existence of additive inverses (every vector has a corresponding vector that when added to it gives the zero vector), and the existence of a scalar multiplication operation (multiplying a vector by a scalar gives another vector in the space).

3. How do you determine if a set is a vector space?

To determine if a set is a vector space, you must check if it satisfies the properties of a vector space. These properties include closure, associativity, commutativity, distributivity, the existence of a zero vector, and the existence of additive inverses. If all of these properties hold, then the set is a vector space.

4. What is the dimension of a vector space?

The dimension of a vector space is the number of vectors in a basis for the space. A basis is a set of linearly independent vectors that can be used to represent any vector in the space. The dimension is often denoted by the letter "n" and is used to describe the size or complexity of the vector space.

5. How are vector spaces used in real-world applications?

Vector spaces are used in a variety of real-world applications, such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. In physics, vector spaces are used to model physical quantities and their relationships, such as force, velocity, and acceleration. In engineering, vector spaces are used to represent and analyze systems and their behaviors. In computer graphics, vector spaces are used to create and manipulate images and animations.
