What are some real world example of these equations?

Like, how much of two different strengths of acid to blend to get a target concentration for the new mixture. Again, you can find a myriad of examples from all kinds of applications.In summary, linear equations and inequalities have numerous real-world applications in fields such as physics, operations research, engineering, and more. These equations can be used to solve problems involving optimization, motion, and concentration adjustments, among others. By studying physical sciences and applied technologies, one can gain a better understanding of how these equations are used in real life situations.
  • #1
I am in Algebra one. I am curious to know the real world applications in some of the equations I'm learning. I asked my math teacher and he didn't know any answers.

I am interested in using slope formula and linear inequalities in real life. How will I be using this in physics? I would like someone to give me a problem to solve for myself.
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The easiest, and most frequent examples which involve linearity and inequalities are problems in operations research. Imagine you have a small airline with, say six airplanes. Now invent a schedule for flights with turn around time, staff them with crews and consider, that there are many boundaries like allowed take-off and landing times on a globe with many different time zones, maximal serving periods for pilots and cabin, inspection intervals for the equipment and what ever you want to consider. These all are boundary conditions which can be expressed by linear inequalities and your goal is a maximum time in air for the airplanes with minimal staff.
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  • #3
One example would be recording the motion of an object such as a car going at some unknown speed in a straight line.

Plot its distance from the origin at each second and then determine its speed.

We do a similar experiment in physics lab with an Atwood machine where we record a vibrating pen indicator from 1 meter high. The pen will trace out a sine curve that gets more stretched as it moves faster. We then make measurements from crest to crest and knowing the rate of oscillation of the pen we can determine the speed at each moment and from that the acceleration at each moment (which should be g).
  • #4
Apple_Mango said:
I am interested in using slope formula and linear inequalities in real life. How will I be using this in physics?
It's been about 40 years ago that I was tasked with a real world [mostly] linear optimization problem for pig feeding. The swine needed certain minimums of various nutrients which could be provided by various feed types. The feed types had prices per pound and various nutrient values per pound. The goal was to select a feed mix that minimized total cost per pig per day. Except for the one non-linear constraint, it was a perfect fit for linear programming (simplex method).

If only the Internet had been around back then, I'd have been able to find it online rather than re-inventing the wheel. https://www.jstor.org/stable/25556356?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  • #5
Apple_Mango said:
I am interested in using slope formula and linear inequalities in real life. How will I be using this in physics?
There are lots of even simpler examples than the operations research example that @fresh_42 gave. For a mass of m = 10 kg, sketch a graph of the equation F = ma for various accelerations. Here the slope of this line is the mass involved.

Another physics-related example is F = kx, where k is the spring constant for some spring, x is the displacement from the relaxed position of the spring, and F is the force to stretch the spring x units. Sketch a graph of the equation F = kx, with k = 10 (in appropriate units). If it takes a force of 20 N to stretch the spring 1 cm, how much force will it take to stretch the spring 3 cm?
  • #6
Apple_Mango said:
I am in Algebra one. I am curious to know the real world applications in some of the equations I'm learning. I asked my math teacher and he didn't know any answers.

I am interested in using slope formula and linear inequalities in real life. How will I be using this in physics? I would like someone to give me a problem to solve for myself.
I'm not sure what to tell you for linear INEQUALITIES; but use of linear equations will occur everywhere for almost everything. Fuel efficiency is one of just so many examples for slope. This is DISTANCE per VOLUME OF FUEL.
  • #8
The article above is too complex for me to understand. I'll just try reading an Algebra 1 physics book on my own once I completed Algebra one. Thanks for the response.
  • #9
Keep studying physical sciences, any applied technology or engineering, and pay attention to "applied" problem exercises in your book. You will find MANY examples for introductory level algebra. Just too many and you ask for a list; often too hard to do.

Another example: Concentration Adjustment for a Mixture or Blend. Often needs equation in ONE variable; depending on situation, maybe two variables...

FAQ: What are some real world example of these equations?

1. What are some real-world examples of the Pythagorean Theorem?

Some real-world examples of the Pythagorean Theorem include calculating the distance between two points on a map, determining the height of a building using the length of its shadow, and finding the length of a ladder needed to reach a certain height on a wall.

2. Can you give me some real-world applications of Newton's Second Law of Motion?

Newton's Second Law of Motion has many real-world applications, including calculating the force needed to accelerate a car or object, determining the weight of an object based on its mass and acceleration, and predicting the motion of objects in projectile motion.

3. How is the Ideal Gas Law used in everyday life?

The Ideal Gas Law is used in everyday life in various ways, such as calculating the volume of a gas tank, predicting changes in air pressure in weather forecasting, and determining the amount of gas needed for a hot air balloon to lift off.

4. What are some real-world examples of the Law of Conservation of Energy?

The Law of Conservation of Energy has many real-world examples, such as a pendulum swinging back and forth, a roller coaster going up and down, and a light bulb converting electrical energy into light and heat energy.

5. Can you provide some real-life situations where the Bernoulli's Principle is observed?

Bernoulli's Principle can be observed in many real-life situations, such as the lift force on an airplane wing, the flow of water through a pipe, and the flight of a frisbee or boomerang.

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