What are some recommended resources for beginners in particle physics?

In summary: It's definitely an interesting topic to explore, but it's unfortunately not well-understood by most physicists.
  • #1
Hi, I am new to the area of particle physics and I am still in high school and I was wondering if somebody could answer a few questions that I have.

1) Where is a good school in Canada to go to for particle physics
2) Can for example 8 up quarks be combined together using strong nuclear force so that they begin exchanging gluons and stay together even thoug they all have +2/3 charge or would there be some sort of radioactive problem with a massive amount of + charge.
3) if there is a complete surrounding of an up quark by a bunch of other up quarks that are linked together with gluons in every direction would the up quark just sit in the middle because it is receiving equal repulsion from all sides or does it not work like that.
4) is there any good books that anyone recommends getting and reading on particle physics at a more introductory level.

Thanks in advance. All help is appreciated.
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  • #2
Hi cam875, and welcome to PF,
cam875 said:
2) Can for example 8 up quarks be combined together using strong nuclear force so that they begin exchanging gluons and stay together even thoug they all have +2/3 charge or would there be some sort of radioactive problem with a massive amount of + charge.
So far, we have never observed such an exotic beast. Some people search for exotics, different from [itex]qqq[/itex] or [itex]q\bar{q}[/itex], but they suggest possibilities like [itex]qg\bar{q}[/itex] or [itex]qqq\bar{q}q[/itex] which is better motivated than yours from group-theoretical arguments (color, or QCD-SU(3) representations).
cam875 said:
3) if there is a complete surrounding of an up quark by a bunch of other up quarks that are linked together with gluons in every direction would the up quark just sit in the middle because it is receiving equal repulsion from all sides or does it not work like that.
That also, described as such, is too exotic for QCD as far as we can tell
cam875 said:
4) is there any good books that anyone recommends getting and reading on particle physics at a more introductory level.
Maybe you can begin with The particle adventure
  • #3
sounds good, and thanks for the good reply but I am still wondering about any schools that are good for getting a degree in particle physics or should I just get a physics degree first and than go to graduates school for particle physics sort of like a specialization.
  • #4
I only know MacGill, in Montreal, I spent 3 months there, it's a very nice place.
  • #5
cam875 said:
sounds good, and thanks for the good reply but I am still wondering about any schools that are good for getting a degree in particle physics or should I just get a physics degree first and than go to graduates school for particle physics sort of like a specialization.

Yes, particle physics is a specialization, it doesn't matter in the first few university years. The best thing is to get a good general physics and mathematics education in the first few years, which will allow you (if you haven't changed your mind by then, as you will have encountered physics domains you didn't know much about or didn't even know existed by then, and might interest you more) to integrate a good graduate school for particle physics.
In fact, you should try to find out whether you're more theoretically or experimentally inclined: there's (unfortunately in my opinion) almost a bigger distinction between experimental and theoretical particle physics, than there is, say, between experimental particle physics, and medical physics.
  • #6
i don't know I am really interested in learning about what the smallest things in the universe are and how they work and form structures and figure out if there is anything smaller than that so what would that be theoretical or experimental?

Also for the strong nuclear force to work between two up quarks do they have to be fired at each other to break through the repulsion force from electromagnetism so that they can begin exchanging gluons and therefore begin sticking together?

And is the string theory actually something worth getting into and learning or is it not classified as real science or something.
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  • #7
cam875 said:
And is the string theory actually something worth getting into and learning or is it not classified as real science or something.

Wow - the audacity! :bugeye:

Actually, I'm an experimental biologist, so don't take what I say seriously! :smile: But one of the things I found most interesting is actually condensed matter physics, which seems to give a very interesting angle on quantum field theory, and might even shed some light on "fundamental" physics.

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Zheng-Cheng Gu and Xiao-Gang Wen
  • #8
cam875 said:
And is the string theory actually something worth getting into and learning or is it not classified as real science or something.

:smile: People are divided on this one. Some people think it is the top of theoretical physics, other think that it is theorists gone bezerk, and that it isn't science anymore, as about all defining aspects of science fail when applied to what's happening in string theory. There are real people getting real salaries from real science institutions for doing it - maybe that's enough to qualify it as science. We have real string theorists here on PF. We also have real scientists here on PF who don't think much about it. I guess the real dichotomy is that string theory isn't "finished yet". So it is not working (yet?). String theorists think they are on something, and will make it work, in which case it will be one of the most brilliant achievements ever - others are of the opinion that this is taking a long time to make something work, and that nothing useful will turn up.
  • #9
vanesch said:
String theorists think they are on something, and will make it work, in which case it will be one of the most brilliant achievements ever - others are of the opinion that this is taking a long time to make something work, and that nothing useful will turn up.

Well, he's in high school now - that gives them 4 years? :smile: to solve the landscape problem.

Here's a list of books I found useful - but again - my point of view is that of an amateur - I'm not remotely a professional physicist: http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/books.html
  • #10
"1) Where is a good school in Canada to go to for particle physics?"
I suggest Toronto, McGill, or UBC for graduate work, but there are several other good Canadian unilversties for undergraduate. You can't really decide what branch of physics until upper level undergraduate work. You're not ready for the rambling discussion in this thread.
  • #11
cam875 said:
4) is there any good books that anyone recommends getting and reading on particle physics at a more introductory level.

At this level, I recommend highly the non-mathematical book Deep Down Things: The Breathtaking Beauty of Particle Physics by Bruce A. Schumm,


Read the reviews and use the Search Inside feature to look at stuff like the Table of Contents.
  • #12
cam875 said:
And is the string theory actually something worth getting into and learning or is it not classified as real science or something.
This is a wrong question for you to ask anyway in this context. Learn what is well-established (standard models of particles and cosmology) as much as you can, by that I mean concentrate on making sure you really understand everything and possibly more than what is taught to you in school. Spend only a minimum amount of spare time studying anything beyond those established models until you reach a level where you can make up your own mind on what you want to do.
  • #13
ok thanks for all the advice and help and after i get a good understanding and background on this stuff what kind of math should i become proficient in inorder to begin working with it mathematically?
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FAQ: What are some recommended resources for beginners in particle physics?

1. What is particle physics?

Particle physics is a branch of physics that studies the smallest building blocks of matter and the fundamental forces that govern their interactions. These particles include quarks, leptons, and bosons, and understanding their properties is crucial in understanding the structure and behavior of the physical world.

2. What are the main tools and techniques used in particle physics?

Particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), are the primary tools used in particle physics. These machines accelerate particles to high energies and allow scientists to study their collisions and interactions. Other techniques used in particle physics include particle detectors, such as the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the LHC, and computer simulations.

3. What are the key discoveries in particle physics?

Some of the key discoveries in particle physics include the existence of the Higgs boson, the discovery of quarks and gluons as the constituents of protons and neutrons, and the confirmation of the Standard Model of particle physics. These discoveries have greatly advanced our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature.

4. What are the current frontiers of particle physics research?

Current frontiers of particle physics research include the search for new particles and forces beyond the Standard Model, the study of neutrinos and their properties, and the exploration of dark matter and dark energy. Scientists are also working on developing new technologies and techniques to push the boundaries of particle physics research.

5. How does particle physics impact our daily lives?

Although particle physics may seem far removed from our daily lives, it has many practical applications. For example, the technology used in medical imaging, such as PET and MRI scans, is based on principles of particle physics. Particle accelerators have also been used in cancer treatment, and the study of particle interactions has led to advancements in materials science and technology. Additionally, our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature has a profound impact on our understanding of the universe and our place in it.

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