What are some strategies for building a successful spaghetti mouse trap car?

  • Thread starter koujidaisuki76
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In summary, the student is trying to make a mouse trap car out of spaghetti. They are allowed to use 1 or 2 mouse traps, one to power the car and one for a demolition device. The mouse trap objective is to survive a crash and protect an egg which is housed in a spaghetti house no larger than 10 cm by 10 cm by 10cm. No more than 5 strands of spaghetti can be glued tigther or else it would defeat the purpose of this activity. For wheels only standard size and mini size CD-R or CD+R may be used. Four wheels or 3 wheels is their choice and there's a weight limit of 500 grams and a length limit of 50 cm.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For school I have to make a mouse trap car out of spaghetti. Everything is made of Spaghetti except the wheel and axles and the power arm of the mouse trap. We are allowed to use 1 or 2 mouse traps, one to power the car and one for a demolition device. The mousetrap objective is to survive a crash.. (demolition) and a protect an egg which is housed in a spaghetti house no larger than 10 cm by 10 cm by 10cm. No more than 5 strands of spaghetti can be glued tigther or else it would defeat the purpose of this activity. For wheels only standard size and mini size CD-R or CD+R may be used. four wheels or 3 wheels is our choice and there's a weight limit of 500 grams and a length limit of 50 cm.

Homework Equations

1. Is it better to use a smaller wheel for the front of the car? I am aiming for speed; does smaller wheels in front help?

2. I was thinking of making a mouse trap car with a point in front so that it can "spear" the other car during impact. Is this a good idea?

3. Shoudl I attempt to make a demolition device with my 2nd mouse trap or should I just use 1 mousetrap to power? I heard that trying to use 2 moustraps to power the vehicle is not a good idea..

4. Where should I put the egg? I would assume towards the front becasue of weight.

The Attempt at a Solution

see pic

note: pic is of a proposed cage for the car..


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  • #2
Wow, I've heard of organic fuel but organic car?

If you are simply aiming for speed, a vacuum track would be better but that is besides the point.

No, I don't think wheels affect it that much but it might be necessary for you to use smaller wheels if the front side of you 'car' is smaller than the back for aerodynamics. If your design is simple it is not necessary in my opninion.

Can you please state the mechanism of your car power, how it works? I can imagine several possibilities but how are you exactly planning on doing it?
  • #3
Mechanism is the mouse trap and the string which is wound around the back wheel axle...

I'm planning to place the moustrap inside of the car (see pic) and put 1 wheel in front (I have to break X's infront) and two wheels with axles larger than the front ones.. that's about all...

I hope it'll survive the crash..

I decided not to make a demolition witht he 2nd mouse trap but aimf or speed.. I'm thinkkng of using speed as my tool to break the other car...
  • #4
hey i think i may be able to help you
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  • #5
can you post more pictures please? I can help you with more pictures. give me different angles.
  • #6
do you go o canyon...
  • #7
I do, I am in 1rst per trumble, we will win the destruction derby, we will win.

FAQ: What are some strategies for building a successful spaghetti mouse trap car?

What is a Spaghetti Mouse Trap Car?

A Spaghetti Mouse Trap Car is a small vehicle powered by the release of a mousetrap. It is typically constructed using a base made of spaghetti noodles, which serve as the wheels, and a mousetrap, which is used to generate the car's propulsion.

How does a Spaghetti Mouse Trap Car work?

The mousetrap is loaded with potential energy by winding the spring. When the mousetrap is released, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which propels the car forward. The spaghetti wheels provide the necessary friction to keep the car moving in a straight line.

What materials are needed to build a Spaghetti Mouse Trap Car?

The main materials needed to build a Spaghetti Mouse Trap Car are a mousetrap, spaghetti noodles, and various small pieces of wood or cardboard for the body and axles. Additional materials such as rubber bands, paper clips, and tape may also be used to improve the car's performance.

What are some tips for building a successful Spaghetti Mouse Trap Car?

Some tips for building a successful Spaghetti Mouse Trap Car include using lightweight materials, making sure the wheels are properly aligned and secured to the axles, and experimenting with different designs and adjustments to find the optimal balance between speed and distance.

What are the applications of a Spaghetti Mouse Trap Car?

A Spaghetti Mouse Trap Car is often used as a fun and educational science project for students to learn about potential and kinetic energy, as well as engineering principles. It can also be used as a competition among peers to see whose car can travel the farthest or fastest. Additionally, the concept of a mousetrap-powered vehicle has been applied in real-life situations such as in the development of small, eco-friendly cars.

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