What Are Some Unique or Lesser-Known Books on Mathematics and Physics?

  • Thread starter whyevengothere
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In summary, the conversation discusses recommendations for books in mathematics and physics that treat their subjects in unusual or original ways, covering topics rarely touched upon in standard books. The suggested books include "Visual Complex Analysis," "Feynman Lectures on Physics," "Srednicki Quantum Field Theory," "Zwiebach A First Course In String Theory," "Feynman&Hibbs QM and Path Integrals," "Zee Einstein Gravity In A Nutshell," "Feynman QED," "Zee Fearful Symmetry," "Penrose The Road To Reality," "Applied Differential Geometry and Spacetime, Geometry, Cosmology" by William L. Burke, "Basic Concepts of Physics"
  • #1
I would to know if anyone knows any books in mathematics or physics at any level :
-Which treat their subject in an unusual maybe even original ways?
-Treat topics rarely touched upon in standard ones?
-Any book that's not very known but which you regard as useful ?
-Whether this book is viewed badly or not doesn't matter.
P.S you can also specify in what's it's unusual.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In which topic (e.g. math, physics etc) and which level?
  • #3
Anything math or physics book for any audience but from which even someone who knows the subject can benefit from.
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  • #4
whyevengothere said:
I would to know if anyone knows any books in mathematics or physics at any level :
-Which treat their subject in an unusual maybe even original ways?
-Treat topics rarely touched upon in standard ones?
-Any book that's not very known but which you regard as useful ?
-Whether this book is viewed badly or not doesn't matter.

hard to say
maybe some could be, for starters:

Visual Complex Analysis

Feynman Lecture on Physics

Srednicki Quantum Field Theory

Zwiebach A First Course In String Theory

Feyman&Hibbs QM and Path Intergrals

Zee Einstein Gravity In A Nutshell
  • #5
whyevengothere said:
Anything math or physics book for any audience.

HMm wow for any audience really opens things up.
I'll quickly add a few more then (there are lots more):

Feynman QED
Zee Fearful Symmetry
Penrose The Road To Reality
  • #6
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  • #7
Flatland is a classic and I think it is certainly unusual with its mix of science fiction, mathematics and victorian mores. A short and fun read, I think its staple of any math or science enthusiast.
  • #8
Daverz said:
Two books by William L. Burke: Applied Differential Geometry and Spacetime, Geometry, Cosmology.

Chalmers William Sherwin, Basic Concepts of Physics


B. K. Ridley, Time, Space and Things


Marvin Chester, Primer of Quantum Mechanics

Rucker, Geometry, Relativity and the Fourth Dimension

Mattuck, A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body Problem
Since Sherwin's book is old ,is there a free e-copy online?
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  • #9
A few of my favorites (in no particular order):

Nye, "Natural focusing and the fine structure of light"
Lighthill, "Mathematical Biofluiddynamics"
Truesdell, "The tragicomical history of thermodynamics 1822-1854"
Nicholls and Ferguson "Bioenergetics 3"
Winfree "The geometry of biological time"
Slattery "Interfacial transport phenomena"
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  • #10
The science popularizing books by Y. Perelman, most of which have been translated to English.
  • #11
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  • #12
whyevengothere said:
Since Sherwin's book is old ,is there a free e-copy online?

I haven't seen one.

If I'm reading https://copyright.cornell.edu/resources/publicdomain.cfm right, if someone hasn't renewed the copyright, it's in the public domain. Otherwise, we have to wait another 42 years.

I was able to get a nice, cheap used copy from Amazon.
  • #15
This is one book that looks original to me: Proofs from The Book. The MAA review linked on wikipedia's page can give you some hints on what makes this book special: http://www.maa.org/publications/maa-reviews/proofs-from-the-book-0

Another book (at layman level) that gave me the impression of being out of the ordinary is "The Book of Numbers" by Conway and Guy.

As for physics, this is one I am trying to find the time to read: "Physics for the Inquiring Mind" by Eric M. Rogers. Here's a Wikipedia biography of the author, in case you'd like to Archive it.

And then there's Taylor and Wheeler's "Spacetime Physics" (and its sequel on black holes which I have not read but looks as original as well). Pretty original expositions of special (and general) relativity concepts.

EDIT: Oh, yes, l almost forgot: "Street Fighting Math" from the OCW course with the same name.
I always wear my Ninja outfit when reading this one.
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  • #16
Galitski V., Karnakov B., Kogan V. Exploring Quantum Mechanics A Collection of 700+ Solved Problems for Students, Lecturers, and Researchers-Oxford University Press (2013)
  • #17
The Geometry of Special Relativity and The Refrigerator and the Universe
  • #18
"Inside Interesting Integrals" - Nahin

FAQ: What Are Some Unique or Lesser-Known Books on Mathematics and Physics?

What makes a book "unusual" or "original"?

Books can be considered unusual or original for a variety of reasons, such as their content, style, or format. Some may have unconventional themes or perspectives, while others may be written in a unique way or presented in a non-traditional format.

What are some examples of unusual or original books?

Some examples of unusual or original books include "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski, which contains unconventional formatting and a complex nonlinear narrative, and "S." by Doug Dorst and J.J. Abrams, which is presented as a collection of handwritten notes and artifacts within a larger novel.

What impact do unusual or original books have on the literary world?

Unusual or original books can challenge traditional literary norms and push the boundaries of what is considered "acceptable" in literature. They can also inspire other writers to experiment with new styles and formats, leading to a more diverse and innovative literary landscape.

Do unusual or original books tend to be more popular or niche?

It depends on the book and its target audience. Some unusual or original books may have a dedicated fan base and become cult classics, while others may have a wider appeal and attract mainstream success.

Can unusual or original books be considered "good" literature?

The quality of literature is subjective and cannot be determined solely by its uniqueness or originality. Some unusual or original books may be highly regarded by critics and readers, while others may not resonate with everyone. Ultimately, what makes a book "good" is a matter of personal preference.

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