What Are the Best Books and Colleges for Aspiring String Theorists?

In summary, Kamvik is looking for books on string theory and is hoping to become a string theorist. He is in 12th grade and is interested in the field. He found a good place to start with "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene.
  • #1
Kamvik Dimitri
hey can somebody suggest me some good books on string theory ...i am looking forward to join this field and i have no knowledge about this theory ... and some information about some colleges which are good for quantum physics and what's the future in this field of quantum physics... by the way i am in 12 grade and want to become a string theorist ...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
Do you want pop-sci books, or do you actually want the real deal? For the latter, you'll need to study a lot of math and physics first.
  • #4
Not a book but you might start with the free article by Edward Witten,

"What every physicist should know about string theory"


From the article,

"Some of nature’s rhymes—the appearance of similar structures in different areas of physics—underlie the way that string theorypotentially unifies gravity with the other forces of nature and eliminates the ultraviolet divergences that plague quantum gravity.

String theory has, even among theoretical physicists, the reputation of being mathematically intimidating. But many of its essential elements can actually be described simply. This article aims to answer a few basic questions. How does string theory generalize standard quantum field theory? Why does string theory force us to unify general relativity with the other forces of nature, while standard quantum field theory makes it so difficult to incorporate general relativity? Why are there no ultraviolet divergences in string theory? And what happens to Albert Einstein’s conception of spacetime?..."

You may not understand it all but you will be exposed to buzz words that you will need to understand at some point.
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  • #5
thank you all for helping me out ... well i am really serious about this ... i just want to gather as much information about cosmos as i can ... again thanks a lot ..

FAQ: What Are the Best Books and Colleges for Aspiring String Theorists?

1. What are some good introductory books on string theory?

Some popular introductory books on string theory include "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene, "String Theory for Dummies" by Andrew Zimmerman Jones, and "The Little Book of String Theory" by Steven S. Gubser.

2. Are there any books on string theory that are easy to understand for non-scientists?

Yes, there are many books that explain string theory in a more accessible way for non-scientists. Some examples include "The Hidden Reality" by Brian Greene and "The Cosmic Landscape" by Leonard Susskind.

3. Can you recommend a book that covers the history and development of string theory?

"The Theory of Everything" by Stephen Hawking provides a comprehensive overview of the history and development of string theory, along with other topics in physics.

4. Are there any recent books on string theory that incorporate new developments and research?

Yes, "String Theory in a Nutshell" by Elias Kiritsis and "The Trouble with Physics" by Lee Smolin both cover recent updates and progress in string theory.

5. Are there any string theory books that include visual aids or diagrams to explain complex concepts?

"The Road to Reality" by Roger Penrose and "The Hidden Reality" by Brian Greene both use visual aids and diagrams to help readers understand difficult concepts in string theory.

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