What are the best books for intermediate classical mechanics?

In summary, the conversation discusses various textbooks for a second semester course in classical mechanics. The syllabus for the course includes the book Classical Dynamics of Particles & Systems by Marion and Thornton, which is considered a standard text for the undergraduate level. However, there is some debate over which book is appropriate for intermediate mechanics, with options including Landau and Lifschitz's Course of Theoretical Physics and Goldstein's Classical Mechanics. Some participants in the conversation recommend getting all three books, while others suggest a specific book based on their personal preference and experience. It is also mentioned that engineers may need to have a knowledge of quantum mechanics, and that the book Mechanics by Symon may be more suitable for an intermediate mechanics course. The conversation also includes
  • #1
i'm taking second semseter of classical mechanics next semester. here's a syllabus of what's going to be covered. apparently the class uses Classical Dynamics of Particles & Systems/ Marion and Thornton. I saw on this site that the book is terrible. I'm not sure which book is appropriate for intermediate mechanics. i guess its between
Landau, L.D., Lifschitz, E.M., Course of Theoretical Physics, V. I: Mechanics
Goldstein, H., Classical Mechanics

if anyone can give more feedback concerning those two textbooks that would be great. or if there's another book i should consider please let me know.
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  • #2
Marion and Thornton is one of the standard books on the topic. I also know people taking that exact same course this semester (at UW) who have no complaints about the book.
  • #3
I've never seen Marion and Thornton's book or Landau and Lifschitz's book, but I got Goldstein and it's quite good. Of course, many people have said wonders about Landau's book.
  • #4
Your link didn't work. So, I can't see your syllabus.
The answer depends on your taste and preparation. What was the text in part I?
In some schools, Goldstein and LL are "graduate texts".
Marion is definitely an undergraduate text. (One book that I didn't like was Symon's text.)

I'd say: get them all!
  • #5
Yea, you can't see the link unless you're on campus at UW or a student.
  • #6
Marion andf Thornton is one of the standard texts for Classical Mechanics at the undegraduate level. Landau's and Goldstein's books are standards for graduate level. Most of the PhD level people have suffered thru both at one time or another. A comnplete understanding will not happen in a year long course. it took me about 2 years off and on to master Marion, never sis spend the time to master Goldstein. I did learn enough to be able to work Quantum Mechanics because of it. If you don't have both on your shelf, you can't consider yourself a physicist.
  • #7
Will engineers have the study of quantum mechanics?
  • #8
What's wrong with Kleppner & Kolenkow, An Introduction to Mechanics (our lecturer calls it K^2)?

primarygun said:
Will engineers have the study of quantum mechanics?

I doubt it tbh.
  • #9
whoops, didn't realize non UW ppl can't view it. anyways, i'll get the marion & thornton book (since its required).

no, engineers don't have to study quantum mechanics (actually very little physics, 3 std sem is sufficient). I'm computer engineering major but i like physics also so i'll be taking the 2 sem. quantum mechanics course my senior year. before that though, i'll have to take the intermediate mechanics and electromagnetics courses.

i decided to not take mechanics next semester since i haven't had differential equations yet. i plan on learning diff eq this winter break (using mit's vid lectures). that should make my life easier next semester when i take diff eq, but I'm also taking calculus (real) analysis. it'll be my first intermediate math class, hopefully i'll survive it.
  • #10
I can recommend Landau. I used the book for an advanced undergraduate course on mechanics, and found that his no-nonsense way of approaching the subject is very refreshing. It's a slim booklet, but looks can be deceptive :biggrin:
  • #11
Electrical Engineers will have to have a knowledge of Quantum Mechanics, there is quite a bit of work done in photonics.
  • #12
CrusaderSean said:
i guess its between
Landau, L.D., Lifschitz, E.M., Course of Theoretical Physics, V. I: Mechanics
Goldstein, H., Classical Mechanics

Your link didn't work for me, but I will still offer the following suggestion. You said that you are taking "intermediate" mechanics (I assume undergrad). In that case, neither of those books is for you. Landau and Lifschitz is for advanced undergrad/1st year grad, and Goldstein is definitely for grad students. You want a book called Mechanics by Symon. It's what I used for undergrad Intermediate Mechanics I-II, and it's excellent.
  • #13
Nylex said:
What's wrong with Kleppner & Kolenkow, An Introduction to Mechanics (our lecturer calls it K^2)?QUOTE]

That book is at an introduction level.

For intermediate mechanics, our course used the book Analytical Mechanics by Hand & Finch.

Marion and Thornton is good for some worked examples, but tends to be overly wordy.

However, I really liked "Landau, L.D., Lifschitz, E.M., Course of Theoretical Physics, V. I: Mechanics" The book is very clear and elegant. However, it is very advanced.

Although I have never used Goldstein, I have friends who read it and would recommend it.
  • #14
Analytical Mechancs = Langrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics?
  • #15
Nylex said:
Analytical Mechancs = Langrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics?

Yep. And, depending on one's taste, Hamilton-Jacobi.

Related to What are the best books for intermediate classical mechanics?

1. What are some recommended mechanics books for beginners?

Some recommended mechanics books for beginners include "Fundamentals of Physics" by Halliday and Resnick, "Introduction to Classical Mechanics" by David Morin, and "Mechanics" by Keith R. Symon.

2. Are there any mechanics books that cover advanced topics?

Yes, there are many mechanics books that cover advanced topics such as "Classical Mechanics" by Herbert Goldstein, "Analytical Mechanics" by Fowles and Cassiday, and "Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics" by M. G. Calkin.

3. Can you recommend a mechanics book that includes practical applications?

Some mechanics books that include practical applications are "Engineering Mechanics: Statics" by Meriam and Kraige, "Mechanics of Materials" by Beer and Johnston, and "Applied Mechanics for Engineers" by J. Duncan Glover.

4. Are there any online resources for mechanics books?

Yes, there are many online resources for mechanics books such as OpenStax, Khan Academy, and MIT OpenCourseWare. These resources offer free online textbooks and lecture notes on mechanics.

5. What are some mechanics books that include practice problems and solutions?

Some mechanics books that include practice problems and solutions are "Schaum's Outline of Engineering Mechanics" by E. W. Nelson and C. L. Best, "Mechanics: Problems for Engineering Students" by D. M. McNaught and W. F. Hosford, and "Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics" by R. C. Hibbeler.

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