What Are the Best Books to Prepare for Classical Calc-Based Physics?

In summary, the student is majoring in physics and will be starting their first classical calc-based physics class next semester. They are currently finishing up their Calculus courses over the summer and are looking for a good book to prepare for the class. Some recommended books include the textbook used in the fall class and the Feynman Lectures on Physics. The student also plans on working through problems and visualizing the concepts to prepare for the class. They are unsure if taking a full year of Calculus before diving into physics would be beneficial. They are excited to start physics but also want to make sure they are properly prepared. They have found an older physics textbook at a used bookstore to practice problems from.
  • #1
I am majoring in physics at school, and I am finally starting Physics 131 (classical calc-based physics) next semester. I am just finishing up my Calculus courses this summer.

I would like to find a good book that I can read to get me started so I can have the best chances of doing well in the class when I start this fall.

Can anyone recommend some good books I can purchase or borrow from the library that covers Newtonian Mechanics, thermodynamics, and classical wave motion? I haven't had a physics course in a long time (over 5 years) and I really want to go into this class as prepared and ready as possible.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why not simply use whatever textbook you're going to use in the fall? You'll have to buy a copy eventually anyway.
  • #3
That's not a bad idea. I have been watching the MIT OCW lectures by Prof. Lewin, and as it turns out, they use the same textbook that my school uses.

I think I may do that.

Some other books might help too though, would you not agree?
  • #4
I've always been a fan of the Feynman Lectures on Physics for a good overview of everything from mechanics and E&M to relativity and quantum mechanics.
  • #5
The Feynman Lectures are better as an after thought, IMO. Just focus on doing a lot of problems. It will make things a lot easier for you. Learn to like doing problems. Think about your answers and what they mean. Ask your self questions like: Is my answer too big or too small? How would I know if it was too big or too small? Do my units match? Am I sure my units match? Why does this equation mean that? Can I draw the "story" of this equation on paper or play a "movie" of it in my head? Are there similarities between equations that try to describe similar things?

Visualize as much as possible. Once you have good problem solving skills and visualization techniques, start attempting to derive the physics you have read about on your own.
  • #6
Interesting...we took calc in parallel with our physics courses. Well, calc was a step ahead, we had calc 1 first semester freshman year, then calc 2 and physics 1 in the second semester...

I'm not sure whether I would have done better, or worse, if I had taken the calculus sequence in its entirety first. Maybe I would have mastered it better...or maybe I would have become annoyed at a lack of direct applications to physics.

I agree with the previous poster's suggestion to go ahead and obtain a copy of the book you'll be using. You might also browse a bookstore and look for physics guides. I have a ton of Schaum's outline series books and a variety of basic references on my bookshelves.
  • #7
heh, when I said "finishing up my calc courses" i meant calc I. I took calc 1 as a two semester course because I thought I would need the slower pace to keep up (since it had been before that I took high school math). Now I wish I had taken the regular calc 1 course, because the one I am in is going WAY to slow for my taste.

Anyway, that was another question I was going to ask my physics major adviser at school: is calc 1 enough of a prep for calc-based physics, or would I do better if I took a full year's worth of calculus (1 and 2) before diving into physics?

I am very excited to start physics, I have been waiting for this for a long time, but I do not want to rush into it and do poorly because I am not properly prepared. At the same time, I want to get the ball rolling!

Thanks for advice, though, I think I may go ahead and purchase the text-book we will be using. Also, I found an old Physics Textbook (Physics, fourth edition, by Arthur Beiser, published about 1984) at a used bookstore for $2.00! I think I'll work though some of the problems in there to start getting the hang of it.

I'm pretty confidant that I am right in assuming that the material I want to prepare for (Newtonian Mechanics, thermodynamics and classical wave motion) hasn't changed in the last 25 years :P

FAQ: What Are the Best Books to Prepare for Classical Calc-Based Physics?

What do I need to know before taking a physics class?

Before taking a physics class, it is recommended to have a strong foundation in mathematics, particularly algebra and trigonometry. Familiarity with basic scientific concepts such as force, motion, and energy can also be helpful.

How should I prepare for a physics class?

To prepare for a physics class, it is important to review and understand key mathematical concepts, as well as familiarize yourself with any relevant scientific principles. It can also be helpful to preview the class material and complete any assigned readings or practice problems.

What resources are available to help me prepare for a physics class?

There are many resources available to help you prepare for a physics class, such as textbooks, online tutorials, and study guides. Your school or local library may also have additional resources, and many universities offer tutoring or study groups for physics students.

How can I improve my understanding of physics concepts?

One of the best ways to improve your understanding of physics concepts is to practice solving problems. This will help you apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations and identify areas where you may need additional review. Collaborating with classmates and seeking help from your instructor or a tutor can also be beneficial.

What should I do if I am struggling in my physics class?

If you are struggling in your physics class, don't be afraid to ask for help. Attend office hours or schedule a meeting with your instructor to discuss any difficulties you may be having. You can also form study groups with classmates or seek assistance from a tutor. Remember to also prioritize your studying and make sure you are dedicating enough time and effort to mastering the material.

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