What are the Best Off-the-Shelf Micro Liquid Delivery Systems?

In summary, the new user is looking for a micro liquid delivery system and has found several options. The first option is a pump from an HPLC, the second is an electroosmotic pump, and the third is a paper from a few years ago which is now for sale.
  • #1
Hey guys, new user old reader here:blushing:

wondering if you guys could recommend me some stuff.

I am after a complete off the shelf micro liquid delivery system which can provide liquid flow in the micro scale..

any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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  • #2
miva said:
Hey guys, new user old reader here:blushing:

wondering if you guys could recommend me some stuff.

I am after a complete off the shelf micro liquid delivery system which can provide liquid flow in the micro scale..

any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Welcome, Miles. My company has had a very good long-term experience with Liquid Control Corporation:


We use them for epoxy mixing and vacuum encapsulation applications on the scale of a few grams per shot, but I know they go smaller. I don't know how far down they go in scale, but it's worth checking out their website and giving them a call.
  • #3
I can't help wondering whether or not ink-jet printer technology could be adapted to this purpose.
  • #4
There's a company that several of my friends work for that makes something like that:

Or are you just looking for something like a pipetter? I use one that's good down to 1 uL, but I think you might be able to find better:

EDIT: If the former, the entire field is called microfluidics; the most commercialized of which is, as Danger inferred, inkjet printing. Also, this article might be of interest to you (depending on your application):
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  • #5
thank you very much for the replies guys!

this system will be implemented towards drug delivery and lab on a chip type applications!
  • #6
There was also a fellow featured in SciAm a few years back who had adapted a Braille printer to act as a microfluidic valve system. I can't remember the specifics, but it might be worth investigating.
  • #7
danger, yes you are correct inkjet printers work on a similar scale but it seems that not many people have used these systems for other applications..
  • #8
miva said:
thank you very much for the replies guys!

this system will be implemented towards drug delivery and lab on a chip type applications!
At first I was thinking maybe a pump from an HPLC but I found this instead.

With rapid development in microflow analysis, electroosmotic pumps are receiving increasing attention. Compared to other micropumps, electroosmotic pumps have several unique features. For example, they are bi-directional, can generate constant and pulse-free flows with flow rates well suited to microanalytical systems, and can be readily integrated with lab-on-chip devices. The magnitude and the direction of flow of an electroosmotic pump can be changed instantly. In addition, electroosmotic pumps have no moving parts. In this article, we discuss common features, introduce fabrication technologies and highlight applications of electroosmotic pumps.
The article is for purchase however.
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  • #9
thank you very much dlgoff! That paper is very interesting and will add to my literature review thank you.

FAQ: What are the Best Off-the-Shelf Micro Liquid Delivery Systems?

1) What is a micro liquid delivery system?

A micro liquid delivery system is a device that is used to precisely and accurately deliver small amounts of liquid, usually in the microliter range. It is commonly used in scientific research and medical applications.

2) How does a micro liquid delivery system work?

A micro liquid delivery system typically consists of a syringe or pump mechanism that is connected to a microfluidic chip or channel. The liquid is drawn into the system and then dispensed through a small opening called a nozzle, which controls the flow and volume of the liquid.

3) What are the benefits of using a micro liquid delivery system?

Some of the main benefits of a micro liquid delivery system include precise and accurate delivery of small amounts of liquid, reduced waste and contamination, and the ability to automate and control the delivery process. This can save time and increase efficiency in experiments and procedures.

4) What are the applications of a micro liquid delivery system?

A micro liquid delivery system has a wide range of applications in various fields such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemical and biological analysis, and microfluidic research. It is commonly used in drug discovery, DNA sequencing, and cell culture experiments.

5) How do I choose the right micro liquid delivery system for my needs?

When choosing a micro liquid delivery system, it is important to consider factors such as the volume range, flow rate, accuracy and precision, and compatibility with the liquid being delivered. It is also helpful to consult with experts or read reviews to determine the best system for your specific needs.

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